The Liberty Leprechaun

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The Liberty Leprechaun



Democide, Governments, collectivism at work. youtube deleted this video, because it somehow violated their terms of service.

A brief overview of Hayak's, The Road To Serfdom.

The Genie in the bottle, the reason behind the call for war with Syria and deposing Assad. Chaos in Syria, prevents the Russian backed gas pipeline from being built, American Oil and Energy company Genie oil, has rights to develop oil and gas in the Golan...

Fractional Reserve Banking, is the primary cause, along with compounded interest loans, of the devaluation of the Dollar and inflation.

The roots of Fscism, American Progressives.

Pt 2, connections between Marxism, National socialism

The roots of national socialism, connections to socialism, the beginings of Antifa, the struggle within socialism between National socialism and marxism.

The Constitution is the foundation of the American experiment in freedom. The Bill of Rights is the cornerstone of our Liberty. Too few even Know what is contained in those ten amendments.

The hidden connections between Marxism, National socialism, the American progressives, and Antifa


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

9 videos

Category None

The Liberty Leprechaun is a rabble rousing provocateur of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
A Lover of the Constitution, and a patriotic supporter of our Constitutional Republic, The United States of America.
Preacher of egalitarianism, Champion of Trans-Leprechaun rights! TransLeprechaun lives matter! Height is no barrier!