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Excerpt from the book - The Legends of The Jews - composed in 1909 as an original synthesis of a vast amount of aggadah from all of classical rabbinic literature, as well as apocryphal, pseudopigraphical & even early Christian literature.

A book that claims to be written by Jasher, son of Caleb, one of Moses' lieutenants, who later judged Isreal at Shiloh. The book covers biblical history from the creation down to Jasher's own day. (In 1934 The Book of Jasher 1829 Edition was republished by The Rosicrucians in San Diego, California)

The fall of man by the serpent or the transition of the first man & woman from - a state of innocent obedience to God - to a state of guilty disobedience.

Creation is one of two possible explanations for our existence. Everything we see was either created or it evolved by a random process. Shockingly the evidence against Evolution, seems to be very good evidence for Creationism.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

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