The Kobold Bard

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The Kobold Bard

The Kobold Bard


For when "NO U" gets too old.

Found on . It's gone now, and I'm sad.

The cover image is from Texts from Castlevania too.

Kevin has some advice for you.

I love this song more than any other in the album, and the whole is really good.

Uploaded without permission; this is solely free advertising, as a method of teasing in new audiences. Please support the official release here: and wherever else you might find it.

Another forum weapon. Source:

Just another forum weapon.

Cover image credit to Scott Ramsoomair of VG Cats

Modern problems require modern Country music. Cover picture mildly related.

If you know who made this, and where I can find the original, please let me know.

Just a forum weapon.

Stolen from by way of Cover image found on some tumblr site; look for "lute axe" and you should find it.

So I somehow forgot my mic sound. Poop.

Anyway, enjoy my 2 Afflicted heroes and my ~~Zelda~~ Link in Darkest Dungeon mod that I installed.

Art from the page for the Hero Mod, found here

How the turn tables...



Just a silly reaction video. This wasn't up on YouTube, so I thought I'd crop and post it.


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

12 videos

Category Entertainment

Just some stuff by a D&D nerd. Let's get the Fireballs going!

My published RPG stuff: