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Silly movie

Mockumentary...weve all seen it...

What wed all like to see done...

Vid was removed, previously...reuploaded

The well poisoners of old

I think you get it...

Some live music from an old country store in the Blue Ridge mountains of Va

Bluegrass music from Floyd County, VAs Floydfest site, nestled in the mountains of VA

Music for we old people

Old Southern tunes

Where wolves?


Just a song about IQ and those lacking in such
Another song which was shoah'd from ewwtube some time ago


Just a good tune...

Just some good ole' southern music

Theres nothing new under the sun...

Unlikely upload?

Another song making fun of global warming

Some old school UK pop...

Look into what you're drinking...make your own.

Maybe Nancy Reagan was onto something with her 'Just Say No' campaign...

Yes, we all know its a big hoax...enjoy


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

38 videos

Category None

May have some content one of these days...