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Beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all ye know on Earth and all ye need to know....

"If you want a haircut, get vaccinated."
Pah. I will not cut my hair in accordance with your socialist principals.
Pop up black market barbershops are all the rage now anyways.

A shout out and a plea to our health providers - osteos, chiros, naturopaths, massage therapists et al - don't take the jab for me...

Karen Morgan, acting as principal of Taita College, emotionally blackmailing her students into taking experimental mRNA shots.
Morgan emailed this video message to each student when announcing their centre of education would be turned into a “vaccination hub” where “every student in the school can get vaccinated” by the team at the local pharmaceutical franchise Upper Hutt Unichem pharmacy.
“So you are less likely to transmit that to your pops, or your nan or your koro or your aunty or to your uncles or to anyone in your whanau or families or anyone n your community. And that’s huge,” she guilt tripped her pupils.
“We want you to get vaccinated, we want you to stay safe, we want you to stop transmission and actually we want you to save a life,” Morgan encouraged the children under her care.
Each student who signs up to be part of the medical experiment wins an extra ten points for their house.
“This is psychological manipulation and abuse of our children. It puts them in a situation where they could be bullied or hassled by other students to get more points for the team,” Concerned Parents Law Counsel spokesman Gene Sadler.
“It is coercion plain and simple. It is disgusting and disgraceful. And it has to be stopped.
“Those responsible will be held fully accountable for their actions,” Sadler said.
This is clearly not in the best interests of our children. The risk-benefit analysis does not stack up for the health of those under our care.
The UK’s Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation refused to give the green light to vaccinating healthy children aged 12 to 15, saying children were at such a low risk from the virus that jabs would offer only a marginal benefit.
The vaccine advisory body’s decision to not recommend jabbing children was based on concern over a side effect of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots that causes heart inflammation.
A child under the age of 18 has a greater chance of dying from a sharp object than he or she does from COVID-19, so how can injecting them with novel medical technology of questionable safety possibly be of any benefit to them? asks the CPCL.
Luckily most Taita College students are far more aware than their so-called educators realise, and less than 50 of the more than 400 students enrolled lined up to take the shot.
One student spoken to outside the college on Thursday said her her principal's coercion tactics in offering house points was obvious manipulation and she expressed concern the younger kids would face peer pressure to get the Pfizer shot.

Press release by the Concerned Parents Law Counsel
Bribing 12-year-old children with house points to coerce them into being injected with an experimental medical technology with questionable safety is morally repugnant, says the Concerned Parents Law Counsel (CPCL).
Taita College principal Karen Morgan gleefully announced on Friday they will be jabbing kids with experimental mRNA shots in association with the local pharmaceutical franchise at her school on Thursday September 23.
Morgan emailed a video message to each student announcing their centre of education would be turned into a “vaccination hub” where “every student in the school can get vaccinated” by the team at Upper Hutt Unichem pharmacy.
“So you are less likely to transmit that to your pops, or your nan or your koro or your aunty or to your uncles or to anyone in your whanau or families or anyone n your community. And that’s huge,” she guilt tripped her pupils.
“We want you to get vaccinated, we want you to stay safe, we want you to stop transmission and actually we want you to save a life,” Morgan encouraged the children under her care.
Each student who signs up to be part of the medical experiment wins an extra ten points for their house.
“This is psychological manipulation and abuse of our children. It puts them in a situation where they could be bullied or hassled by other students to get more points for the team,” says CPCL spokesman Gene Sadler.
“It is coercion plain and simple. It is disgusting and disgraceful. And it has to be stopped.
“Those responsible will be held fully accountable for their actions,” Sadler said.
This is clearly not in the best interests of our children. The risk-benefit analysis does not stack up for the health of those under our care.
The UK’s Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation refused to give the green light to vaccinating healthy children aged 12 to 15, saying children were at such a low risk from the virus that jabs would offer only a marginal benefit.
The vaccine advisory body’s decision to not recommend jabbing children was based on concern over a side effect of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots that causes heart inflammation.
A child under the age of 18 has a greater chance of dying from a sharp object than he or she does from COVID-19, so how can injecting them with novel medical technology of questionable safety possibly be of any benefit to them? asks the CPCL.
NZ Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS) says it has now received reports of four deaths of within two weeks occurring in New Zealand teenagers after Comirnaty injections.
“Since covid-19 is of almost no risk to this group, this information demands scrutiny,” says the group, whose declaration n to remind authorities of the Nuremberg Code has garnered over 32,000 signatures.
“All four deaths raise urgent questions about the safety of the Comirnaty product and its widespread promotion to children and young adults in this country,” NZDSOS said.
“We need to remember that the risk of death from covid-19 in teenagers is almost zero, as is their overall risk of death in this country. The evidence relating to young people dying within a fortnight of a vaccine must not be hastily swept under the carpet.
“This cluster of deaths should make us all take a sober look at the real risks of this experimental injection and dig deeper into the details of these deaths, as our young generation depends on us to protect them from real risks, not scare them with imagined ones so the rest of us believe we are a little safer,” NZDSOS said.
Taita College father Daniel Reurich said he found it “exceedingly disturbing” that his daughter’s school is being used as avenue to deliver an experimental serum, and actively promoting it as beneficial with the government provided propaganda that provides no balanced indication of the serious risks and complications resulting from the administration of this serum.
“The "covid19" shot is not a vaccine by either legal or technical definition, and there is significant evidence of serious complications including death from this vaccine. I hope you will encourage parents to do their own research and also make sure that no student that is unsure gets coerced into getting the jab.”
Reurich said it is clear from the data out of Israel that this shot is does not create immunity. He also points to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in the United States, which has received more reports of injury and death post injection with the covid-19 jabs than for all other vaccines over the last 31 years combined.
Reurich questioned whether Morgan and the school board knew they would be both personally and professionally responsible, and therefore liable, for any adverse reaction or death caused by any student that is vaccinated at Taita College.
“I urge you stop this event. I'm not just doing this for my daughter’s benefit, but also for the school’s benefit to save you from terrible outcomes and potentially costly

A concerned father in New Zealand puts the board of trustees on notice and serves them lawful notices of liability ahead of their decision whether OR NOT they allow the state to use his children's school as a place where the unethical COVID-19 mRNA injection programme takes place.
In the latest Ministry of Education Bulletin for School Leaders education secretary Iona Holsted clearly stated “that in terms of making school premises places for vaccination to occur, that is a matter for the board.”
Also Medsafe last month granted approval for the use of experimental COVID shots on 12 to 15-year-olds.
So due to the fact the decision whether OR NOT COVID mRNA injections occur at Mahurangi College rest with you, I am putting two questions to the board to answer within 72 hours.
This is the biggest decision you will EVER be called upon to make as members of the board of trustees. Do not pass the buck. Find the courage within yourselves to do what it right.
1 – Are you going to allow the state to use our school, Mahurangi College, as a place where the unethical COVID-19 mRNA injection programme takes place?
2 – Do you, Tony Giles acting as principal for Mahurangi College, and Dean Iverson, acting as chair of the Board of Trustees of Mahurangi College, and each individual board member Jason Neely, Ihirangi Heke, Rachel O'Malley, Peter Meafou, Nyree Norrington and Rachel McGuire, take personal, financial, and karmic liability for any and all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harm caused to any pupil as a result of them being injected with COVID mRNA shots on these school grounds?
I ask each and every one you individually - who do you think is the authority here? Who has authority over our children? A true authority is one who takes full responsibility – that is total personal, karmic and financial liability for any outcome. I claim to be the true authority over my children as I take total and full responsibility for them. Do you?
And so I am hereby publicly and on the record declaring to you, the principal and each member of the board of trustees who act in loco parentis during school hours, that it is my expressed will that my children are not to be interviewed or questioned about COVID in any way shape or form by any health worker or state official or school employee; that they are not to be tested for COVID in any way, shape or form; that they are to NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTACES, EVEN THE THREAT OF PENALTY OR DEATH, BE INJECTED WITH ANY COVID mRNA SHOT.
My position is not up for debate. I am not vaccine hesitant, or whatever propaganda term the state uses. I am vehemently opposed and I do not consent to these COVID mRNA shots for me or my children. My reasons are my own and any country that does not have medical freedom is a nation living under tyranny.
But I will give you some COVID facts - as I know some, if not all, of you will be unaware of them as we are being systematically lied to by our government and their mainstream media mouthpieces.
I urge you in the strongest terms possible to read the document I have given you and verify the information for yourselves. Do not trust me – look into it for yourselves – it is far too important for you not to do this.
FACT ONE – THIS IS NOT A VACCINE – it is novel messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA technology.
FACT TWO – THE SHOTS ARE EXPERIMENTAL. The trial for Pfizer’s shot does not end until May 2023.
FACT THREE – The drug manufacturers are except from all liability.
FACT FOUR –Official figures from around the world reveal that tens of thousands of people have died from the shots and millions more injured, half of them seriously.
And here the courageous group New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science said by July 22 “at least 40 human beings have died already” and they know of another 80 “possible and probables”.
That is 120 Kiwis who could have died as a result of having had the COVID shot BEFORE the mass rollout even begins. Remember our supposed death toll from COVID itself is 26. I’ll let you do the math.
FACT SIX –THE EXPERIMENTAL SHOTS DO not stop the victim from getting the virus or passing it on, so you have to ask yourself what is the real agenda here?
In light of all this – I am serving you all individually and in your private capacity, from me to you, a lawful notice of liability.
The first paper I am serving you with is a PUBLIC SERVANT QUESTIONAIRE – which you are required to fill out under the NZ Bill of Rights Act 1990.
As the decision to allow mRNA injections occur on these grounds rests with you, you are also required to sign the notice of liability acknowledging full responsibility for that decision.
Please read the attached fee schedule – in the unlikely event my children are injected and subsequently harmed on these grounds, it will cost you each personally $10 million. There are more related and relevant charges. Please take t


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

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