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The TSA continues to make it unclear that you ARE able to opt out of using facial recognition technology

More about your freedom to opt out from the TSA's own website:

Delve into the fascinating connections between fiction and reality as we explore the tantalizing links between ancient myths, modern documentaries, and the hidden truths lurking beneath the waves.

Mermaids and Mythology: Uncover the Aquatic Ape Theory and the intriguing history of mermaids, from ancient folklore to recent documentaries like Animal Planet's exploration of these mythical creatures. Witness the compelling evidence and stunning visuals that blur the lines between imagination and reality.

CIA Cover-Up: Navigate through a web of conspiracy theories and CIA involvement as we unravel the intricate plotlines of a mocumentary that may not be purely fictional. Explore the unsettling parallels between whale beachings, navy sonar lawsuits, and the use of infrasound weapons, raising questions about hidden agendas and covert operations lurking beneath the surface.

Communication and Consciousness: Journey into the realms of interspecies communication, from the vibrations of dolphin sonar to the mysteries of whale behaviors explored by experts like Drunvalo Melchizedek and Dr. Paul Spong. Discover the profound connections between humans, dolphins, and whales, shedding light on the depths of oceanic intelligence and consciousness.

Oceanic Intrigue: Uncover the shadowy world of underwater listening devices, Project Taramar, and the enigmatic presence of figures like Ghislaine Maxwell. Dive deep into the mysteries surrounding oceanic secrets and the murky waters where truth and deception intertwine, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and untold tales.

Embark on a odyssey through the realms of mermaids, whales, and hidden truths that lie beneath the ocean's surface. Prepare to be captivated, intrigued, and challenged as you journey into the depths of the unknown, where every wave holds a secret and every creature whispers a tale waiting to be uncovered.

Watch Full series Free here:

"There's some mechanism of action that needs to be investigated...About a week before the event, I got an email saying, you've been canceled and your registration is refunded. And the note said, we only allow people who are in alignment with our goals at this event...Do you even know what my goals are? Because my goal is to try to understand this and help injured Americans. If you guys are not in alignment with that, then it seems a little bit at odds with science, right?"

Bush: "The most effective way for Americans to help the people of Haiti, is to send money. That money will go to organizations on that ground who will be able to effectively spend it."

"I know a lot of people wanna send blankets or water, just send your cash. One of the things the President and I will do, is make sure your money is spent wisely."

and then, they stole it.
Crooks. All of [Them]

How do you feel about hearing this in today's time, especially given what you know about Haiti's missing children, missing money, the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton's VERY close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell?


Created 6 months, 2 weeks ago.

764 videos

Category News & Politics

Welcome to my channel! I’ve been awake for many years but this “pandemic” was the final straw. I believe that it’s our obligation to do our part in the world. I had to make a decision to either post a video once a day focusing on one topic or to scour through multiple platforms bringing everything to one spot on many diverse subjects searching for the truth. So I chose to focus on multiple topics that all correlate to one another. Hopefully adding more pieces to the puzzle. With the help from you (this community) we can help each other find sources and information that might be missing. There’s only so much time in one day for one person. I don’t always believe in everything I post but the decision isn’t for me to decide what you believe. One day when we win this battle between good and evil. I hope to retire this channel and live in peace.

Please support my other channel:$/invite/@TheSearch4Truth:8

Email: [email protected]