The UK of Love

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The UK of Love



Here I test Faraday fabric to see if I'd be able to isolate with it potential unknown Bluetooth device signals emitting from the bodies of the vaccinated. This could be of great help when doing tests inside the city where there are a lot of signals around and we can find it a bit difficult to identify which signals come from where (which MAC address belongs to a certain device or to a certain body).
As you can see it's actually quite easy to do this. Now, we need to find enough volunteers to try it out.

I've tried two different Faraday fabrics and both worked. This one was the cheapest thing on Amazon and was really glad it worked for my purpose. It was £7 when I bought it, but prices can vary. Here's the link, but I believe that most if not all of this kind of Farady fabrics will do the job as far it concerns the Bluetooth signals:

For more information:

Telegram group:

Facebook group:
Bluetooth Freedom Project

Manu / Momchil Pavlov
[email protected]
FB: ManuSriNithyaUttarananda


Тук тествам Фарадеeв плат, за да видя дали ще мога да изолирам с него потенциални неизвестни сигнали от Bluetooth устройства, излъчвани от телата на ваксинираните. Това би могло да бъде от голяма полза при провеждане на тестове в града, където има много сигнали и може да ни е малко трудно да определим кои сигнали откъде идват (кой MAC адрес принадлежи на определено устройство или на определено тяло).
Както виждате, всъщност е доста лесно да се направи това. Сега трябва да намерим достатъчно доброволци, с които да го изпробваме.

Изпробвах два различни плата като и двата работиха. Този беше най-евтиния в Амазон и наистина се радвам, че работи за моята цел. Беше 7 паунда, когато го купих, но цените могат да варират. Ето връзката, но вярвам, че повечето, ако не и всички от тези Фарадиеви платове, ще свършат работа за тези Bluetooth сигнали:

In this video I do a comparative study on the
illegal Bluetooth devices between 2 groups:


The results are pretty indicative. Most important of all, now you can do the same as well and help for the truth to come out!


Telegram group:

Manu / Momchil Pavlov
[email protected]

On the 13/9/2022 a press conference was held at the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency regarding Prosecutor's File No. 10729/2022.
Link to the details about it:
The prosecutor found that the officials responsible for the introduction of the measures against the covid violated a number of laws. They were found to:
# have deliberately created confusion and fear in the population in order to impose illegal administrative restrictions and force people to vaccinate;
# knowingly subjected citizens to medical experiments without the knowledge or consent of the participants;
# have restricted the ability of citizens to move about without just cause;
# knowingly entered into unfavorable transactions for the purchase of materials related to the covid plandemic;

I was invited as a guest to present my research and evidence on the subject of the illegal Bluetooth devices.

This material and evidence will be attached as an addendum to the documentation already on the file.

Viewership rankings of individual participants later showed that the audience had the highest interest in the Bluetooth devices. I'm convinced the reason is because it's something everyone can check out for themselves. That’s why I invite anyone who wants to present material on the illegal plandemic and pseudo-vaccines to use this topic.



Telegram group:

Momchil Pavlov / Manu
[email protected]

English + Български
What are the most numerous Bluetooth devices out there in the telecommunication space? You'd be surprised, but almost NOBODY KNOWS! That's because they are hidden from the default Bluetooth scanning app of the mobile phones. But even if you discover them with another app you'll still won't be able to find out anything about them as there's no information whatsoever about their name, type, service and vendor. Even when you check on internet databases (similar to those of the vehicles, but for MAC addresses of Bluetooth devices) there's still no info about them. Most surprisingly of all - they are more than all the rest TAKEN TOGETHER! So, what's this mystery all about?
This video will give you the hint and in the other videos on this channel you'll find the proof for it.

All about these Bluetooth devices - how to find them, what they do, what are the consequences, legal and health solutions:

Telegram group:

FB group international:

Manu / Momchil Pavlov
FB: Manu Sri Nithya Uttarananda
e-mail: [email protected]


Кои са най-многобройните Bluetooth устройства в областта на телекомуникациите? Ще се изненадате, но почти никой не знае! Това е така, защото те са скрити от стандартното приложение за сканиране на Bluetooth на мобилните телефони. Но дори и да ги откриете с друго приложение, пак няма да можете да разберете нищо за тях, тъй като няма никаква информация за името, типа, услугата и доставчика им. Дори когато проверите в интернет базите данни (подобни на тези на автомобилите, но за MAC адресите на Bluetooth устройствата), пак няма никаква информация за тях. Най-изненадващото от всичко - те са повече от всички останали, взети заедно! И така, на какво се дължи тази мистерия?

Този видеоклип ще ви подскаже, а в другите видеоклипове в този канал ще намерите доказателство за това.

Всичко за тези Bluetooth устройства - как да ги откриете, какво правят, какви са последствията, правни и здравни решения:

Група за България в Telegram:

Българска група във ФБ:

В тази презентация, поднесена на 18/8/22 на събора на Бялото Братство на Рила, представям информацията, която е натрупана чрез проекта Bluetooth Свобода (Bluetooth Freedom) за:
- Доказателствата за нелегалното чипиране на хората с Bluetooth технология
- Как всеки човек може сам да установи това с телефон в рамките на минути
- Какви са последствията
- Предприетите легални действия
- Кои са положителните страни на този процес
В презентацията споменавам причините, поради които се реших да поднеса тази информация в този момент на това място, което традиционно се използва не за други цели, а за споделяне на опитности, знания и преживявания свързани с учението на Учителя Беинса Дуно.

Изказвам своята благодарност към групата на Бялото Братство от Южен Парк, София, за помощта, която ми оказа, за да имам възможност да осъществя тази презентация, както и на всички участници.

Сайт на проекта:

Вижте и другите видео-материали от моя канал:

e-mail: [email protected]
FB: Manu Sri Nithya Uttarananda


Here you can see me present the information about the illegal Bluetooth devices to the air hostess of an airline. Now you can do the same with any airline and airport authorities. No need to get into conversation like me - just hand the ready for download documents from and that's it! When they get overwhelmed with people giving them this info the tipping point will be reached for a change. You can also start a court case in your country with this documentation, so go ahead!

Download the documents from:

Watch my other videos on the topic:
Bulgarian Police: Yes, there are Bluetooth chips in the vaccinated

Hypersonic Truth Approaching: How to present the information on the vaccines - Part 1 How it started

How to find the Bluetooth chip in vaccinated people

An international group for discussing and sharing knowledge about illegal Bluetooth chips:

Manu / Momchil Pavlov
e-mail: [email protected]
FB: Manu Sri Nithya Uttarananda

Първото изследване направено за установяване на Bluetooth емисии излъчвани от телата на хора. Изследването е проведено през 2021 г. във Франция. Можете да откриете превода на изследването в Молбата до МВР за образуване на следствено дело:

Проектът има за цел информирането на хората по света за нелегалното инсталиране на Bluetooth операционна система в телата на ваксинираните и тестваните с PCR тестове

Сега всеки ваксиниран човек с Bluetooth сигнал може да подаде иск за финансова компенсация за това, че е бил изложен на експеримент без негово знание и съгласие!!!
Писмо с искане за финансова компенсация за незаконно инсталиране на телекомуникационна операционна система Bluetooth в телата на ваксинираните без тяхното знание и съгласие:
Как да предявите иск за финансова компенсация за незаконно инсталиране на телекомуникационна операционна система Bluetooth в телата на ваксинираните (pdf):
Писмо до всяка организация, с което я информирате за наличието на незаконна Bluetooth мрежа в нейните помещения
ВИДЕО: Българската полиция: Да, в телата на ваксинираните има Bluetooth чипове
Тук можете да намерите пълно ръководство за всички аспекти на Bluetooth чипирането на населението (на английски):
В него ще намерите следната информация, която не можете да видите никъде другаде в интернет на едно място:
- Как да представите информацията за Bluetooth чипирането на други хора, включително на властите
- Какво представлява технологията
- Кой я е създал и каква е идеята
- Как е била приложена
- Индивидуални и социални последици
- Как да идентифицирате номера на Bluetooth чипа (MAC адреса) на носителя по три различни начина
- Психологически и духовни аспекти на процеса
- Какво можем да направим по въпроса
- Лечебни решения
- Много визуални материали за ясно разбиране
Как да открием Bluetooth чипа във ваксинираните хора
Telegram – international group:
Telegram – Bulgarian group:
Facebook – international group:
Facebook – Bulgarian group:
Manu / Momchil Pavlov
e-mail: [email protected]
FB: Manu Sri Nithya Uttarananda

Уникален документален филм посветен на научното доказателство за наличието на Bluetooth сигнали при ваксинирани, тествани с PCR тестове и заразени чрез контакт с ваксинирани.

Проектът има за цел информирането на хората по света за нелегалното инсталиране на Bluetooth операционна система в телата на ваксинираните и тестваните с PCR тестове

Сега всеки ваксиниран човек с Bluetooth сигнал може да подаде иск за финансова компенсация за това, че е бил изложен на експеримент без негово знание и съгласие!!!
Писмо с искане за финансова компенсация за незаконно инсталиране на телекомуникационна операционна система Bluetooth в телата на ваксинираните без тяхното знание и съгласие:
Как да предявите иск за финансова компенсация за незаконно инсталиране на телекомуникационна операционна система Bluetooth в телата на ваксинираните (pdf):
Писмо до всяка организация, с което я информирате за наличието на незаконна Bluetooth мрежа в нейните помещения
ВИДЕО: Българската полиция: Да, в телата на ваксинираните има Bluetooth чипове
Тук можете да намерите пълно ръководство за всички аспекти на Bluetooth чипирането на населението (на английски):
В него ще намерите следната информация, която не можете да видите никъде другаде в интернет на едно място:
- Как да представите информацията за Bluetooth чипирането на други хора, включително на властите
- Какво представлява технологията
- Кой я е създал и каква е идеята
- Как е била приложена
- Индивидуални и социални последици
- Как да идентифицирате номера на Bluetooth чипа (MAC адреса) на носителя по три различни начина
- Психологически и духовни аспекти на процеса
- Какво можем да направим по въпроса
- Лечебни решения
- Много визуални материали за ясно разбиране
Как да открием Bluetooth чипа във ваксинираните хора
Telegram – international group:
Telegram – Bulgarian group:
Facebook – international group:
Facebook – Bulgarian group:
Manu / Momchil Pavlov
e-mail: [email protected]
FB: Manu Sri Nithya Uttarananda

Great intervie with a great freedom fighter FireMedic8 ( Thank you Eric so much for the invitation.
In this interview we discuss our methods of exploring one and the same subject - the illegal chipping of the vaccinated. Eric is a professional from whom I understood first hand about the power of the Bluetooth mesh, the independant Bluetooth netwrok. In the interview I'm also explaining the basics of my method of approaching people about the subject of the illegal chipping, which is completely different from anything else at the moment and has a very high efficiency.

Here is a complete guide to all aspects of the Bluetooth chipping of the population:
In it you'll find the following information that you cannot see anywhere else on internet in one place:
- How to present the information about the Bluetooth chipping to others, including to the authorities
- What is the technology
- Who created it and what’s the idea
- How was it implemented
- Individual and social consequences
- How to identify the Bluetooth chip number (MAC address) of the carrier in three different ways
- Psychological and spiritual aspects to the process
- What can we do about it
- Healing solutions
- Lots of visuals for clear understanding

Watch my other videos on the topic:
Bulgarian Police: Yes, there are Bluetooth chips in the vaccinated

Hypersonic Truth Approaching: How to present the information on the vaccines - Part 1 How it started

How to find the Bluetooth chip in vaccinated people

An international group for discussing and sharing knowledge about illegal Bluetooth chips:

Manu / Momchil Pavlov
e-mail: [email protected]
FB: Manu Sri Nithya Uttarananda

How to present the information on the real agenda of the vaccines in an invincible way.
Do you want to raise your efficiency to the top level when it comes to:
- Defending your rights as a citizen
- Defending your family
- Defending your rights as employee or business owner
- Liberating your commnity and country from the cluthes of the New World Order

If you've ever tried to present information on the dangers of the vaccines to people who believe in them then you'll know how desparate this attempt is. Yet, there's a game changing method through which we all can do this now. I'll try to present all the aspects of this method in a series of videos with explanations and real life demonstrations.

For those who want to get the information in the fastest and most complete way, just go to: and download the Bluetooth Freedom Project book:

Thank you!

Let's do this in every police station out there!
Visit to learn more about the Bluetooth Freedom Project.

In this video you see me doing live demo at a Bulgarian police station in Sofia. I didn't plan to file a complaint, but just dropped by to do them a demo and it developped further. The second time I went with full documentation, detailed letter, protocol for detecting the illegal Bluetooth devices and identifying them with the vaccinated and whole lot of attachements with scientific research and explanations. After I presented the documentation it took the investigation officer just about 3 working days to send the documentation to the prosecutor with which the police in practice admitted that there is a crime. I went one more time to give an improved version of the protocol for detecting the Bluetooth devices and this time I sat for a bit to have a small chat with the police officers in the room. They were 3 and we had a chat about the case. None of them questioned the documentation or commented that it might be actually something else. On the countrary, we were discussing the issue for a bit and some potential implications. One of the officers gave me advice to give the documentation also to the State Agency for National Security, which I did the other morning.

With this act the Bulgarian police became the first institution in the world to accept a documentation on this matter and send it to the prosecution with which they practically admitted that they consider that there is a crime.

We will go on with the prosecution level, but still we have a great success at this stage, which shows how effective this system of presenting the information about the Covid mRNA vaccines is and how well prepared the documentation is.

Thank you all for your support!

My dad understands in depth what I'm thinking and what is in my heart. Often he just starts speaking about things that concern me or just straight away gives me messages. In the last 2 months while he was bedridden he unlocked amazing clairvoyance abilities and is even channeling for higher spiritual guides.
The morning I recorded this message he just started the day with these words. The previous evening I wrote one of the last paragraphs of my book "Bluetooth Freedom Project, Rabbits or Humans", which presents a completely new, breakthrough system of presenting the information on the Covid mRNA vaccines.
In a previous message he said that the path wasn't going to be easy, not at all, but we will make it. In this message he caught exactly how I feel about this project and gave me his confirmation and blessing for it. Let this message be as inspiring for you as it is for myself!
We can do this together!
Let's spread the truth about the Covid mRNA vaccines in the most effective way ever. That's what The Bluetooth Freedom Project is all about.

Visit the Bluetooth Freedom Project at:

Watch me filing a claim at a Bulgarin police station for illegal Bluetooth devices which was given just in three days to the prosecution by the investigation officer:

With this act the Bulgarian police became the first institution in the world to accept a documentation on this matter and send it to the prosecution with which they practically admitted that they consider that there is a crime.

We will go on with the prosecution level, but still we have a great success at this stage, which shows how effective this system of presenting the information about the Covid mRNA vaccines is and how well prepared the documentation is.

Now I've elaborated a much more detailed document in English, the Bluetooth Freedom Project book, and everyone can download it from the website: .

If you're among the first 108 users you can use promocode 'Truth' and you will get the book for just £1 instead of £5.55 .

This document treats the different aspects of the Bluetooth chipping and offers complete solutions for the challenges that arise with this event. It contains:

Unique method of presenting the information on the mRNA vaccines with extreme efficiency by using the Bluetooth chips
Detailed explanations of the advantages of this method and comparison with the standard one
Loads of graphs and visuals for visualising in a clear way all the different aspects of the problem with the Bluetooth chipping
A unique attempt to look at the problem of the illegal Bluetooth chipping of the populations with an alternative perspective that can empower each of us, instead of disempowering the people
A plan for coordinated action
A completely unique perspective on the aspect from point of view of consciousness development
A letter of complaint for the presence of illegal Bluetooth devices to be presented at the local police department
A detailed protocol with lot’s of visuals for instant identification of the Bluetooth chips of the vaccinated
Attachements with independent laboratory tests on the contents of the mRNA vaccines, an independent study of the presence of Bluetooth signals in vaccinated, PCR tests analysis, dangers of the graphene oxide (the building element of the Bluetooth microchips in the vaccinated), the adverse health effects from the chipping, dangers of 5G (5G drastically increases the health risks with the vaccinated due to the Bluetooth chipping)
Extremely elaborated section of solutions for the current situation on a psychological, social and technical level. You cannot find this anywhere else.

Please, follow also my video channels as there are a series of videos that are dedicated to the same topic.

Thank you all for your support!

Bulgaria: In just three working days the investigation police officer to whom I handed the documentation about the illegal Bluetooth chips in the vaccines gave it to the prosecution. With this the Bulgatrian police officially recognised that there's a crime. Now I want to dublicate this result in every police station around the world where there are covid vaccianted people in the area. If you're interested you can join the Bluetooth Freedom Project:

Watch me filing a claim at a Bulgarin police station for illegal Bluetooth devices which was given just in three days to the prosecution by the investigation officer:

We will go on with the prosecution level, but still we have a great success at this stage, which shows how effective this system of presenting the information about the Covid mRNA vaccines is and how well prepared the documentation is.

Now I've elaborated a much more detailed document in English, the Bluetooth Freedom Project book, and everyone can download it from the website: .

If you're among the first 108 users you can use promocode 'Truth' and you will get the book for just £1 instead of £5.55 .

This document treats the different aspects of the Bluetooth chipping and offers complete solutions for the challenges that arise with this event. It contains:

Unique method of presenting the information on the mRNA vaccines with extreme efficiency by using the Bluetooth chips
Detailed explanations of the advantages of this method and comparison with the standard one
Loads of graphs and visuals for visualising in a clear way all the different aspects of the problem with the Bluetooth chipping
A unique attempt to look at the problem of the illegal Bluetooth chipping of the populations with an alternative perspective that can empower each of us, instead of disempowering the people
A plan for coordinated action
A completely unique perspective on the aspect from point of view of consciousness development
A letter of complaint for the presence of illegal Bluetooth devices to be presented at the local police department
A detailed protocol with lot’s of visuals for instant identification of the Bluetooth chips of the vaccinated
Attachements with independent laboratory tests on the contents of the mRNA vaccines, an independent study of the presence of Bluetooth signals in vaccinated, PCR tests analysis, dangers of the graphene oxide (the building element of the Bluetooth microchips in the vaccinated), the adverse health effects from the chipping, dangers of 5G (5G drastically increases the health risks with the vaccinated due to the Bluetooth chipping)
Extremely elaborated section of solutions for the current situation on a psychological, social and technical level. You cannot find this anywhere else.

Please, follow also my video channels as there are a series of videos that are dedicated to the same topic.

Thank you all for your support!

Подробни указания как да работим с най-известното приложение за Bluetooth сканиране и откриване на Bluetooth устройства, за да идентифицираме със 100% сигурност чипа на всеки чипиран.

Приложението можете да свалите оттук:
Bluetooth Scanner - Bluetooth finder - pairing (Zoltán Pallagi)

За новини по темата можете да следите в сайта:

България става първата страна в света, в която официално е подадена жалба за нелегалните Bluetooth устройства на ваксинираните. На полицаите от районното управление на МВР в София им отнема само около 3 дни да вземат решение за пращане на делото в прокуратурата след като получават пълната документация по жалбата. Това е прецедент, който има потенциала да се разпространи като светкавица по света и с това да се постави край на всички спорове и спекулации по въпросите за ваксините.
Защо нашите телефони, с които веднага можем да открием чиповете на ваксинираните обръщат цялата ситуация по въпроса с ваксините? Защо всичките учени не успяха, а обикновения човек успя? Ето, тук е отговора!

Вашата подкрепа е безценна! Можете да ударите едно рамо на този проект дори и само с един лев/долар/евро ето тук:

Цялата информация по развитието на разследването и проекта за разпространението на информацията за криминалното чипиране на ваксинираните можете да видите на сайта:

Специализирана група за разпространение на информацията по случая в България:

International group for discussion and sharing the knowledge about the illegal Bluetooth chips:

This video shows how to use the Bluetooth Scanner app to identify the chip with vaccinated people.



Now anyone with a mobile phone can discover the microchips of the vaccinated through a simple Bluetooth scanning app, which instantly displays all the numbers (MAC addresses) of the
microchips within the range of the Bluetooth signal which is about 50-100 meters. For Android users the best app is “Bluetooth Scanner” by Zoltan Pallagi. Alternatively you can also use “Find My Bluetooth Device” or “Free EMF Detector, EMF Meter – ElectroSmart”. For Iphone users these will be “BLE Scanner 4.0”, “Find My Bluetooth Device Pro”, “Find My Bluetooth Device” or “Scanner Bluetooth".

Install the app and just start the scanner and immediately on the screen will be displayed the Bluetooth based microchips injected in the vaccinated individuals within the range of 50 to 100 meters. They come up as Type: Unknown, Name: Unknown, Services: Unkown and Vendor: Unkown. A quick check on confirms that these Bluetooth device are truly not registered
anywhere and their purpose is completely unknown. The user can immediately identify that these devices are mobile and they come on the screen and disappear from it depending on the number of people around, which means that it is people who are carrying these Bluetooth devices, yet they definitely are not their mobile phones as
the mobile phones come up with clear names, types, services and vendors and also different MAC addresses. Now any vaccinated person can
identify precisely the number (MAC address) of his Covid vaccine microchip by going to an area where there’s no one around within 50-100
meters (including the buildings), starting the app and seeing the only result that appears on the screen. This number might vary, yet the
presence of this unidentified Bluetooth device will be there always even if there’s nobody around in the range of 50-100 meters. If the user
goes for the paid version (highly recommended and costs just about £1.5 for an year and £5 for a life-time) he can use cool additional features
like filters and the ability to attach a name to each unknown device. This can help a lot as it gives the possibility to look up for a descriptive
name rather than a number.
The app also allows for identifying precisely on which arm the first inoculation was done. This can be accomplished with the DEVICE FINDER option. The arm that was inoculated with the first jab (the microchipping event) always gives the maximum reading. As the power of the signal varies the readings can be different, but usually on this app they come up around the -40dBm range when the phone is at the spot, but can also be much lower. The paid version gives the functionality of filtering the results by power of the signal, which helps a lot the detection process. A wonderful video explaining the new “Bluetooth mesh”, an entirely independent of the internet new communication
network based only on Bluetooth devices explains why the elites have chosen this type of connectivity for the vaccination mic rochips. Sourse:
Bitchute / Mesh Bluetooth - HUMAN ANTENAS - INTERNET OF THINGS .
As these Bluetooth microchips emit 24/7 RF radiation which is higher than 4G they impose not only risk regarding the privacy of the personal information, emotional and mind control, but they are also a real health risk to their carrier. A simple X-ray picture should be able to reveal the exact location of the microchip and the most basic surgical procedure will
remove it without any complications as it is seen on this video: source: Bitchute / Magnetic chip is out (2/2) . You are advised to ask your doctor for a X-Ray picture and removal of the microchip as the health, emotional and mind control risks are high.

Important links:

Telegram group dedicated to finding and eliminating the chips in the vaccinated people:

Leaflet about the undeclared substances - contaminants and the Bluetooth chip in the vaccinated:
or visit
or join the Telegram group VaxChipFinder

My website where I give complex solutions for the society:

The Bluetooth mesh.

How much radiation do cellphones & earbuds emit

Bluetooth wireless radiation is it safe? Measuring Bluetooth Dangers of wireless radiation.

High frequency VAXED people


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

18 videos

Category None