The Universe Is Not Expanding

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The Universe Is Not Expanding



In this episode I discuss how the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation can be related to a static and infinite universe using Hawking Radiation.

If the Universe is not expanding, and gravitational redshift is responsible for Hubble’s law, we can use the equation for Hawking Radiation to predict the observable radius and the temperature of the CMBR.

What we find is an alignment between the observable radius using Hubble’s law and the temperature of a black hole with the same radius.

The Universe is Not Expanding: Episode 1 - An Introduction to Gravitational Redshift -

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Astrophysics for People Who Think Physicists are Full of Shift -

In this installment of The Universe Is Not Expanding I discuss mass density and how it has been misinterpreted in mainstream cosmology.

Entropy and the arrow of time create gravitational homogeneity. A consequence of this is that the distribution of mass density depends on the scale in question but remains the same for all observers.

Using this logic we can use gravitational redshift to predict Hubble's law.

Google it for yourself.

G*2e-26 kg/m^3 * 4/3*pi*4200 megaparsec*(1megaparsecs)/c

= 74,582.973 m / s

You can change the portion in the parenthesis to the distance of the emitting star. This equation is a reduced form that automatically adjusts the mass density for the scale of observation.

In this short video I use the basic example of ticking clocks in gravitational wells to explain tired light.

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Buy my book - Astrophysics for People Who Think Physicists are Full of Shift

In this short video I use the basic example of ticking clocks in gravity wells to explain tired light.

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Buy my book - Astrophysics for People Who Think Physicists are Full of Shift

The Hubble redshift, also called the cosmological redshift, Hubble's law, and the Hubble flow, is an anomalous redshift found in distant starlight.

The decrease in frequency is anomalous because there is no known reason for the redshift, but that assumption is based on a false premise.

In gravitational physics, boundaries play an important role in describing the gravitational field of a region.

These boundaries are however, arbitrarily defined and not applicable to the largest scales.

On the cosmological scale, using the boundary of a star or galaxy is insufficient in determining the amount of gravitational redshift.

This tragic mistake has generated a lot of confusion in cosmology.

1. Gravity is responsible for the Hubble shift, not expansion.
2. The mass density of the universe is inversely proportional to the radius of the region in question.
3. The "missing mass" of dark matter is nothing more than the stuff lying in-between the visible mass.
4. Dark energy, or the accelerating redshift, is a result of the inhomogenity of mass density.
5. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is a result of Hawking radiation just beyond the observable horizon.
6. The redshift can be predicted using the gravitational redshift equation, the distance of light travel, and a uniform gravitational acceleration for all scales.

Buy the book, Astrophysics for People Who Think Physicists are Full of Shift
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Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

5 videos

Category Science & Technology

This channel is dedicated to discrediting Lambda cosmology and the Big Bang Theory

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