The White Pill

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The White Pill



What are the long-term consequences of importing millions of people loyal to a religion and ideology that is antithetical to western values?

Does it feel like history is accelerating and tensions are rising? For Western Civilization, the present situation is merely the distant rumble of an approaching storm...

Mass-survelliance is not just about spying and data collection ... there is a darker, more sinister implication, especially for white identitarians.

What are the values that truly matter in life? Ignoring politics and transcending ideology, what is it that white identitarians quintessentially seek to defend?

Sometimes disengagement from a battle is required to win the war.

The white masses will never awaken from their collective slumber until ECONOMIC NECESSITY shocks them into sober consciousness . . . just as the LEFT makes its finally push for their Neo-Marxist "utopia".

WORKING CLASS WHITE SOLDIERS have been the only reason that the establishment has been able to sustain multiple overseas wars for almost two decades straight. How have white men been repaid for their service and sacrifice? DISENFRANCHISEMENT...

Awakened white men of action lament the fact that they have not yet been provided with a decisive "moment of opportunity" ... but be patient, history shall inevitably deliver one.

Awaken, Whites of the West...

Any entire language has been constructed by Cultural Marxism with the purpose of terrorizing whites into a state of total passivity and submissiveness.

Cultural Marxism: the anti-white socio-political paradigm of our age.

Not only is positive white racial consciousness healthy and normal . . . it's a duty.


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

13 videos

Category None