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I had to include some fishing videos, even if we’re not at the river ride of our journey yet. After all, it’s the main idea of the SSSHHTTFFF free online course and I would feel guilty if we had an economic collapse before I can share what I know about catching fish to eat. Don’t be disappointed if it’s hard to hear the instructions. I’ll try to add more of the same type of fishing lessons, if God wills it, even if it becomes somewhat repetitious. Repetition is good for learning! It can be fun to find the spots in the lesson that are similar and then try to find the differences between them.
Most of the time, Americans use small fish for bait to catch big fish, but small fish can be eaten too. Darn it! I forgot to show how to fry these fish! When frying a small fish, don’t mess with it too much or it will fall apart. That is how I rule the world, for now. (Tao Te Ching chap. 60, 1 John 5 3-5, and Rev 2 26-27)
1 33 unofficial capitol
1 49 Central America
4 49 Listening to some of the words these talking heads of social media influencers say, I even have the feeling that people eavesdrop on what I’m saying from my computer, cell phone, etc. Is that so farfetched? We all know the government can do that, and I’ve been trying to get their attention, so why wouldn’t they do that to me? Does that make me crazy? No! There is no such thing as mental illness.
6 32 I forgive them of the insult
7 30 in my *naivete (I’ll never grow up)
8 11-8 16 1 John 2 15 and John 12 25 Psycho doctors pathologizing Christianity by making a FAKE disease called ‘depression’
11 21 *unlearn and learn
18 00 Believe it or not, those fish were dead. Cold blooded creatures can move around a long time after being killed.
19 18 The usury is a rip-off too
25 47 *their own bodyguards
45 46 So, I couldn’t find out for sure what happened to the guy
47 30 America has weapons of mass destruction. Should Russia and China invade us for that reason?
48 13 Traitorous for me, since I knew better. Other people that fought but didn’t know, they can still have a clear conscience.
51 08 A martyr for the cause
51 10 Learn and agree with *the key* parts of Christian theology. Love Jesus and obey him to the best of your knowledge, that is what true Christian belief is composed of.
56 16 I might parrot here and there in the future, but I probably will chop and screw the copy paste with other ideas to make it interesting. So technically not parroting?
1 13 26 John 14 23 and 1 Peter 2 5
1 13 38 and predictive programming
1 14 04 Is El the singular form of Elohim? Maybe it’s not that simple. El djinn is closer in translation to ‘Lord Genie’
1 15 14 My dream plan
1 16 04 What I am *beginning to do*

It matters not that the King of England claims to be the 'Holy' despot ruling France, Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, China the United States and everywhere else his grubby little fingers have sank in from his throne of tyranny.
It matters not if some subversive traitors occupying high positions in office made paperwork and documents to sign the USA away to the Unholy King of England all while telling the masses who gave their blood for liberty from that tyrant that they were free from the power of that King.
It matters not if the evil masonic murderer Benjamin Franklin borrowed money from France (which was supposedly under the rule of the English Crown) to finance the revolutionary war for America.
What does matter? Perception.

King of England, and you Hillbilly Prince of Hicks who fancies yourself the "tip of the spear"; Donald "Duck" Trump, Ronald "DeSatan" DeSantis, and you, Dark Wizard Malone, who style yourselves leaders of said opposition-- do right to the King of Heaven. Render to the soldiers who are sent by God all the vials of the injections that you planned to use to further the Iron mixed with Clay destruction of all the good people in the towns you have violated in America. We are sent hither by God to restore the blood of the Royal Temple. We are very ready to make peace if you will do us right by giving up your domination of the world and paying for what you have done. And you, members of the CIA, companions of war, noble and otherwise, who are before the good people who search for the Truth, begone out of the public eye in God's name, or expect news of God unveiling your secret identities which will shortly go to see you to your very great hurt.
King of England, if you do not do so, our King is Chief of war, and wherever we shall find your mercenaries in America, His strength will work through us and they will be driven out, willing or not willing; and if they do not obey, we will slay them all, but if they obey, we will have them to mercy. We have come hither by God, the King of Heaven, body for body to put your claims of ownership out of America in spite of those who would work treason and mischief against our people. Think not that you shall ever hold this Land from the King of Heaven, the Son of the blessed Mary; We shall hold it, for God wills it so and has revealed it to us by the Spirit. If you believe not the news sent by God through the Spirit, wherever we shall meet you we will strike boldly and make such a noise as has not been heard in the world in a thousand years. Be sure that God can send more strength than you can bring to any attack against us and our soldiers; then we will see who has the better right, the King of Heaven or you.

Alexander Lafayette, I pray you not to bring about your own destruction. If you do us right, you may yet go in our company where we shall do the finest deed that has ever been done in Christendom, and if you do not, you shall be reminded shortly of your great wrongs.

In our last episode we caught a glimpse of the secret identity of the most daring supervillain sorcerer alive in the world today, a brilliantly blinding jewel of a bad guy who, along with his sidekick killer clown, leads of team of bad guys working to save their kingpins and themselves from the FIRE. Their skilled team is bold, but patient; willing to take risks, but reserved; and small, but able to find new members all the time.
We also saw that the Worthless Pharmakoi Assassin Snitch is accountable for the blood of thousands of dead and injured people because he not only failed to blow the horn of warning when the poisoned nova needle came, his friendly voice rang the doorbell for millions of BUGS to invade the Temple of the Almighty God, the custodians of which chose to open the door because of his two-faced forked tongue words. The sad truth is that in order for Worthless' soul to be pure enough to go into the Kingdom, a calcination process of purification must occur. He must be roasted now while he is still alive or his eternal soul will be entirely consumed later. Anyone that truly loves their enemy or even has him as a friend should not be ashamed to do this.
In this episode we will see things that are not true said by the good guys and the bad guys. Will you be able to discern who makes an innocent mistake or accidentally overlooks a Devil in some minor little details from someone who is purposefully deceptive?
We will see that not all good guys work on the same team. Will you be able to tell which good guys have been deceived into working for evil from which have chosen to do so?
You will hear information which may sound contradictory to answer 10 in the Worthless Pharmakoi Mad Lib. We are catching a glimpse into the evil master plan; this is just the introduction of the 'revelation of the method to their madness.' This answer to number 10……. Will you be able to see into the truth of the future or will you just be content with going with the flow and learning through hindsight what the truth is? Ponder the answers to these questions and more as you enjoy this episode of THE WATER, made especially for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for watching

The search for coincidences in the hope of decoding what's in the vax and who is trying to lead people astray has taken me from the elixir of life, murder mystery, magic, guys with funny mustaches, and the bug to elephants, weasels, lions, gorillas, pirates, parrots, the language of the birds, aliens and demons, resurrection of the dead, the gates of hell and……
The occult has many tricks up their sleeve, I believe that I have identified one of them which was played on us recently that I like to call 'the genie' I think I will be able to illustrate how the truth was hidden from us, but before we get there, we have to go through a few episodes.
This began as a case study of 2 people in one small group and had to expand to more than six in two groups. The research was pointing to more and more but had to be stopped for the sake of time. IMO, of the 6, one of them doesn't know what he is doing, one of them knew what was happening but did not realize the gravity of what he was doing and has since had a change of heart, three of them are disgusting scoundrels and knaves, and one is a brilliant gem of a bad guy that shines more and more the more I keep polishing his videos, and the work still isn’t done.
I hope you will be able to drink all the reruns in.


Pop Quiz for Bonus Points!
Greece is a peni_s_ _ _
India is a peni_s_ _ _
Genoa and Venice are on opposite sides of the Italian peni_s_ _ _
Anatolia is a peni_s_ _ _
Saudi Arabia is a peni_s_ _ _
The Scandinavian peni_s_ _ _
Can you find any similarities with these places beside their geographical condition of being
peni_s_ _ _ s?

They cut out the Byzantines and instead dealt with the Muslims as the new middlemen.

If God wills it, a separate mini-series on deception, mind control, and human control will be broadcast soon to help people realize why the 6 names were chosen for the final mad lib puzzles.

*the followers of NOUN 4 (for first mad lib)

Now we dive into debate! I saw this debate years ago, and it just popped up into my memory recently. Reviewing it, I was actually surprised how much my writing style was (unfortunately?) influenced by both of these people (Jr. and the Dr.)
-- He was acting crummy at the time, but a special thanks to the late and great Downey Jr. (3/12/2001 Lung Cancer) for bringing out the best in the good Doctor
-- I know I’m not going to make everybody happy with this point of view, but I am hoping to inject some common sense into the debate. The subject deserves more time than I have to give it in one shot, so, if God wills it, we will come back to it later.
--It’s not my business in a governmental sense. Family, friends and church groups are the way to go, you simply cannot help someone’s personal problems by using an impersonal ‘We only have a hammer so everything is a nail’ approach.
--Not to knock on 100% abstinence either, some people need this and thrive on it, whether if only periodically or if it lasts the rest of their lives like St. John the Baptist. (Speaking of St. John the Baptist, leave it to the Government to mess up a good thing. Crickets in hot dogs, grasshoppers in pizza? Yuck. I’m thinking locusts lightly stir fried with some oil, tossed with salt and served like popcorn shrimp)
--If one ton can be made to fit in a backpack it usually stays backpack size until it is across a checkpoint. After that, dilution begins. It is easier to dilute alkaloids, oils and waxes extracted from plants than to dilute these substances while they are still locked in a plant’s structure. It is easier to get away with watering honey down with corn syrup than watering down honeycomb.
--Cause it’s not an opinion, it’s a FACT, JACK
--Calming your nerves relieves pain
--Guardian angel or hell’s angel, what’s the logo on the t-shirt?
--They might buy only half as much, but with a 1,000,000% increase in price, they’ll still have to cut back on all the other living expenses in their lives. That’s why they turn to robbery.
--Playing the game with Democrats is fun, but don’t play with republicans (especially not rhinos). You might get killed.
--Missed a crew member, Herman the engineer, met at an explorer’s club after the war, also forgot to mention: The 1st sponsor learned of the planned expedition after a famous explorer got excited about it and made it something to write about in the local newspaper.
--Clarification: All the Balsa up and down the coast had been cut and the only balsa that could be found in Peru grew on the other side of the mountain range. The upland jungle town doesn’t count as being next to the coast nor does it have to be on the other side of the mountain range in Peru, since those trees were growing in Ecuador.
--Needed to be balsa for the raft to be historically accurate. Other timber can be used for rafts, experiment!
--William Randolph Hearst had the forests that would be worth more as paper pulp, not Anslinger

--Did I say Deagel? I meant CDC, the stats are big for 80+ years and the stats get less and less down to the 6 months to 5 years where it’s next to nothing. No, I didn’t read it at the CDC website, I thought I read it at thecovidblog but I couldn’t find it again when I looked back
--A kid is a s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “Greatest of All Time.” (Language matters.)
--The lancet liver fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) is a parasite flatworm that is capable of mind control. Think like a parasite to hunt parasites.
--If your mouth is holding both feet, you cannot run away nor bite someone trying to put a boot on your face.
--Don’t _ _ _ _ where you eat
--Eat _ _ _ _ and DIE!!!
--Pretty sure I read that Columbus stuff in “Brain Droppings” or “When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops?”
--Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove it could be done.
--MISTAKE: only one or 2 islanders could read. The radio music came in on the raft, and church music was their favorite until hula music was picked up. This does not change the ‘more likely to have happened than not’ conclusion drawn from circumstantial evidence IMO.
Missionaries visited the islands before and the ‘make a wish’ part of the Gospel is very popular and well known. No radio makes me even more convinced it was a prayers answered scenario. No doctor, poor, no communication with the outside world….. sometimes the only thing a body can do is pray.

Break Free of the deadly hive (bug/alien/Homo capensis/interdimensional demons/fallen angels/AI) mind control (AKA mass formation psychosis) which enslaves you to fight each other over false scarcity instead of seeing and sharing the true abundance given to us from God!
Final segment of a three-part lesson for the foraging section of the free online course: SSSHHTTFFF How to Get Free Food Anywhere in the World
A study on the best crop choice and growing techniques to escape subjection to unlawful governments; an introduction to three of the best wild food guides in the United States; and a crash course on making the poor man's sweetener wherever there is freezing weather in North America, and by extension the world, with less than 40$ of equipment.
--the pan melted because it had two layers of metal with air space in between. The air space stopped the metal from conducting the heat of the fire into the sap and that allowed the bottom layer to melt. Otherwise the temperature of the metal would not have risen above the boiling point of water. (This is how you can boil an egg in a paper cup on a campfire.)
--Roots only absorb water from their growing tips, they need to constantly grow to keep drinking water…… That’s why cell division is important for plant roots!
--My mistake, KCl was just side note. Ashes have ___, they do not have KCl, so they are safe to use for nixtamalization. Ashes also contain calcium and iron oxide, basically the elements that are too heavy to become gases after burning.
--You can slash with a knife but to slash a tree you want to use an ax or a hatchet because a knife will break.
--Florida has phosphate mines, but you may be better off just using good old-fashioned manure.
---earlier in lesson one part 1, I said the tourists are on the big island Hawaii, my mistake, it was actually the island where Honolulu is on, Oahu.
“No Jimmy, if you keep on eating corn like that, you’ll go crazy! You need to boil that up first with some ash water!
Here’s the recipe: add sifted ashes or lime to a pot of water, one double handful to 3 quarts of water. Boil and add the corn. (6 parts corn for 8 parts water) Boil the corn kernels until they swell and the skin can be slipped off by pressing between fingers. Then the drain the corn and wash in several changes of water or under a running stream of water, rubbing the kernels between the hands until the hulls are removed”
--I probably have a few more minor mistakes I could touch up……. Oh well
---Oh, and Lock, Stock and Snatch are really all about karma.
Have a Good One!

Learn more about the secret war on human beings by homo capensis/aliens/interdimensional demons/fallen angels/AI/THE BUG!
Second of a three-part lesson for the foraging section of the free online course: SSSHHTTFFF How to Get Free Food Anywhere in the World
A study on the best crop choice and growing techniques to escape subjection to unlawful governments; an introduction to three of the best wild food guides in the United States; and a crash course on making the poor man's sweetener wherever there is freezing weather in North America, and by extension the world, with less than 40$ of equipment.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Fill in the blank:
1. Cocaine is grown in the ________s of South America.
2. Jesus told his disciples those in Jerusalem must flee to the ________s when the abomination of desolation stands in the holy place.
3. Euell Gibbons saved his family’s lives by finding God given manna in the Horizon ________s.

Take note of all similarities and repetitions, they are significant. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

--Back in the day, it took the same amount of time to travel to Scotland from London by stagecoach as it did to get to South Africa from London by boat, around a month. This may be why Barry the Baptist called those two Scottish guys “northern monkeys”

--To all the anglophiles: I am not hating on you, just your government that has been usurped by Homo capensis at least since the time of Cromwell……. I want a DNA test done on that one Queen’s guard guy that trampled over a little boy who got in the way of the “Royal march” around the Queen’s compound….. Those tall bearskin hats……Hiding a conehead??? That ain’t human!

Wild food is a means of Salvation! A way to keep from dying! Manna from Heaven which comes in 101 flavors so we won't get tired of eating it!

Learn more about how God has led us to harvest where we did not plant and eat off the fat of the land with this first of a three-part lesson for the foraging section of the free online course: SSSHHTTFFF How to Get Free Food Anywhere in the World

A study on the best crop choice and growing techniques to escape subjection to unlawful governments; an introduction to three of the best wild food guides in the United States; and
a crash course on making the poor man's sweetener wherever there is freezing weather in North America, and by extension the world, with less than 40$ of equipment.

Audio problems are solved, THANK YOU GOD!

If it is the will of God, we will complete the course as planned
(I forget to add these words sometimes)
The last part has a lower volume, God willing, I will fix the technical difficulty by the next course lesson.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

11 videos

Category None