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This is an excerpt from Mark Passio's full length (9 hour) seminar entitled "What on Earth is Happening", which I highly recommend checking out if you get the chance. In this particular excerpt here, he explains how the elitist ruling powers have always subverted the Divine Feminine aspect of the Godhead, and the sacred feminine principle in general, especially through symbolism hidden in plain sight.

This seminar was given before the CIA/MOSSAD-created 'ISIS' group existed in the Middle East, so after watching this video, consider that THAT too is yet another form of symbolic, 'hidden-in-plain-sight' attack on the divine feminine. Isis is the Egyptian name of the goddess principle, and her sacred name was used for a terrorism cult, which of course was covertly created by the Zionist dark occultists.

If you enjoyed the information in this video, definitely check out Mark's official website:, and listen through his entire podcast series in order, at whatever pace you're able to. Invaluable information, covering a wide variety of topics!

Was the legend of Santa Claus originally adopted from the shamans of Siberia, and their use of psychedelic mushrooms? Sounds like a stretch, but everything came from somewhere, right? How about the flying reindeer? The presents under the pine tree? The stockings over the fireplace? Santa coming down the chimney? None of it is random. To learn about the connections between all these traditions and legends surrounding Christmas (which many of us have never once stopped to question), check out this video! This video is not my original content. The words here are narrated by Eric Dubay.

Note: The specific type of mushroom referred to in this video is called Amanita Muscaria, also known as Fly Agaric. This is the type of mushroom that's featured in Super Mario Bros, and many other popular movies and stories. It is very different than the classic type of psychedelic mushroom, which contain psilocybin, and its effects are very different as well. The amanita mushroom must be prepared properly in order to be safely consumed, which I suggest you do your own research on if you plan on partaking.

Be sure to also follow me on Instagram and YouTube!

Was Jeffrey Epstein's human trafficking ring part of something much bigger? Did you know that Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, was a British/Israeli double intelligence agent? Did you know that Alan Dershowitz admits that he met Epstein through Lady DeRothschild? Watch this video to find out some mind-blowing connections, and I suggest you also do your own further research.

If you found this interesting, be sure to check out Christopher Bollyn's 9/11 video on my channel as well, as there are some crossover connections between this and that.

In this excerpt from Mark Passio's "What on Earth is Happening" podcast, Mark details how the western education model that we all know of, was actually directly adopted from the models of youth indoctrination that were used in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. This is because the same globalist overlords who created those regimes in the past, also created the western educational model of compulsory schooling. Look no further than John D Rockefeller's General Education Board, for evidence of this fact.

If you enjoyed this excerpt, you should also check out the full series of podcasts on Mark's website:

This is some truth that everyone needs to hear ASAP. Not only for our own freedom and wellbeing, but for the innocent children of the world as well, which you will understand after seeing this video. I encourage you to not only watch this video, but to use this as a springboard for continuing your own research on the topics mentioned here.

This clip is from Mark Passio's "What on Earth is Happening" podcast, a podcast with hundreds of episodes, which can be found at

This excerpt covers some of the scientific deceptions being handed down by the social engineers of this world, in order to push the agendas they seek to push; and also covers the one single most horrifying and monstrous crime against humanity that is going on and has been going on for thousands of years, which covid is being used to distract the general public from looking into.

Watch and listen for yourself, and please share with as many people as you possibly can. Yes, it's disturbing, but that's all the more reason as many people as possible need to know about it, so that justice can finally be served, and as many innocent lives as possible can be spared.

In this clip, David Icke exposes the twisted truth about how and why the controllers of society kidnap and prey on young children. The “elites” are ultimately serving non-human, parasitic entities which feast on the blood and life-force of young children, and it even relates back to the child sacrifice that went on in the ancient days as well. It still goes on, but now behind closed doors. The Epstein scandal is only the very tip of the iceberg.

The full presentation from which this clip was taken, is entitled “The Lion Sleeps No More”. Check out that, and any other work by David Icke that you can possibly get your hands on.

In this presentation, researcher Christopher Bollyn presents evidence of the Rothschild Dynasty (working through the Israeli government) as being the true culprit behind 9/11 as well as the decades-long "war on terror" which resulted from 9/11. The information in this presentation certainly is controversial, yet the truth is the truth. Only by facing and embracing the truth, will we ever solve the real problem. Share this with everyone you possibly can!


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

7 videos

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