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The cheese must flow

Plastic surgery is the greatest

Tom Teetin navigates good customer relations at his comic shop.

Getting in on the steamboat Willie parodies, but with a fun twist.

Now you know.

Dungeons and dysfunctional Bureaucracy

Ugandan Knuckles knows Da Wae.

Every jackass has advice and opinions about being a man. Most of the ones giving it are perpetual boys and don't know much about actually manning up. Here is my two cents on the subject.

If you don't enable NSFW content in your settings, you won't be able to view jokes about sex, race or anything considered offensive in this modern world and you might as well be on YouTube. Even if you are subscribed, even if you click on the page, directly, the videos won't show up. So, remember to make an account and fix your settings if you want anything real from your biscuits experience.

Tom Teetin and Garfidelis play an awkward game of Dungeons and Dragons. Who invited the bear?

The Dark Brotherhood sends their best to our hero's door.

Patriotic frozen yogurt

When A game developer cares more about that sweet sweet ESG money than pleasing the fans...

Important information about Yakub.

A twist on a traditional cream sauce. A great topping for Lasagne. This was a first attempt for my new cooking channel, but it is going on here, instead. I hope you like fresh, from scratch food, cooked by a fat chef, with, maybe a few too many cups of wine in him. Enjoy.

Garfidelis comes face to face with one of Skyrim's most foul creatures.

Projects we are working on this year

I've taken it upon myself to put my own adult comedy spin on a beloved classic cartoon, recently butchered by angry feminists at HBO. Enjoy this sneak peek. The final draft won't have this song, because I don't have the rights to it.

The elites meet at the Bohemian Grove.

Featuring FirstFire508

Skyrim's favorite fat feline sings a Christmas toon about his holiday wishes.

Ace related is given an important assignment

Sharing my apple pie filling / applesauce recipe for the upcoming holiday season.

The communists know they have wronged the American people, but, if you vote for them, again, this time will be "different".

Featuring The Texas. Find him on The Foxhole.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

283 videos

Category Entertainment

Animations and political commentary from an anti censorship, right leaning comedian. Occasionally I do movie/book reviews, history and travel videos, too.