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Was the fact I submitted an affidavit and power of attorney authorising the man as the attorney-in-fact, to be the legal and lawful representative for the person relevant in the calling of my case first? I think it was. Interesting.

promised you I show you what happened when I went to court. And boy did I screw up, I forgot who I was standing as and it went to shit real fast. The only good outcome was that since the police wrote the wrong name on the paperwork, the fines issued in my absence won't be coming to me.

longer vid, with success story from NSW (not me, but mine will be coming after my March 13 court date)

when you subrogate, you claim the bond held by the prosecution, that was made in your name and on your account and use that to set off the charges

follow on to subrogation 1

finally got a court date, but it won't be much of a show, they stuffed up the name.

You have a person and sadly they have tricked you into believing not only are you the person but that you are the surety for the person.

Got another personal conveyance, that I'll call a car. So that I can show you what really happens when I get unlawfully stopped by the policy enforcement officers of the foreign corporation the nsw police.
Never forget who you are and what you are not.

18 pages of licence suspensions from 2013 to 2016 cancelled on 30th November 2021 for non-payment.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

10 videos

Category None

Greetings and welcome to my channel, I am the living man Ricky, who is called Rick, son of Nick, of the house of Riggio. A flesh and blood creation of the almighty God, born of woman. I am, by God's grace, a sovereign man who is the beneficiary, executor and the authorised representative of the legal fiction RIGGIO Ricky with the UCC filing and PPSR to prove it.

This is mainly my stuff, some interesting, some educational, concerning my battle for my rights against a corrupt corporate government. Might even be some funny stuff. I have over 200 court appearances for no licence, no rego with no gaol. I go to court for no authority to drive, they issue me fines, I get in my car and go home. I don't pay the fine so they suspend my already suspended licence. I still don't pay the fine so they sell the debt to a collection agency, and having been payed they remove the suspension against my licence. The collection agency cannot collect any money from me as it has no standing due to there being no contract between us, so I don't pay them either and they have to write off the debt. Which they claim as a loss and get a tax break for.
The whole thing is a joke and knowing the joke, I'm laughing my bags off. The punchline to the joke is knowing who you are and what your not.

"And when they seek to oppress you
And when they try to destroy you,
Rise and rise again and again
Like the Phoenix from the ashes
Until the lambs have become lions and the rule of Darkness is no more" — Maitreya The Friend of All Souls,

If you want to know more [email protected]