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The five modules presented by the Romanian team of inventors at the seventh edition of the Lazarus Initiative Symposium in December 2021 include:
 helmets for brain wave harmonization and facial regeneration;
 sight regeneration visors;
 mitochondrial stimulation units and reversal of the entropy / aging process;
 units that dissolve cancerous tumors;
 devices that cleanse the blood clots (they are extremely necessary especially for those affected by covid “vaccines”).

The seventh edition of the Lazarus Initiative Symposium, organized by Sacha Stone, took place on December 18, 2021. The greatest revelation of the edition came from the Romanian scientist Florian Colceag, who discovered “the language of God ”, a universal code that enable the semantic “translation” of information fields from all levels of Creation.

These information was exposed on October 30, 2021 during the Lazarus Initiative Symposium, the fifth edition, which was held under the coordination of the renowned Sacha Stone.
In the video below you can see the presentation of some of the over 200 inventions that already passed the experimental stage and are ready for widespread use. So here is the battery that is powered by the energy from the environment and therefore never discharges. We also see a device that can generate free energy by cold fusion. Another device can generate heat almost instantly. Another one takes information from any living organism (be it bacteria or virus) and transfers it to an aqueous environment for study or use. Absolutely sensational is a device that effectively extracts the energy from cancer cells and thus cures this terrible disease extremely quickly. We also see a battery that obtain its energy from the water, on the principle of the "Carpen Battery", also invented 30 years ago in Romania. Another type of battery draws its energy from the air and can be used by electric cars or even airplanes!
Along with the Romanian scientists involved in these projects there are also military structures that do not submit to the globalist forces. These military is part of a vast alliance of forces that has chosen for now to remain anonymous to the general public.

Rezervistul Raul Coltor avertizează că România este amenințată de un război iminent. Foarte curând (la sfârșitul lunii ianuarie 2022) ar putea fi instrumentat un conflict artificial de către forțele globaliste. Există o mare probabilitate ca Federația Rusă să fie determinată să intre într-o confruntare cu Ucraina, care este susținută de Statele Unite, NATO și Uniunea Europeană. Politicienii vânduți și trădători de la București au semnat în vara acestui an (2021) un acord prin care în eventualitatea unui război între Ucraina și Rusia, asumă că România ar deveni automat un aliat al Ucrainei. În aceste condiții poporul român ar fi împins către un sacrificiu absurd și inutil, în pofida faptului că a căutat întotdeauna să trăiască în relații pașnice cu toți vecinii săi.
Este analizată succint și natura generală a conflictelor armate, care aproape întotdeauna în istorie au fost provocate de către „elita” financiar-bancară. Aceasta urmărește de sute de ani înrobirea tuturor popoarelor prin mecanismele frauduloase ale creării „din nimic” a banilor, prin împrumuturi aproape imposibil de returnat și ulterior printr-un întreg lanț al spolierii statelor de orice tip de resurse.

This interview was offered by Sacha Stone on November 18, 2021 as part of The Missing Link Jesse program. The original post was banned by youtube, which is why we are re-posting it here, on a freer channel.
The former musician and rock artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He founded Humanitad in 1999 and has worked in both the NGO and OIG sectors as an open supporter of human rights and natural justice. He has encouraged peace initiatives and educational programs, lobbied human rights abuses in various parts of the globe and continues to fight for the protection of cutting-edge innovators, scientists and doctors.
Sacha founded New Earth Project, an evolving model for sustainable, sovereign and self-determined communities, based in the world-renowned New Earth Haven (Akasha) in Bali. Sacha is also the founder of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice ITNJ, which was launched under multilateral observation in June 2015 through a ceremonial ceremony and ratification ceremony at Westminster Central Hall in London, on its 800th anniversary since the signing of the Magna Carta. This new planetary court is committed to dispensing natural justice: www.humanitad.org
The ITNJ launched the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Trafficking in Human Beings and Child Sexual Abuse at Westminster Central Hall in London in the spring of 2018. The Commission continues to hear testimony from survivors and expert witnesses around the world through virtual court sites online. A judicial inquiry into biosphere harmonization was launched in 2019, and in 2020, the court launched an investigation into Corona / Covid (still ongoing since Q4 / 2020): www.commission.itnj.org
Sacha is the founder of the World Summit on Health Sovereignty with many of the industry's most important supporters, including: Robert Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, G. Edward Griffin, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Marla Maples, Charlene Bollinger, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Andrew Wakefield, Dr. David Martin, etc ...: www.reclaimyourlives.com
Sacha is an activist, public speaker, publisher, writer and filmmaker: www.sachastone.com

Sacha Stone is a civic activist, filmmaker, writer, musician. He founded the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Trafficking in Human Beings, the World Summit on Health Sovereignty, the New Earth Project or, more recently, the monthly Symposium Lazarus Initiative. Renowned Lawyers, doctors, world-famous scientists are involved in these projects. Among them could be mentioned attorney Robert Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, G. Edward Griffin, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Marla Maples, Charlene Bollinger, Dr. Rashid. Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Andrew Wakefield, Dr. David Martin.
In this interview Sacha Stone recounts that in October 2021 he was in Romania for two weeks, where a group of military generals and scientists showed him the results of several projects with amazing results in healing and purifying the environment of negative electromagnetic energies.
The interview took place on November 18, 2021 within the program The Missing Link Jeese. The full form of the interview can be watched at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWFLJl22vNI

Plandemia este o operațiune psihologică. Există nenumărate dovezi că actuala „criză medicală” este o înscenare. Însă dezbaterile pe linia valorii de adevăr nu conving nici autoritățile, nici masele largi. Explicația rezidă în componenta psihologică a situației. Păpușarii doar mimează că respectă adevărul. În realitate ei induc o psihoză colectivă aservită unei agende ce urmărește controlul maselor, inclusiv la nivel psiho-mental.

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Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

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