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Some say to this day Clarkson is still trying to get planning permission for his restaurant in whiterun...

Some say that they are still fighting to this day...

Some Japanese kittys try their paw at some Mario kart.

Jedi Master Gnost-Dural goes over events leading up to the old republic era.

Erwin Smith's speech on the government suppression of his father.

Otto's, Doggo’s and kitty's discover a optical illusion rug.

The prequels may not of been the greatest movies in the world, but they did have a few things going for them(epic lightsaber duels, world building,John Willams score,sand and Sheev Palpatine).

It's a shame Lucas sold out his company too "WhiteSlaver's". Had he kept going and released movies/TV shows like this and maybe adapted stuff like the darth bane trilogy/force unleashed/kotor for TV/filmI think they would have blown whatever dudsney soywars has done since theybought it out the water.

Doggo Dosen't like owner touching her stuff.

⁣Where are the kids?
There out back...

A clone wars scene remade with Star Wars battlefront 2-2.

An old time favorite game of mine from the real star wars expanded universe canon.

During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st Legion was
discreetly transferred back to Coruscant. It was a silent trip. We all
knew what was about to happen, what we were about to do. Did we have any
doubts? Any private, traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but no one said a
word. Not on the flight to Coruscant, not when Order 66 came down, and
not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word...

It's a howl within a howl within a howl...

A ⁣parrot plays with a cat’s face for as long as the cat can tolerate it.

Cockatoo ⁣meowing at some confused cats.

⁣⁣Classic ⁣Comics Gate Music Remix Vid From Ethan Van Sciver back in the day for Miscellaneous Monday.

Video of a horse running in, kicking a tree, farting on a dog then


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

18 videos

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