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Agree or disagree with the interpretation. I clipped/singled this part out, for the beautiful, architecture. The music also fits well, Crescendos and decrescendo, pauses, and whatnot seem to fit in perfectly. (nice editing in other words) I will post the whole thing shortly. it's about 5 hours and very interesting.

A great decision “a unanimous decision” this anchor says that he’s about to ejaculate in his pants because of this great new decisive and meaningful decision about this practice of baby dick suckling of the pechkhehr, just the tip of the pehckhehrhrr.

Nostalgic band for some reason I loved rage against the machine before I had a clue what They were talking about a few years later it started making sense… Or not really because I really didn’t know what this machine they were raging against was barely understood the lyrics (or their context). So maybe it’s just a big coincidence then again they get the biggest crowds in South America I’m pretty sure they’re banned in Germany or some European country (Don’t quote me on that it’s some thing I heard at some point from someone, one of those things)

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considerato il capo della famiglia Corleone, che ha causato il maggior numero di vittime.
Il popolo italiano è sceso in piazza quando due magistrati considerati incorruttibili sono stati assassinati da bombe sul ciglio della Strada. Sia i giudici Giovanni Falcone che Paolo Borsellino veniamo uccisi insieme alle loro guardie del corpo e alle loro mogli, a poche settimane l'uno dall'altro.

Just a little kiss on the pehckehrr to suckle the blood.. it is antiseptic properties... yeah so “is does”vodka or peroxide n sh#tt

The Dutch TV entertainer Paul de Leeuw tried to remove this video from the internet. Back in 1992 he thought it would be normal to promote pedophilia or paedophilia in this way and make fun of it.

There was a huge international controversy back in 2008 when the old 1992 video re-appeared on Youtube. The original TV show video has since then been meticulously removed from Youtube and other platforms – even from Bitchute. The last place to watch it is now here: DTube or alternatively here: WayBack WHENsday: Creepy Dutch Guy Paul de Leeuw (although this website has a lot of irritating ads at the start). If you are for some reason not outraged enough at the beginning of the video then watch the last 20 seconds…

Paul de Leeuw is a good friend of Job Gosschalk who resigned his position as a producer and director of a known Dutch film company. Mr. Gosschalk has been called the Dutch Harvey Weinstein. In spite of a huge public controversy Paul de Leeuw has requested that Mr. Gosschalk should be given back his former position!

This is not really direct evidence against Paul de Leeuw but an article appeared on the political weblog Dagelijkse Standaard in December 2017 https://bit.ly/2V0MLlS. It states that someone from the city of Amsterdam’s parking service department had modified Paul de Leeuw’s Wikipedia page claiming that he is living a double life and is actually a pedophile. This text has since been removed by other moderators.

The bizarre Fimpje! movie from 2005

Paul de Leeuw has also wrote the script for and and acted the mains parts in a strange 1995 movie called Filmpje! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMwOYbu3o-k ? Already during the first minute they start talking about ordering a child ('rare kindje') from the internet. Although it is meant to refer to an adoption this really gives me a bad feeling...

There are lobsters everywhere in the movie - the main character (Paul) is even wearing a lobster in his/her head dress. According to the Urban dictionary website the term ‘rock lobster’ refers to a male pedofile.

At a strange scene (starts 6:05) Papa spits into the crib, shakes it violently and then throws the whole crib against a wall. It is unclear if a baby was inside (I hope not).

At the court room scene (starts 8:25) there is a naked baby doll on the table..

In one scene (starts 19:27) the main character 'Papa' visits a strange "Eyes wide shut" type of corporate building where sex services are offered.

In another scene (starts 27:49) the 'Papa' comes home and his daughter (who is wearing a really gruesome looking tooth straightening device on her head) goes to greet him by kneeling in front of him – what happens after this is not shown. After this 'Papa' violently throws his daughter against the glass door of a cabinet. A bit strange...

And sure enough a Wizard of Oz inspired clip (start 1:34:16) is used in this movie. According to victims of sexual abuse, "pedophiles abuse the movie The Wizard of Oz to brainwash their child sex slaves."

The movie is supposed to be funny but it has a very dark undertone to it the whole time...

My Dutch isn't good enough but I am pretty sure there are more indications of pedophilia in this movie.


Considering this background I think it is a bit alarming that Paul de Leeuw adopted two children from Africa. At the beginning of the disturbing movie Filmpje! they talk about ordering kids from Africa...

Reactions in the Netherlands

Many Dutch people have expressed their disapproval of the 1993 TV show video but I have also seen disturbingly many people trying to explain it away by using the following types of arguments:
- “It was such a long time ago (27 years ago) and the times were different back then.”
- “It was a staged act agreed by the boy’s parents and and the boy knew what was happening.”
- “Paul is Paul – he is a comedian and he pushes people’s buttons, his acts shouldn’t be taken literally.”
- “Foreigners just don’t understand the unique Dutch humour and culture.”
- “Paul is is a very famous person, he is also a nice guy and he shouldn’t be accused of these kinds of things.”

BUT, there is still a huge elephant in the living room here - a video that shows a young boy being sexually assaulted on public TV in a very obvious and graphic manner. Taking into consideration the other indications I have described above I am asking the same question that was asked by the original poster years ago - why is he still allowed to have his own show on Dutch TV? Is he perhaps protected by some very high level people or does the Dutch society just want to stick its head in the sand and pretend that there is nothing to pay attention to here!?

Other disturbing Dutch secrets
Perhaps something to consider: see this witness testimony of a brave Dutch woman Annemarie van Blijenburgh exposing satanic child sacrifice ceremonies involving the the Royal family, the Prime minister

BTW “eggplant” in southern Italian dialect is pronounced mæuùligniam’ hence the term “Mouli” when referring to blackdudes n gals. The “proper” Italian word is melanzane 🍆.. thought I’d mention ..it adds to the scene. I like that they don’t explain this. I doubt everyone who saw this caught or knew this.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

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