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Under the terms of the OC Israel observed Passover each year to remember their deliverance from bondage in Egypt and protection from the death of the firstborn in all the land of Egypt.

Under the terms of the NC the Church observes Passover each year to remember the foundational event of salvation. The death of Jesus Christ as our Passover. Through Him we are redeemed from bondage to sin and death. Its where we begin.

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Pharaoh had been warned that this confrontation would lead all the way up to the death of every Egyptian firstborn son... unless he humbled himself and submitted to YHWH. Each of the successive plagues upon Egypt would be an increasingly intense warning of impending death.

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Jesus' example of observing and eating the Passover on the evening that marks the beginning of the 14th day of Nisan was a conscious reset of the Passover. It would be a reset to the original pattern established and recorded in Exodus 12.

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This message will walk through the new covenant Passover observed by Jesus... and the old covenant Passover first observed in Egypt.

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The time has come for Moses to return to Egypt

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God intended for Moses to have face to face interaction with Pharaoh. What’s really going on is that through Moses God would have His demand delivered directly to the man at the top. But God warned Moses that Pharaoh would refuse to listen. Jesus gave us the same warning, “if they reject me, they will reject you", "you will be persecuted for teaching what I tell you".

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The first portion of his long life was a time of preparation for the role God had in store for him. He was son of the Pharaoh's daughter with access to all the finer things of Egypt including a good education. He would have been a man with sophisticated tastes and sensibilities. In his early 40's he would have been at the peak of his career. A career that involves words and deeds.

Moses would only become the person God could use to deliver His holy nation after additional training. The great man of words and action needed meekness, humility, and patience. He would learn these traits through 40 years as a shepherd in the wilderness of Midian.

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Exodus is part of an unfolding story. It's a continuation of the Genesis account of Abraham's family. But their history is also the history of God's Church.

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Sound doctrines and beliefs must be based on the word of God... absorbing the content... teaching it to others... supporting those who teach... supporting the authority that is behind it... intellectually... administratively... emotionally... financially... and spiritually.

If we do this in the proper balance of word, authority, and spirit we will be growing in grace and knowledge.

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Our previous message about the trinity focused mostly on how the bible presents the oneness of the Father and the Son as a family rather than a complicated metaphysical trinity… the relationship of the holy spirit to God was not addressed. Today we answer the question... Is the holy spirit a third person in a trinity ? and How does this affect my personal relationship with God?

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The UCG booklet on the trinity has an entire chapter answering the question "is the Holy Spirit a Person". It uses many scriptural references covering the key concepts of how the bible actually portrays the holy spirit.

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There is no explicit command for us to wear certain types of clothing to Sabbath services. Jackets... ties... robes... togas... tunics... dresses... pantyhose... sandals. God leaves us to our own devices in inventing different ways to dress.

How we dress (especially for special occasions) comes and goes as the decades and centuries roll by. Given enough time jackets and ties will disappear… but the principle of dressing for the occasion will not.

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We are to make a separation between what is common and what is holy. The Sabbath day is holy, not common. The assembly we are called to every 7th day is holy, not common.

Come before YHWH with respect - respect is two-fold: 1) it is an attitude you hold in your heart and mind 2) it is a discernible display of that attitude. Genesis 22:12 God didn't simply beam a mind probe into Abraham's psyche to see what he was really like... God looked at what Abraham did.

Come before YHWH with appropriate attire that is both: 1) clean 2) not the same clothing used for common activities.

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Jonah’s story challenges assumptions. Assumptions about what it means to be “chosen”… not a free ticket but a responsibility. Assumptions about the power of human freedom within the framework of prophecy and the will of God.

The OT book titled Jonah is the best known of all the writings of the minor prophets. That's because its more of a story about a prophet than a collection of judgments, condemnations, and predictions recorded by a prophet. Everybody loves a good fish story…

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Jonah 1:1 this verse allows us to find Jonah in 1 Kings 14:23-25. He came from a town in northern Israel on the south coast of the sea of Galilee near Nazareth. He appears to be a part of the company of prophets surrounding the king of the norther tribes… Jeroboam II. The time frame would be 780 BC.... about 50 years before northern Israel would fall to the Assyrians.

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God wants us to know and understand Him through 1) what He does (hesed, exercises kindness, grace, mercy) and 2) what He says (guidelines for justice and righteousness). However, most professing Christians (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox) insist that God must be understood in a very different manner... the trinity.

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The seventh day of the week is the Sabbath of the Most High God. On this day we are to rest from our work and assemble ourselves before Him.

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The Creator made the Sabbath for multiple functions: it is a day of instruction, it is a prophetic shadow of things passed, and things yet to come, and it is a sign of recognition between the Most High God and the people He is working with.

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Regarding the time of His return, Jesus teaches readiness and vigilance. Then He hints that it comes suddenly after a long long time... and as a thief in the night.

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God has not appointed those who put His plan of preparedness to feel the weight of His wrath, or to destruction, or harm... whether it comes in our lifetime or after we are dead. He promises to protect and spare those who have prepared.

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The relevance of the day of Atonement for new covenant believers is covered in the book of Hebrews. It directly addresses two of the four main themes of the day.

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The Day of Atonement Has Meaning For Our Time

Hebrew 9:8-10 - one of the features of the day of atonement is: our present separation from God... lost at Eden... cast out from His presence… the way back guarded by angels with flaming swords... as pictured on the veil used in the temple.

The day of Atonement was a symbolic picture of the coming restoration of our direct relationship with God... but it was only a symbol. The reality of re-establishing that direct relationship would only come to pass through Jesus Christ.

The offerings of Leviticus 16 are no longer a part of our observance of the day of Atonement. Under the new covenant they have been replaced by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ… who is also now acts as the high priest. The symbols and outward observance didn't have the power to transform people from within... they could not cleanse our conscience. But Christ can.

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Resurrection from the dead and the gift of eternal life is the “hope” of all mankind. To no longer fear or anticipate death. The scriptures teach that ALL will be raised (John 5:28) but that there is an order in which the dead will be resurrected.

The Feast of Trumpets celebrates and proclaims the resurrection of those who are in Christ at His return. the resurrection of the just… the better resurrection. God has the power to give you this… He wants to give it to you.

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Joel uses a contemporary plague of locusts to issue a general call to repentance in light of the coming Day of the Lord.

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the trumpet calls the believers to the sacred assembly. To consider the terrifying things they have heard and seen... to repent and seek deliverance.
Those who minister before God have a special task... to lead the entire community in a prayer of repentance, to seek forgiveness, to confess the many ways they had failed in their commission to live as examples of God's way for others. And God will hear!

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Today, lets look at prayer as a form of self discipline. We'll discuss some helpful techniques to improve and focus your prayer life and then a brief discussion on the content or prayers.

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The battles between the king of the north and the king of the south is the longest and most detailed of the prophetic visions given to Daniel. It adds detail to previous visions but without the symbolism or riddle. The focus of the vision is the person who will rise up at the end time... a.k.a. the man of lawlessness, the anti-Christ, the beast.

Here is a link to the handout used in the message - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0qfdxgb72idh6ztc31dii/Daniel-11-verse-details.pdf?rlkey=mp4a8h03z7hhf0ncmxplor6gc&dl=0

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The coming of this person is one of the key pieces of information Jesus gave His followers in answer to their question "what will be the sign of your return?" ... the one who invades Jerusalem and sets up the abomination of desolation.

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Sins of hostility and enmity are about how we think about others. Do we think of a treat others as friends, or enemies... are they family or are they rivals? This applies within the Church and outside the Church.

If God is going to raise you up to be seated with Christ and assist Him in the millennial rule and beyond... you have to build a positive outlook towards others.

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The sins covered in this message are:
Wickedness G4184 - poneria 7x
Maliciousness G2549 - kakios 11x
Malignity G2550 kakoethia - 1x
Murder G5408 phonos - 10x
Proud G5244 huperephanos 5x
Boaster G213 alazon 2x
Hatred G2189 echthra 6x
Wrath G2372 thumos 18x
Anger G3709 orge 36x
Without Natural Affection G794 astorgos 2x
Implacable G786 aspondos 2x
Unmerciful G415 aneleemon 1x

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Holiness can be undermined by bitterness… leading to defilement… leading us to becoming godless and profane. Along the way I’m going to add definition to:

Holiness - set apart for a God given purpose
Bitterness - focusing on the negative
Defilement - caused by disobedience
Profane - unable to see, unwilling to acknowledge God’s purpose

The path from holy to profane, is a path from life with purpose to a life with no purpose.

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You have been called to holiness. Which means your life has been recategorized by God and set apart to accomplish His purpose. Use this as a way of seeing and understanding all the trials. the tests, the persecutions, the insults... as having great meaning and headed toward a great goal.

Do not become discouraged... do not allow a root of bitterness to take root within you... do not allow yourself to treat the things of God as "no big deal"... do not disobey His righteous commands... do not give up your inheritance... keep moving forward.

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Sexual immorality is a top priority among the sin lists of Paul. Those who are not working to overcome all the items on these sin lists will not have a place in the kingdom of God. Pay attention to the prominence of sexual sins.

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The 7th commandment is the beginning of our Creator's instruction about sexual activity that is healthy... or avoiding what is unhealthy. IE what is good for us emotionally, psychologically, culturally, and spiritually. This is a law we would not become aware of by observing the natural world around us... it is not self evident... it is revealed / given / for our well being as beings who are both natural and spiritual at the same time.

As the data about the effects of the sexual revolution continues to come it confirms that what we are doing is not making us happier or more fulfilled.

Men are not thriving... women are not thriving... children are not thriving... society is not thriving.

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The 70 weeks prophecy is the essential prophecy of the bible:
◾ It ties into Persian history with the proclamation which allows us to figure out the start of the countdown
◾ It provides numbers that allow us to predict when events would happen
◾ These numbers correspond to the time of the crucifixion which then mesh with the 3 days and 3 nights, the holy day sequence, and the lunar solar calendar
◾ It provides a quick summary of God’s goals for both Israel and the Church

All these details of the 70 weeks prophecy validate our trust in the bible as God's word.

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On all these sins of the tongue I hope that looking into the meaning helps you identify and avoid “sins of the tongue”. They are...

Hater of God​
Evil Speaking​
Filthy​ talk
Foolish​ talk

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The apostle Paul is known for providing interesting lists of spiritual virtues and vices commonly known as “the sin lists”. There are 8 of these sin lists. Your bible contains other such lists but I’m limiting myself to these 8 sin lists.

In this message we will cover the category of quarreling. Which is: strife, self-ambition, sedition, heresy, conceits, and tumults.

The multiple and different word in the category reveal different facets of this problematic behavior. Such as; what do we tend to quarrel about, what motivates quarreling, what are the outcomes of quarreling, and how do we confront it.

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Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

244 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

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