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NATO terrorists sing "We are the World We are the Children"

So moronic that any description will for short.

War always a cover for so many different sources of PROFIT!

The SRF & Billionaires will achieve FULL control of the Plantations via the WHO

Reality is ALWAYS funny...

The biggest success for the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires since their 80's GRID/HTLV_III first attempt to control the Herds of Modern Moron Slaves using "virus" as a weapon.

Not difficult to figure out who WINS!

Old Slave tells the story of the Ukrainistan Circus...

Ukrainistan Profit War

Since it was CENSORED in the usual site (yout) here it is...

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Conferencia magistral Pandemia y vacunas, lecciones aprendidas, del 28 de febrero de 2023, Mexico City

Another modern moron slave just got CULLED... This time they didn't even need to use the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jab!

Jimmy Dore: The US war machine is out of control

Me says: In fact it's in perfect control!

Next on the list... China!

The Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires do LOVE WAR!

OPERATION COVIDIUS music for the herds of modern moron slaves...

Obey and all will work out just fine!

Aren't Miracle mRNA spew (pseudo-vaccines) awesome?!

The fun reality finally arrives...

That's how the 99% respond...


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

28 videos

Category Education

Nunca daria ciclo suficiente.

Keep Calm and Slave on. The BEST function of DEMOCRACY is to give SLAVES the FREEDOM to CONSUME