Curious Human Productions

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Curious Human Productions

Curious Human Productions


This is the third documentary in this series and is titled QUANTUM LEAP. It was produced in 2016 and contains interviews with Mark Grenon, testimonials from people cured of various diseases, and some other interesting historical details.

The powers that be have made multiple attempts to scrub documentaries about The Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide) from the web. This video series is made as an attempt to preserve this information for the historical record.

For up-to-date information about chlorine dioxide visit the website

1st Series Documentary:

2nd Series Documentary:

How to Buy, Use, and Make Chlorine Dioxide:

The powers that be have made multiple attempts to scrub documentaries about The Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide) from the web. This video series is made as an attempt to preserve this information for the historical record.

The second documentary in this series is titled "LEAKED July 2013 Proof the Red Cross Cured 154 Malaria Cases with MMS." The footage was shot in 2012 and the final version was released in 2013. It contains original footage from Uganda with the locals, the red cross workers, and those involved in the research.
For up-to-date information about chlorine dioxide visit the website

The Universal Antidote Lost Documentaries Series (Understanding MMS)

The powers that be have made multiple attempts to scrub documentaries about The Universal Antidote (Chlorine Dioxide) from the web. This video series is made as an attempt to preserve this information for the historical record. The first documentary in this series is titled Understanding MMS and was produced in 2008 and contains original footage of Jim Humble, testimonials from physicians and patients, and some other interesting historical details.
For up-to-date information about chlorine dioxide visit the website

This is the only KNOWN RECORDED INTERVIEW WITH HOWARD ALLIGER. Howard Alliger died at the age of 92 in 2019 and was the founder and owner of Frontier Pharmaceutical. Howard Alliger patented one of the first commercially available products utilizing CHLORINE DIOXIDE for individual human and animal use. This product was first called ALCIDE. Howard's history and the history of ALCIDE cooperation are discussed in the documentary The Universal Antidote: The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide. You can watch this documentary for free HERE (

കോവിഡ്, ഏറ്റവും രോഗോല്പാദനമായ രോഗങ്ങൾ, കാൻസർ, മറ്റ് പല വിട്ടുമാറാത്ത രോഗങ്ങൾ എന്നിവയ്ക്കുള്ള ആത്യന്തിക ചികിത്സ. ക്ലോറിൻ ഡയോക്‌സൈഡിന്റെ ചരിത്രം, സുരക്ഷ, ഫലപ്രാപ്തി, സാർവത്രിക മറുമരുന്ന് എന്നതിന്റെ തെളിവുകൾ രണ്ട് മണിക്കൂറുള്ള യൂണിവേഴ്‌സൽ ആന്റിഡോട്ട് ഡോക്യുമെന്ററി നൽകുന്നു.

1987-ൽ നാസ ഇത് ഒരു സാർവത്രിക മറുമരുന്നായി പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു. അന്നുമുതൽ ആയിരക്കണക്കിന് ആളുകൾ ഈ പദാർത്ഥം ഉപയോഗിച്ച് രോഗത്തിൽ നിന്ന് സുഖം പ്രാപിച്ചു, ഇപ്പോൾ പല വൈദ്യന്മാരും ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞരും ഇത് പല പ്രയോഗങ്ങൾക്കും വളരെ ഫലപ്രദമാണെന്ന് പറയുന്നു.

ചുവടെയുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും ലിങ്കിൽ നിന്ന് കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ കണ്ടെത്തുക.


ഇവിടെ സൗജന്യമായി ഡൗൺലോഡ് ചെയ്യുക:

എല്ലാ യൂണിവേഴ്സൽ ആന്റിഡോട്ട് വീഡിയോ ചാനലുകളിലേക്കുള്ള ലിങ്കുകൾ:

I received a text message from a friend that is a retired chemist that worked for the intelligence agencies. It was a report about a smallpox report in a middle eastern country. Original source of report:

En el Video #6 de Entrenamiento de la Universidad de TUA, aprenderas como prepara tu propia solucion ácida activadora, que puede ser usada en la generación de MMS1 y CDS. Se demostrará como se preparan los tres ácidos más comunes.

Este es el video #6 de una serie de 8 partes.

En el vídeo de entrenamiento 5 de la Universidad TUA aprenderás a fabricar tu propia solución de clorito de sódio al 22.4%. Esta solución es la primera parte del kit que se necesita para producir MMS1 y CDS. Aquí hay una guía en PDF que también te ayudará a aprender cómo hacer tu propia solución. Guía de instrucciones en PDF: Este es el video #5 de la serie de 8 partes

Video de capacitación 2- Historia y demostración de CDS
Elaboración de CDS concentrado a 3000 ppm

En el video de capacitación 2 de la Universidad TUA, aprenderá sobre el CDS, su historia y verá una demostración de como hacer CDS utilizando un método desarrollado por Andreas Kalcker.

Este es el video # 2 de la serie de 8 partes

Este es el video # 2 de la serie de 8 partes
1- Historia y demostración de MMS.
2- Historia y demostración de CDS.
3A- Procedimiento de inicio para protocolos con MMS.
3B- Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con MMS1.
4-Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con CDS.
5-Como elaborar la solución ácida activadora.
6-Cómo hacer la solución de clorito de sodio.
7-Preguntas frecuentes de resumen y revisión de recursos.

Video de Entrenamiento #7 - Preguntas Frecuentes y Cierre

Tabla de Contenido:
Todavía no entiendo la diferencia entre MMS1 y CDS. ¿Podrías volver a explicarlos?
Soy nuevo en MMS1 y CDS. ¿Deberia empezar a tomar cuando me de COVID o caiga enfermo?
¿Dónde puedo comprar las soluciones pre-fabricadas de MMS y ácido activador y CDS?
¿Dónde puedo comprar las materias primas para hacer mi propio MMS al 22.8% y la solución de ácido activador?
¿Qué libros debería leer para aprender más sobre MMS y CDS?
¿El dióxido de cloro cura ... (enfermedad X)?
¿El MMS1 o CDS ingestado por la boca, destruye la flora intestinal?
¿El MMS o CDS dañarán mis implantes metálicos?
¿Cuándo puedo comer si estoy tomando MMS1 o CDS?
¿Qué comidas debo evitar mientras tomo MMS1 o CDS?
¿Qué es una reacción Herxheimer o crisis curativa, y qué hago al respecto?
¿Qué puedo esperar con respecto a estar mejor una vez que empieze a tomar MMS o CDS?
¿Dónde puedo preguntar mas preguntas?

En el video #1 de La Universidad TUA aprenderás sobre MMS, su historia, y verás una demostración haciendo MMS1.
Este es el video #1 de la serie de 8 partes:

1-Historia del MMS y demostración.
2-Historia y demostración del CDS.
3A-Procedimiento de inicio de los protocolos de MMS.
3B-Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con MMS1.
4-Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con CDS.
5-Cómo hacer la Solución de Ácidos Activadora.
6-Cómo hacer la Solución de Clorito de Sodio.
7-Resumen de preguntas frecuentes y revisión de recursos.

Descarga gratuita en Telegram:
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Video de Entrenamiento #4 - Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con CDS (Solucion de Dioxido de Cloro)

En el video de entrenamiento #4 de la Universidad de TUA, aprenderás los protocolos para CDS.
Estos son los protocolos centrales del libro de Andreas Kalcker "Salud Prohibida" Las útiles hojas de cálculo, mencionadas por Brian estan en: (descarga directa:

Video de capacitación 3B: Tratamiento de Enfermedades Agudas y Crónicas con MMS1.

En el video de capacitación 3B de la Universidad TUA (The Universal Antidote), usted aprenderá sobre el Protocolo 1000 y 1000+.
Estos son los protocolos básicos del libro de Jim Humble titulado "MMS Health Recovery Guide Book".
Hojas de cálculo útiles mencionadas por Brian: (descarga directa:

Este es el video # 3B de la serie de 8 partes.

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3A:
Video 3B:
4-Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con CDS
5-Cómo hacer la solución de activador de ácido
6-Cómo hacer la solución de clorito de sodio
7-Preguntas frecuentes de resumen y revisión de recursos

Únete al canal TUA Telegram:

Video de capacitación 3A-
(El procedimiento de inicio).
Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con MMS1.

En el video de capacitación 3A de la Universidad TUA, aprenderá acerca del procedimiento inicial para el tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con MMS1 (clorito de sodio acidificado). Esto es muy importante. No te lo saltes.

Este es el video # 3A de la serie de 8 partes.
Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3A:

Video 3B-Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con MMS1.

Video 4-Tratamiento de enfermedades agudas y crónicas con CDS.
Video 5-¿Cómo hacer la solución de activador de ácido?
Video 6- ¿Cómo hacer la solución de clorito de sodio?
Video 7-Preguntas frecuentes de resumen y revisión de recursos.

Únete al canal TUA Telegram:

Aquí está la introducción al Curso Básico de Instrucción del Antídoto Universal. Es una serie de videos en 8 partes. Después del lanzamiento de la serie completa, esta información sera compilada en un documento PDF guía interactiva que podrá ser enviada via correo electrónico para ser compartida con todos. Link mencionado en el video. Por que se llama el Antidoto Universal?:

Bendiciones en nombre de Jesus

Download the Complete Training Guide:

In TUA University training video 4 you will learn about CDS Protocols. These are the core protocols from Andreas Kalcker's book "Forbidden Health." Helpful spreadsheets mentioned in by Brian: (direct download:

This is video #4 of the 8 part series

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TUA University Training Video 7 is a final wrap-up video for The Universal Antidote University getting started series. We will answer a series of frequently asked questions. If you have been looking into chlorine dioxide for long I guarantee you have asked yourself these questions.

FAQ Questions:
I still don't understand the difference between MMS1 and CDS. Can you explain that one more time?
I'm new to MMS1 and CDS. Should I just start taking it when I get COVID or have an illness?
Where can I buy the premade solutions of MMS and the acid activator and CDS?
Where can I buy the raw ingredients to make my own (MMS) 22.8% sodium chlorite solution and the acid activator solutions?
What books should I read to learn more about MMS and CDS?
Will chlorine dioxide cure...(disease x)?
Does MMS1 or CDS taken by mouth destroy good gut bacteria?
Will MMS1 or CDS harm my metal implants?
When can I eat if I'm taking MMS1 or CDS?
What foods should I avoid when taking MMS1 or CDS?
What's a Herxheimer reaction/healing crisis and what do I do about it?
What can I expect in regards to getting better once I start using MMS or CDS?
Where can I ask more questions?

TUA Beginner Series Training Guide PDF: I'm working on it. Check back here by Friday, October 29.

Download the Complete Training Guide:

In TUA University training video 6 you will learn how to make your own acid activator solution that can be used in the production of MMS1 and CDS. Demonstration of the three most common acids used will be done.
This is video #6 of the 8 part series

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Where to Buy HCL:
Can find at any hardware store.
Muriatic acid from Amazon

Recipe from video:
Distilled water: 300 ml
HCL 35%: 50 ml

Phosphoric Acid, Food Grade (FCC), Kosher, 75%,1 Liter

266 ml distilled water
34 ml phosphoric acid 75%

Phosphoric Acid Calculator:

HCL and NACLO2 Calculator:

HCL Calculator:

Download the Complete Training Guide:

In TUA University training video 5 you will learn how to make your own 22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution. This solution is the first part of the kit that is needed to produce MMS1 and CDS. Here is a PDF guide that will also help you learn how to make your own solution.

Sodium Chlorite Suppliers:

Dropper Lids: 24-410 White Turret PP Dispensing Bottle Cap w/ .130 in. Orifice (

HDPE Amber Bottles: 2 oz. Opaque HDPE Slightly Squeezable Plastic Bottle (

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In TUA University training video 4 you will learn about CDS Protocols. These are the core protocols from Andreas Kalcker's book "Forbidden Health."

CDS Protocols:

Helpful spreadsheets mentioned in by Brian: (direct download:

This is video #4 of the 8 part series

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Join TUA Discussion Group:

Download the Complete Training Guide:

In TUA University training video 3B you will learn about Protocol 1000 and 1000+. These are the core protocols from Jim Humble's book titled MMS Health Recovery Guide Book. Helpful spreadsheets mentioned by Brian:

This is video #3B of the 8 part series

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Training Video 3A-(The Starting Procedure) Treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1

In TUA University training video 3A you will learn about The starting procedure for treating acute and chronic disease with MMS1 (acidified sodium chlorite). This is important. Don't skip it.

This is video #3A of the 8 part series

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In TUA University training video 2 you will learn about CDS, its history, and you will see a demonstration making CDS using a method developed by Andreas Kalcker.

This is video #2 of the 8 part series

This is video #2 of the 8 part series
1-MMS History and Demonstration
2-CDS History and Demonstration
3A-Starting Procedure for MMS Protocols
3B-Treating Acute and Chronic Disease with MMS1
4-Treating Acute and Chronic Disease with CDS
5-How to Make the Acid Activator Solution
6-How to make the Sodium Chlorite Solution
7-Wrap-up FAQ and Resource Review

Download Free on Telegram:
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Download the Complete Training Guide:

In TUA University training video 1 you will learn about MMS, its history, and you will see a demonstration making MMS1.
This is video #2 of the 8 part series

This is video #2 of the 8 part series
1-MMS History and Demonstration
2-CDS History and Demonstration
3A-Starting Procedure for MMS Protocols
3B-Treating Acute and Chronic Disease with MMS1
4-Treating Acute and Chronic Disease with CDS
5-How to Make the Acid Activator Solution
6-How to make the Sodium Chlorite Solution
7-Wrap-up FAQ and Resource Review

Download Free on Telegram:

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Download the Complete Training Guide:

This is the introduction to The Universal Antidote Basics Training Course. It is an eight-part video series. Learn how to safely make and use chlorine dioxide.

After the release of all videos, this information will be compiled into a free interactive PDF training guide that can be emailed and shared with anyone.

Link mentioned in the video. Why is it called The Universal Antidote:

Blessings in Jesus Name,
The Curious Outlier


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

45 videos

Category Health & Medical

Curious Human Productions is dedicated to providing up-to-date information on The Universal Antidote. We empower humans with knowledge so that anyone can learn about this substance, and if you desire you can learn how to make and use this amazing substance for yourself.

NASA proclaimed this substance a universal antidote in 1987. Since that time thousands have recovered from illness using this substance and now many physicians and scientists are saying it is powerfully effective for many applications. The Universal Antidote Documentary is scheduled for release on February 1, 2021
Find out more at any of the links below.

You will find the NASA article on pg. 118-121 of NASA Spinoff Magazine:

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Watch Here: