Untouchable truth

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Untouchable truth

Catch 28


RIP Roger Whittaker. Thank you so much for you music. It meant a lot <3

Sound of Freedom Trailer

Wolfgang Wee Uncut. En samtalebasert dybdepodcast med Pål Steigan.

Mind Control Programming

Researchers in Britain are calling on the government to halt their use of the coronavirus "vaccine" immediately after discovering “toxic” side effects.
One America’s Pearson Sharp tells you all about it

Denne damen er delaktig i raseringen av varslingsberedskapen i Norge. DAB ble tvangsinnført med den hensikt å fjerne riks-FM. Norge har ikke lenger noen analog varslingsberedskap, og dette oppfattes som en villet handlling fra norske myndigheter. DSB ble nektet å foreta ROS-analyse. Men det tvang korrupte NRK/KUD v. Øyvind Christensen seg til å gjøre selv. Her var det mye å skjule, og denne analysen er selvsagt hemmeligstemplet! Fy faen!!!!

Årets viktigste apell!

Avslører maktspillet knyttet til "pandemien". Hvilken kobling er det mot Bill Gates og WHO, hvordan ser regnskapet ut, hvorfor eksplosiv økning av lønn/formue for Camilla Stoltenberg, hvorfor ikke mer info om mulige bivirkninger fra vaksinene, hvorfor ikke mer info om alternative behandlingsmåter, hvorfor intet innsyn i avtaler med Big Pharma?? Spørsmålene og paradoksene er mange!

World insanity - What the Hell is going on?

Dr. Roger Hodkinson commenting on the convoy to Ottawa.

Who is on board the plane from Oslo??

The Australian Government announced commercial television and radio broadcasters like Channel 9, 7 News, Channel 10, just to name a few, in return for reporting more exclusively on Covid 19. They would receive 100% tax rebates for 12 months on the commercial broadcasting. The rebate provided the commercial broadcasting commercial sector with AUD 41 000 000 in tax relief.
The time to wake up is NOW! Become a critical thinker. Seek out respectable and alternative channels to keep yourself well informed of the whole truth.
Be aware that your governments are not only incentivizing your once trusted commercial broadcasters to communicate their agenda. These media outlets are also incentivised by organizations that are making billions of dollars from your fear as well as the vaccines that were promised to supposedly save you.

Warning to doctors and parents about vaccination of children and teenagers!
BionTech vaccination for children represents a mortal danger!
Beate Bahner is a lawyer specializing in medical and health law.
Warning given 19. Des 2021 (Norwegian subtitles)

Fauchi lied, Biden lied, Walensky lied, Biden lied, Gates lied. They all lied, and are stiull lying. Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare. Wake up Wold!!

Professor Chris Whitty is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession. He represents the UK on the Executive Board of the World Health Organization. (Or rather World Hoax Organisation)

Scroll to 45 seconds and see the alien doesn't need to blink like regular humans.

Del Bigtree of The Highwire show perfectly explain the j@b and why it will end disastrously.

This is for the greater good. Wake up World!

A message to the World. Wake the f**k up before it is too late,

Reiner Fuellmich, founder of the Corona Ausschuss
(Corona Committee), and former chancellor candidate
for the new German political party Die Basis, were
guests at the House of Literature in Warsaw
15. November 2021.

Edinburgh. To all awakened souls world wide.

Stuckelberger and Benito


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

24 videos

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The truth, and nothing but the truth!