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April 18, 2021: Jazznds and James give the over-under on America Fist Cuckus mortality before digging into the domestic terror background of former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and his "private sector" connections to Michael Chertoff in light of apparent coordination with the Pentagon to initiate a domestic terror "Pearl Harbor" at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. Then the nnnguys go down the rabbit hole on the latest Afghanistan withdrawal strokejob, the now decades-old focus on China in the run-up to 9/11, Afghani diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad and his Jewish wife Cheryl Benard at the nexus of 40 years of Jewish terrorism in the Middle East. After the break, it's America's 2 do 37 crime boom, the non-white shooter paradigm shift, and Floyd trial predictions. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!

Listen to the entire episode : https://therightstuff.biz/2021/04/18/ftn-399-america-fist-cuckus/

Jewish Trick Singularity – Domestic Terror Pearl Harbor – Project for the New Jewish Century – The Rape of Beijing – Zalmay Khalilzaberg
01:57:00 - BREAK
America's Non-White Crime Boom – 2DO37 – La Atrocidad Shooter Paradigm Shift – Floyd Predicts
03:00:00 - Legion - Dzieje Najnowsze

All FTN : https://therightstuff.biz/category/ftn/
TRS Radio Network : https://therightstuff.biz

Tonaufnahme vom 11. Dezember 1941.

Das Video wurde schon vor Jahren aus youtube gelöscht, "Hassrede" haben sie gesagt.

"Danke!" für's Aufbewahren an https://archive.org/details/@konway87
Eine Sammlung von Tonaufnahmen der Reden Adolf Hitler's: https://bit.ly/führerworte

Born to a Belgian family in the year 1906, Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle rose to prominence as a newspaper editor and head of the militant monarchist, Catholic, and anticommunist Parti Rexiste.

Following the German occupation of Belgium, Degrelle and his party loyalists enlisted in the Wehrmacht-organized Walloon Legion to aid in the liberation of the peoples of the Soviet Republics. He raised approximately 6,000 volunteers over the course of the war, both for the Wehrmacht and, later, for the Waffen-SS. Barely a third of these volunteers would survive. Degrelle and his men were noted for extreme bravery, brutal ferocity in close quarters fighting, and an indomitable spirit of self-sacrifice, with Degrelle himself earning the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves.

After the fall of Berlin, Degrelle made a daring escape from the crumbling Third Reich. He managed to reach Spain, where he was safeguarded by Franco’s government. His native Belgium later sentenced him to death in absentia for collaboration with the Germans.

Degrelle expressed no regrets for joining the war on the side of the Axis Powers, defending both his own actions and those of his superiors and comrades. He lived in Spain until his death of natural causes in 1994, and remained active in anticommunist and pan-European causes despite several attempts at his extradition, kidnapping, or assassination.

This text was stolen from: https://www.antelopehillpublishing.com/product-page/leon-degrelle-book

March 7, 2021 : The clout streak continues as Jazznds and James grease the skids for testimony further confirming the trap set for capitol protestors by the jignat spec ops domestic terror team installed by Trump in the waning days of his presidency. Tucker emerges as a QAnon apologist who'd rather talk about Chinese hegemony and hyperinflation, fragile tendencies stem from the perils of deferring firmware updates when you can't let go of stale features, the six million layers of Jewish power dynamics that led to the death of fellow denier Jamal Khashoggi, Joe Manchin is once again cast as the shabbos fall goy in the flop for 15, and fresh analysis emerges from the Stockton UBI experiment that obliterates conservative cold takes on the purported merits of austerity. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!

Listen to the entire show here : https://therightstuff.biz/2021/03/07/ftn-388-clout-casino-cash-me-out/

Episode Topics:

00:00:00 - Clout Casino Cash Me Out
00:15:00 - Pentagon Shot Greatest Hits
00:23:00 - Walker Testimony
00:30:00 - WIN95WN
00:55:00 - Backsliding Into Incoherence
01:15:00 - Tucker's QAnon Apologia
01:38:00 - BREAK
01:43:00 - Jignat Death Squads
02:00:00 - Offloading 666
02:15:00 - Orb of Anti-Semitism
02:30:00 - Israel and Russia Semitic Super Friends
02:40:00 - Khashoggi Denial Posting
02:55:00 - Israeli Pegasus Killed Khashoggi
03:05:00 - Flop for 15
03:20:00 - Stockton UBI White Pills
03:30:00 - Outro

Zum Film Rothschild oder Hitler : https://archive.org/details/RothschildOderHitler

Zu den erwähnten 'Satanischen Versen' (in Anlehnung an Salman Rushdie):
– das Hörbuch 'Ende der Wanderschaft : Gedanken über Gilad Atzmon und die Judenheit' : https://archive.org/details/endederwanderschaft
– der Beweisantrag im 'Judaismus Prozess' : https://archive.org/details/BeweisantragImJudaismus-prozess

Dieses und mehr von Horst Mahler : https://www.wir-sind-horst.de

Listen to the entire epsiode : https://therightstuff.biz/2021/02/14/ftn-382-mega-satanic-pedophile-cabals/ February 14, 2021 : Jazznds and James pledge a program of complete and total amnesty along with an expedited pathway to wignatship for Trump era refugees, dig into white pills embedded in Michael Jensen's sometimes incoherent prescriptions for combating extreeeeemists and fighting accelerating "radicalization", and take a tour of the various Jewish clemency campaigns afoot in the waning days of Trump's presidency. After the break, it's a long-overdue mega nnndeep-nnndive into the Mega Group, a coterie of wealthy and influential Jews who, via an elaborate scheme of weaponized philanthropy, manage and direct an array of Jewish causes to suit their agenda while increasing and consolidating their power. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!

Episode Topics: - Jig's Up - Radical Accelerationism - Greedy Jaaaash Pardon Schemes - This is How We MEGA - Weaponized Jewish Philanthropy - Taubman's Mall Empire - Wexner's Iraq War Agitprop - Holohoax Gang Gang - Waldheim Gay Op ...

All FTN : https://therightstuff.biz/category/ftn/
... https://fash-the-nation.libsyn.com/

Mossad-Pädagogen – Eine Abrechnung mit Jerusalems Mossad-Welterziehern, 1992 von J. G. Burg / Josef Ginsburg : https://archive.org/details/jgburgmossadpaedagogen_audiobook

Interview mit dem Verfasser : http://archive.org/details/ernst-zuendel-interview-mit-jg_burg-1983

Copyright Notice: This movie has been released to the public domain for educational purposes only. It may be copied and distributed free of charge only. No commercial use is permitted. If copied and distributed, no changes to the movie are permitted without the prior written consent of the author/director of the movie.

With her book Denying the Holocaust, Deborah Lipstadt tried to show the flawed methods and extremist motives of “Holocaust deniers,” who, so the book’s description claims, have “no more credibility than the assertion that the earth is flat.”

This video documentary is based on the book Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust.” How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory,” which is available from the publisher's website https://holocausthandbooks.com or wherever books can be bought.

Both this documentary and the book demonstrate that Dr. Lipstadt clearly has neither understood what the principles and methods of science and scholarship are, nor has she any clue about the historical topics she is writing about. She misquotes, mistranslates, misrepresents, misinterprets, and makes a plethora of wild claims without backing them up with anything. Among other things, she utterly fails to use generally recognized standards of evidence. Given the way she handles documents and data, it is clear that she has no interest in scholarship or reason. In fact, truth has been the antithesis of her enterprise.

Rather than dealing thoroughly with factual arguments, Lipstadt’s book is full of ad hominem attacks on her opponents. It is an exercise in anti-intellectual pseudo-scientific arguments, an exhibition of ideological radicalism that rejects anything which contradicts its preset conclusions.

Since she admits herself that her opponents’ motives are irrelevant, as an inescapable consequence, so is her book.

The transcript of this presentation, enriched by source references, links to more information and a subtitle file for downloading, can be found here: https://codoh.com/library/document/5011

Copyright Notice: This movie has been released to the public domain for educational purposes only. It may be copied and distributed free of charge only. No commercial use is permitted. If copied and distributed, no changes to the movie are permitted without the prior written consent of the author/director of the movie.

On April 7th of 2017, U.S.-American professor of Jewish history and Holocaust research Deborah Lipstadt appeared on TED-x Talks, where she related her experiences surrounding her courtroom battle against British historian David Irving. The event took place at the Sheldonian Theatre, which is the official ceremonial hall of the University of Oxford in England.

This presentation discusses some of the claims she made during that speech, which lasted only some 15 minutes, and demonstrates that many of her claims are not only false, but are deeply rooted in prejudice and a profoundly anti-academic attitude.

2nd, slightly corrected edition, released in May 2017

FTN-378 episode in full length : https://therightstuff.biz/2021/01/31/ftn-378-hundred-billion-dollacaust/
"Jazznds and James uphodl [sic] the highest expectations in bringing you the latest dollacaust updates and shots. Steven A. Cohen ragequits Twitter and Jaaaash angerey reacts abound as one of their main vectors for financial domination takes a significant 12 digit L, further exposing a thoroughly rigged system and panicked, error-prone Jewish power to millions. If it's Sundey, it's FTN!"

Gegnerische Truppenführer wie Eisenhower oder Montgomery und angesehene ausländische Militärhistoriker wie Liddell Hart oder J. F. C. Fuller haben sich lobend über Geist, Disziplin und ehrenhafte Kampfführung der deutschen Soldaten im Zweiten Weltkrieg ausgesprochen, die sich auch durch die völkerrechtswidrigen Kriegsweisen ihrer Gegner – etwa bei deren Einsatz von Partisanen in Rußland und auf dem Balkan, aber auch in Italien und Frankreich – entgegen unberechtigten Vorwürfen nicht von der geraden Linie deutschen Soldatentums abbringen ließen.

Dies ist ein Film zu dem Buch "'Supersoldiers' Die Wehrmacht im Urteil ausländischer Experten" von Hajo Herrmann (*1913+2010).
Ein Vortrag des Verfassers :

Mit Bezug :
"German Soldiers of World War Two - Why they were the best and why they still lost." : https://www.ihr.org/other/bestsoldiers

...kein Tag der Befreiung.

Dies ist ein Mitschnitt einer Vortragsveranstaltung von Imke Barnstedt zum 8. Mai im Jahr 2015.
Siehe : https://imkebarnstedt.home.blog/
Dort ist sowohl die ursprüngliche Tonaufnahme (mp3) als auch ein Transkript (pdf) abzurufen.
Das Bild zeigt Claus-Friedrich Heller.

[ Tonaufnahme als mp3 : https://archive.org/details/HorstMahlerWasIstDeutschAudio ]
„Wir Deutschen sind das Volk der Dichter und Denker“ – sagt man, aber was sagt das schon?

Die schlimmsten Deutschen, das sind die, die statt Weihnachten Julfest sagen. Sie beweisen damit, daß sie nur noch das Leichengift des deutschen Geistes im Schädel haben, der Geist ihnen aber entflohen ist.

Man halte sich fern von jenen, die in der Antwort auf diese Frage Erbauung suchen und Erkenntnis scheuen, weil Erlangung derselben saure Arbeit ist und keinen „Spaß“ macht. Die blutigsten Kriege der Weltgeschichte sind von unseren Feinden geführt worden gegen den deutschen Geist, um diesen zu töten. Und in der Weltgeschichte geht es vernünftig zu. (Hegel)

Was aber ist die Vernunft der Todesdrohungen gegen den deutschen Geist?

Was deutscher Geist ist, wußte der Jude Nahum Goldmann, den sie den „König der Diaspora“ nannten. Er schrieb über unser Volk...

Volltext : https://wir-sind-horst.de/was-ist-deutsch-februar-2018/
(...sollte der Verweis ins Leere führen, ersetze man ".de" durch ".com" )

Vortrefflich vorgelesen und mit musikalisch untermalt durch Imke Barnstedt : https://imkebarnstedt.home.blog/

video format codec settings wtf test : ffmpeg -i <inputfile> -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 854x480 -b:v 172k -bufsize 172k -r 29.97 -movflags faststart -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 44100 -ac 2 -sample_fmt fltp -b:a 85k <outputfile>.mp4

This is a clip from: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ejH4FOtfmLkO/ (around 01:41:00 )

Thx fwiw

January 16, 2021 – Truth Jihad by Dr. Kevin Barrett : https://www.unz.com/audio/channel/kbarrett/
"Prof. Kevin MacDonald of the Occidental Observer recently published Cat McGuire‘s article “I was at the Washington D.C. ‘Save America’ rally.” Not so many years ago, that would have seemed incongruous: Cat was a hardcore leftist while Kevin MacDonald, an evolutionary psychologist, has long been an intellectual inspiration of the white identitarian movement and the alt-right. But now, as hegemonic pseudo-liberal oligarchy mutates into tyranny, MacDonald and McGuire aren’t so far apart.
Both side with the (nonviolent) folks at the Stop the Steal rally, and both are pessimistic about America’s future under a Biden Administration."

Cat McGuire's Article : https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2021/01/08/i-was-at-the-washington-d-c-save-america-rally/


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

98 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Der häßliche Typ, Sefton Delmer, war mal aufm Umschlag von der Wochenhetzschrift die sich auch "Der Spiegel" nennt. Keine Ahnung was über den Berufslügner Delmer drin stand. Über seine Heldentaten und jene anderer Befreier :
und für alle die, die Wert auf Zusammenhänge legen, hier ein Hörbuch : https://bit.ly/GMWSTJ

Ein paar Kanäle, wo man mal reinschauen kann...
Jim Rizoli : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHBE5vylTdI/
John Robinson 101 : https://bitchute.com/channel/johnrobinson101/
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C.O.D.O.H. : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/codoh/
Myth of the 20th Century : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/myth20c/
Ryan Dawson : https://bitchute.com/channel/dawson/
Britta : https://bitchute.com/channel/punxsutawney/
Der Volkslehrer : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/der_volkslehrer/
John Fashcroft : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/john_fashcroft/
Cultured Thug : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/cultured_thug/
TheRightStuff TRS : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/therightstuffbiz/
Guide to Kulchur : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/guidetokulchur/
Andrew Joyce : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/occidentaljoyce/
Warmaster Horus : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/horus/