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In this video, we will answer the following questions to determine if Satan = The Lord God.

1. Was the Most High’s Name replaced by LORD GOD?
2. Does LORD equal BAAL?
3. Does BAAL and LORD link to SATAN and 666?
4. What is the DEFINITION and ORIGIN of GOD?
5. Does GOD link to GAD and GADREEL?

Click the link below to view the video.
What is the True Name of the Most High and His Son?

In this presentation, we will present the True Name of the Most High and His Son which has been hidden for the ages. Join me as we embark on the challenge posed by Proverbs 30:4 to know the True Name of the Most High and His Son.

Proverbs 30:4
Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?

In this video, we will answer the following questions to determine if the PCR Nasal Swab Test = Mark of the Beast in the Forehead.

1. Can the Nasal Swab Test reach the Forehead between the Eyes?
2. Can the Nasal Swab Test mark the Forehead through Vaccination and Nanotechnology?
3. Does the Nasal Swab Test fit the description of the Mark in Revelation 13:16?
4. Is the Nasal Swab Test linked to the Number 666 and Name of the Beast, Lucifer?
5. Is the Nasal Swab Test required to Buy or Sell?

For more videos from Watchman4YAHUAH, click below.


Obama = Antichrist (Compilation of Proof)

Abomination of Desolation of Third Temple


This presentation is an update to my previous Mark of the Beast Video. It will cover the following topics and provide more evidence to why the Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast.

1. COVID Vaccine links to the Number 666 and Name of the Beast, Lucifer.
2. COVID Vaccine is received as a Mark on the Right Hand or Forehead.
3. COVID Vaccine is for ALL, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave.
4. Proof of COVID Vaccination is required to Buy or Sell.
5. COVID Vaccine fulfills Bible Prophesy of a Global Deception involving Pharmacy.

In this video, we will present the following topics to show how Obama links to the Antichrist.

1. Rider of the White Horse
2. The Al-Mahdi of Islam
3. 6th and 8th King of Revelation 17
4. Lord of the Flies
5. Number of his Name 666
6. Antichrist Name in Scripture and Signature
7. Backward Messages
8. He exalts himself as God
9. Truth in Plain Sight
10. Mockery and Blasphemies against God
11. He will have no desire for Woman
12. He will think to change Times and Laws

In this video, we will present the following topics to show how the COVID Vaccine links to the Abomination of Desolation.

1. Meaning and fulfillments of the Abomination of Desolation
2. Seed War between the Woman and Serpent through History
3. Location of the Third Temple: Physical or Spiritual Temple
4. Abominations in the Vaccine: Ingredients in the Patents

In this presentation, we will answer the following questions to determine if the COVID Vaccine is the Mark of the Beast.

1. Does COVID-19 link to the number 666 and name of the beast, Lucifer?
2. Is the COVID Vaccine received as a Mark on the Right Hand or Forehead?
3. Is the COVID Vaccination for both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave?
4. Is Proof of COVID Vaccination required to buy and sell?
5. Does Bible Prophesy warn of a Global Deception involving Pharmacy?


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

7 videos

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