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What You Need to Know When Blamed for Others' Feelings! 👌 What REALLY causes our psychological emotions and feelings?! What do most people GET WRONG about emotions and feelings?! Where do you think the MOST feelings blaming occurs?...Across Social Media, in the Mental Health System, or in the Judicial System?
Read and Share with your family and friends...Carlos and the Banana Bread:

Who's been lying to us since the 1700s? Pantheists, Secularists, & Freemasons Oh My! What is Psychology? What is the Soul? What is the Conscience?
This video doubles as a Sleep Meditation Video if you're having trouble falling asleep...For if you're disinterested in the topic the sound of my voice and length will help put you right to sleep in no time.

Link to Last Tent Session: Miss Communication & Mr. Assume

Link to The Summa by Dr. St. Thomas Aquinas:

Good Morning Campers! I'm The Psychologist in a Tent! Join me for a Session in the Tent!

Today's Tent Topic is about miscommunication. I will be sharing tips and solutions on how to try to avoid frequent miscommunication, while improving your communication skills and by extension improve all your personal and work relationships.

Let me know in the comment section if you have any questions about today's Tent Session and how else I may help you!

Good Morning Campers! I'm The Psychologist in a Tent! Join me for a Session in the Tent! Let me know in the comment section below how I can help you!


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

4 videos

Category None

Modern Psychology & Psychiatry has been teaching LIES since Johann Christian Reil in the 1700's. It's time they are exposed & the Truth be known.