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It’s becoming unbearable to comprehend

Time tells a story not to be ignored

Buckle up for this is the year of exposure

What will it take?

Liars and Open Border society lead to global chaos

Standing Os for a war criminal is so liberating

The transhumanist movement hates us

The media protects the demons in this film

Identity politics are aided with victim mentality

Canadas role in the nation of Quebec

The privy council and gov knew about the effects of the jab

The middle finger from PET is the same as the one from the Sock king!

The great divide on full display

They want to destroy the oil and gas industry of the west

We are in a war and this is a serious salvo

Stay strong and keep the faith

Through strong families trumps government regulations

More Canadian $$ for war and climate change initiatives like carbon taxes

After berating Trudeau at the EU she is vilified by conservatives

The emergency act is justified by the gov of course!

The denial of reality is political dogma

It’s like the feudal system but with suits and purple ties.

Enough Is enough

TRUDEAU says Canada belongs to Quebec SMITH says no it doesn’t

Canada is the death capital of the world


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

106 videos

Category News & Politics

A place where a patriot shares his lifetime experiences, education and insight as a pundit fighting for our freedoms. Battling the censorship of media giants determined in their global mandate of subservience by the masses. Fighting against trans-humanism!