wonky sangha

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wonky sangha



A psychedelic take on a moment live.

AOC turns her back on Palestine, poorly spewing word salad and placing the false narrative of a struggle between equal powers in palestine.

A few minutes searching youtube reveals an interesting history of fraud in past DJ ventures, and some footage of Jay discussing money matters that seemed a bit shady. But it looks to be more corrupt than fraud. It appears there is a psy op going on, if you look deeply into it. Idk. You be the judge. Especially if you are invested in any way, in NFAC, or GMJ.

Joe Biden uh.. Gaffs? We all Deserve the Entertainment, since it's all he has to offer the people.

They tube gave me a second strike for quoting their sources directly, claiming 'medical misinformation'. I appealed and cited this fact, and lost the appeal. This isnt about words. It's about how I feel about things. Thought crime.

James Corbett of corbettreport.com poses this question on 2/12/2021. What are you willing to sacrifice, and choose for everyone else to sacrifice, in freedoms, and qualities of life, and deaths as a result of this action, in order to save how many lives from covid-19?

Practicing my compliance, and non controversial, non conservative, non biased, non critical, and non whatever youtube is thinking poorly of, but does not mention in their guidelines. Words are not the important thing with youtube. Its intent, or attitude , or detectable way that you feel about vaccines, virus, and IS military engagements, that will get you strikes, so it seems. they refuse to elaborate before or after penalizing you for what they will falsely claim was misinformation, or harmful content. Not my thing, but if someone questions whether they landed on the moon, how is that harmful?

As spoken, not edited together. Epic Fruedian slip.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the highest paid person in the US federal government. Fauci must be investigated for crimes against humanity. He has called the shots around the pandemic claiming to be going with the science, while the science begs to differ. Lockdowns are the largest mass study of psychology in history. Lockdowns with the healthy make less healthy people, and more people susceptible to coronavirus. lockdown=more sick people.. numbers rise... lock down..

Vaers.hhs.gov data alarming for first half of january.

15,000, now over 20,000 DHS troops in DC sleeping on the capitol floor, without pads, like a spooning orgy, like in the trenches of any war. It strikes me as additional theatre, but for what, really?

on 1/5/21, before the breach of the capitol, this was captured by villain of villain report. Its evidence of preplan or foreknowledge of the event. and, if you look at this exchange, you may find, as I do, that the conversation was also preplanned and acted out. I assume it was to loudly reinforce the plan amongst the crowd in a creative way. Who's plan? Trump? deep state? both?

Civil liberties being stripped rapidly. From free speech to lockdowns, these guys don't seem to have much physical presence, outside Klaus Schwab's youtube lectures. Is this the NWO? Judge for yourself..

As the window to free expression accelerates toward closing, We are seeing more clearly what is at stake, and being reminded that our civil liberties aren't ever returned after the crisis ends, and why we should never budge under perceived threat and give any hint of civil liberty up for safety. Ben Franklin said we deserve neither if we budge on the freedoms. Right now, is why. The contact tracing will enslave us if we allow it. I say why I'm this video.


Coronavirus discussion group moderators have deleted discussions about the Great Barrington Declaration that was recently written by top world doctors, professors, and researchers in virology, epidemiology, and public health, and signed by 10,000 other doctors and experts in the field. Because the the declaration stands in contrast to what the NIH, and Dr. Fauci claimed to be science, when the experimental lockdowns were precisely Not the established science, which calls for protection of the vulnerable, while the healthy go on about life, and build herd immunity. This is what the declaration calls for. A full return to opening everything up. This is also a more compassionate option. Democracy Now hosted a debate that was intended to discredit the experts, who include professors from Stanford and Oxford Universities, and both
other top experts in the field. Amy Goodman characterized them as a "fringe group" and was belittling and disrespectful, displaying a very obvious agenda, and politicizing the author's of the document, simply because fauci, msnbc, and Bill Gates have that much propaganda out there, telling us to trust them, and dont listen to anyone else.

Contact tracing is designed the surveil us all indefinitely, every minute from now on. No gatherings, for fear of forces quarantines, indefinitely.

The new business model for news is largely behind the deepest divides in the US.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

17 videos

Category News & Politics

Indy media is the last honest journalism left. Without a corporate entity to answer to, and with willingness to cover stories that are outside of view of the mainstream narrative, we bring you the truth before they would dare to tell it, if ever.. To this day, 9/11 is still taboo to question. With your willingness to consider the evidence and our willingness to share it, even if we dont agree on what it means, we are much closer to the truth than the mainstream would ever bring us. without these conversations, all there is is the Pentagon's story, pure propaganda. I tend to speak on subjects around divisions, the covid plandemic, vaccine, masks, protests, or anything else that I can offer up a new perspective, or untold truth on. I usually dont dive as deep into technical details, in order to focus on the bigger picture and context, to help understand what's happening. But, I back up anything I say, and if you ever want a link, source, or details please just ask. If you disagree, spark up the conversation..