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Dark City Demons


When life gives you lemons make lemonade.All kidding aside this is bad.America is in bad shape and its intentional.

Zionism,Judaism,Chosen supremacists collection,a mans Epic rant,Jew says Israel is preparing for their Moschiac and wil kill us all, Trunews A new Bolshevik Revolution Jew Coup. April 15, 2024. Get prepared. I like the weird psychologist at the end I got to find his posts.

Feel their evil,their Hate for us.When the world is run by satanic zionist centralized bankers dont expect much peace.

We live in a gigantic stupid Blazzing Saddles Judaic CULT that can't even ASK WHAT KIND OF BOOKS WERE THE GERMANS BURNING. DAM.

Tell them Liberal DIPSHTS trying to gain an upper hand over the white man they are only going to BURN America by their OWN STUPID HAND voting Communist Dem.Communist China is coming for you all to murder and destroy.They are planning to crash the dollar,release another bioweapon and invade and they will not take survivors.Your man has sent all of our weapons to Ukraine.Good luck with that Leftist Libtards.

It's so obvious Sweden starts all the wars.

Germany was infiltrated by Jewish Communist led Bolsheviks destroying their family values and culture in the early 1900s.Either Germany would oppose them or be murdered in the Millions. It does NO good for the alt-right media now calling the Bolsheviks Nazis for whites of today.What you have today is J Talmudic Bolshevik Communist elites taking over Europe and Germany NOW. They are NOT Nazis.They are Leftist Bolsheviks that Germany was fighting AGAINST THEN.Also Thanks to Aaron Kasparov,Andkons Reich and Adam Green of Know More News for their clips.

Countering the unending slander of the German people. Stop it with the programmed Hate and look past the politics.They where our forefathers.Stop hating them.They fought valiantly for their Fatherland.It was the Russian Bolsheviks doing all the atrocities in WW2. NOT the Germans generally.Of coarse there where rare exceptions as with all armies. Just know you have been PROGRAMMED to HATE them by the Media.

Cry HARD Leftists.Whites have the right to be proud of their heritage just as everyone else is.There are many who do not want that. We don't care about those degenerate,programmed,hate filled people. Keep your Hate of whites to yourselves.Seek counseling.Defending whites is not racist.We just want others to leave us alone in peace. There are not racists and nazis behind every bush and tree but these people want to pretend there are.You don't get to hate-label someone for life if they seemed to you to be either. If you don't like this video,you are exposing that You are the racist.

They are aware and smarter than we know.

Quick points.

Wehrmacht in action. Schwerer Gustav Rail Gun.

Highly recommend you see the excellent 2 hour report titled Why Hitler Opposed the Jews on Very well spoken. A+ report.

The Supremacist Jays Hate White Amalek they are waging a War on Whites.Russia knows this.Russian headline today. Russians are freezing now in battle against the Talmudic Zionist Globalist Satanic GLOBAL agenda. I do not condone violence.Jewish run Hollywood does bigtime though.Jewish leaders condone violence and murder on whites/ Amalek.Everyone knows whats up with these murderous cult members now.These evil people end up killing their own people in the millions.When are you elites gong to stop playing Supremacist world rulers.Seems like very childish minded thinking to me.

Germany lost fighting the Bolshevik Marxist Globalist Cartels now they are Slaughtering the Entire World with their Toxic Shots. Credits Aaron Kasparov.

Jewish Talmudic Writings against Gentiles.

Calling out your oppressors is NOT an evil act.The globalists have dozens of ways to attack whites,calling them out is a righteous act but they will put labels on you anyway wont they. Facebook and all the liberals can go strait to Hell so here I am. I have a lot of recorded vids over the years remember Asaheim Wolfguard got his vids.Aaron Kasparov,Red Ice Red Elephant etc.

Has Germany formed an opposition party yet? When will they destroy their sadistic leftist government in Germany and all the other governments committing white genocide across Europe and the west. We've had enough of this genocide by the Zionist Globalists. Recorded August 19th 2018

Mike Adams and J R Nyquist discussion.Clip.

larry test



Created 5 years, 2 months ago.

23 videos

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See Hellstorm,Europa-The Last Battle.