Fixed Fire

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Fixed Fire



Does Sandra Bullock represent the Red Heifer?

See how a new Generative AI system in development handled the user question: "When will the Orthodox Church change their teaching on gay sex?"
As I’m starting to work as an editor for new generative AI systems (similar to Large Language Model ChatGPT) - I am noticing anti-Conservative bias being programmed into AI responses by the humans who shape the AI programming and output.
In one example I show, a biased AI response that the Orthodox Christian Church is not inclusive or compassionate because of its LGBQT stance - is deemed acceptable and even “excellent” by the people who program and shape new generative AI systems. This is a dangerous sign to see in the already influential and rapidly expanding field of generative AI.

Continuing to highlight symbolism surrounding the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse such as Pisces Fish formation and Tav 'X' marks the spot over Lone Star Texas with its Lamed Hebrew letter shape.

Symbolic connections between the upcoming solar eclipse and the Book of Esther, the name 'Ninevah', the ICHTHYS symbol, the number 8, Saturn and more...

Connecting the signs and language surrounding the April 8 2024 Solar Eclipse to the YHVH tetragrammaton and cultural signs that we should all clue in on because MAMA is coming back and she's cleaning house for the next Great Age.

Connections between the connected symbology of the number 19 Sun Tarot Card, the 19th Hebrew letter Quph, the Christogram, the Twin Towers and more.

I had a thought tonight while watching a video about the sacred geometry of the Clock, that perhaps there is a connection between the Tribe of Dan being left out of the 144,000 sealed in the Book of Revelation.

Sacred geometry of clock video link:

My previous video "Why was Tribe of DAN /DNA and daughter Dinah left out?"

Is JORDAN Peterson acting as ‘Father Time’ to help us “cross the JORDAN" and Pass-Over into a new world-age of heaven-on-earth? Are we being baptized in the “River Jordan (Peterson)” as we enter into this new time frame?

Significant symbolism surrounding Jordan Peterson shows he might be acting as Father Time Kronos helping to usher humanity into the new world-age of Aquarius (Christ) on cardinal Earth Capricorn (Bride of Christ) - Heaven on Earth in Saturn's (Kronos- father Time) undivided house. He could be helping to ‘Exit Us’’ or ‘Exodus’ you could say, as we Passover into this new time on Earth and in the Heavens.

Notice the watch Jordan Peterson is depicted with in prominent photos for his Exodus (exit to new world-age) series. And notice the symbolic cloud column behind him. Could he be helping us "cross the River Jordan" in the person of 'Jordan' Peterson into a new world-age. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning, the story keeps moving ahead both in the heavens and mirrored here on Earth.

Link 'Look Up, Move Ahead' video that highlight's some of Jordan's symbolic speeches on moving ahead through time (Kronos) and the fires on the Earth (Leo/judgment) burning away the dross and chaff of the Earth -

Symbolic and zodiac connections tying together the sign of Leo to coming age of Aquarius/Christ when Lion rends judgment. Symbolism of Leo in Bible and zodiac connected to John (Joan) the Baptist, prophet Elijah, Trump as Lion marketing campaigns and president Assad (which means “lion”) of Syria.

Symbolic connections made between the numbers nine and eleven from a significant event in US history in 2001, the Christogram, IX XI monogram, Chi Rho, the name ‘Jesus’ and John the Baptist. Tied into the changing of the age, new Passover into Aquarius, the sign of Christ, bringer of the living waters.

Dinah is the 7th child of Israel (Jacob) and his only daughter, why was she left out of the 12 tribes? ‘Dinah’ and ‘Dan’ come from the same root word ‘din’, meaning “judgment”. But the tribe of Dan was left out of the 144,000 sealed and protected servants of God in Book of Revelation, chapter 7, a book about the revelation of Christ and of judgment of man.

Looking at some signs from the heavens and on earth that we are having a new Passover event into a new world-age of Aquarius, the 'Sign of Man' / 'Son of Man' who pours forth the living waters. The warring powers of fire and ice (water) don't want to take turns, but they have no choice as we enter into 'heaven on earth' with Fixed Air Aquarius (Heaven) and cardinal Earth Capricorn in one, undivided house ruled by Saturn, the crowned King of the grand, never ending, unfolding story in the sky known as the Zodiac.

Why is Jordan Peterson and crew talking about the Book of Exodus and Passover? Why are we seeing water rituals and other symbolic signs of the times? Christ tells us in the Book of Luke that there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars and on the earth when it's time for the return of the Son of Man, or "Sign of Man". We are passing over into a new world-age, a new kingdom of heaven on earth. It's Passover time.

Dinah is the 7th child of Israel (Jacob) and his only daughter, why was she left out of the 12 tribes? ‘Dinah’ and ‘Dan’ come from the same root word ‘din’, meaning “judgment”. But the tribe of Dan was left out of the 144,000 sealed and protected servants of God in Book of Revelation, chapter 7, a book about the revelation of Christ and of judgment of man.

Showing the Legend needed to read the coded Bible story map and theories concerning symbolism in the Gospel of Matthew.

Perhaps the martyr and prophet of the feminine, world-age of Pisces was a woman, 'Joan the Baptist', not a man (John the Baptist). The Age of Pisces is a feminine, mutable age, not masculine. 'Joan the Baptist' famously baptized in water (a feminine element) and said “repent for the kingdom of God is at hand", meaning it’s time for the zodiac wheel in the sky to turn (repent) to the coming age/kingdom of God, represented by Aquarius, the man (Christ) pouring forth the living waters.

Saturn is being purposefully bad-mouthed as a malevolent planet when Jupiter is the culprit. All the mystery schools are run by Jupiterians. Saturn rules a house undivided with Capricorn (cardinal earth) and Aquarius (fixed Air) - which is heaven on earth. I also talk about how the Riddle of the Sphinx is really about Saturn and his undivided house. Interesting how the news has just been talking about a "divided house" with the speaker of the U.S. House of Rep. kicked out.

Link to 'Lavette' channel (great researcher and teacher):

Another look at some symbolic meaning in the Oct. 4 FE-MA cellphone Alert.

Insights into some of the symbolism in the upcoming October 4, 2023 FE-MA cell phone alert scheduled to go out at 2:20 pm ET.

Re-arrange the letters in the name 'ELON MUSK' and you get 'NOEL KUMS (comes)'. Let's take a closer look at Elon Musk and his $44 Billion purchase to become the 'Chief Twit.'

How the latitudinal coordinates for Newtown relate to 555 of Saturn/Kronos and the 555, Stigma and the hex/curse.

Aleph-Tav article link:

Rebecca's 'Newtown Rooster' blog:

Signs and symbology.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

51 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Curious contemplations on the grand, ever-turning story in the Heavens and its mirrored script here on main-stage Earth.