X of Center

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X of Center



People are _demanding_ Trump storm the gates or besiege the breakaway republic of Chaz. It's a mistake. Here's what to do instead...

People are _demanding_ Trump storm the gates or besiege the breakaway republic of Chaz. It's a mistake. Here's what to do instead...

Our democracy is being corporatized.

...now with original music...

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CSR and ESG are killing our democracy. Here's why and how.

Solipsism and the Church of Woke
Détournement and Dérive
Objectivity in the age of Subjectivity

Super short video describing where to find, how to install, and basic configuration Odeus Link Pro on Windows. Connection OBS with your external audio interface's ASIO driver.

Give Academy page: https://give.academy/posts/2018/03/02/AsioLinkPro/

Download page: https://give.academy/downloads/2018/03/03/ODeusASIOLinkPro/

Cakewalk forum discussing the tool: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/3519-odeus-asio-link-now-available-free/

The numbers the news media keep using to scare you about your risk of dying of the Chinese coronavirus are the WRONG way to think about it. I demonstrate, using a super-simple application of Bayes Theorem, and using *their own numbers*, what your real risk is. And I equip you to further refine your own real risk.

An Intuitive (and Short) Explanation of Bayes’ Theorem: https://betterexplained.com/articles/an-intuitive-and-short-explanation-of-bayes-theorem/

Coronavirus and Probability — The media must learn how to report statistics now: https://towardsdatascience.com/coronovarius-and-probability-the-media-must-learn-how-to-report-statistics-now-973ed2d52959


I don't do the e-grifter thing. If you liked this video or found it informational, entertaining, or educational, then please share it across other platforms.


Created 3 years, 12 months ago.

7 videos

Category Business & Finance