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https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
In the clutches of the guru - Cults, sects, dangerous communities - ZDF Frontal - 24.01.2024 (DE, EN sub)
(In den Fängen des Gurus - Kulte, Sekten, gefährliche Gemeinschaften)

https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
În ghearele guru-ului - Culte, secte, comunități periculoase - ZDF Frontal - 24.01.2024 (DE, RO sub)
(In den Fängen des Gurus - Kulte, Sekten, gefährliche Gemeinschaften)

https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
”Nu simțeam că aș putea da înapoi”, spune Češka despre întâlnirea cu gurul sectei yoghinilor - Teren - Seznam Zprávy CZ – 2.12.2023
(Neměla jsem pocit, že mohu couvnout, říká Češka k setkání s guruem jogínské sekty)

https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
”I didn't feel like I could back down”, says Češka about meeting the guru of the yogi sect - Teren - Seznam Zprávy CZ – 2.12.2023
(Neměla jsem pocit, že mohu couvnout, říká Češka k setkání s guruem jogínské sekty)

https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
From yoga to sex in front of the camera in the Czech Republic. Guru is wanted by Interpol – Teren - Seznam Zprávy CZ – 4.11.2023 (Z jógy k sexu před kamerou v Česku. Gurua hledá Interpol)

https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
De la yoga la sex în fața camerei de filmat în Republica Cehă. Guru este căutat de Interpol – Teren - Seznam Zprávy CZ – 4.11.2023 (Z jógy k sexu před kamerou v Česku. Gurua hledá Interpol)

Jakub Jahl about the MISA cult in Czechia - 6.10.2023

https://exmisa.blogspot.com/ https://atmancultalert.org/
Guru disappeared, Finnish authorities on Bivolaru's trail – Talk B1 TV RO – 21.09.2017
(Guru a disparut, autoritatile finlandeze pe urmele lui Bivolaru)

Gregorian Bivolaru, MISA's "spiritual mentor", shows his "paranormal powers" - he spins Egely wheels
(Gregorian Bivolaru, "mentorul spiritual" al MISA, exemplifica "puteri paranormale"- invarte roti Egely)

MISA representatives admit that porn films were made - excerpts from "The one who thinks differently", TVR 1.-2.02.2011 (RO, EN sub)
(Reprezentanți MISA recunosc că s-au făcut filme porno - extrase din "Cel ce gândește altfel" TVR 2011 (RO, EN sub))

Gregorian Bivolaru's 50th birthday celebration - B1TV 2002 (RO, EN sub)
(A 50-a zi de nastere a lui Gregorian Bivolaru - festivitate MISA la Sala Palatului)

MISA - Sex in churches - Realitatea TV - 2007
(MISA - Sex in biserici)

Reportaj "Secta porno yoga"– Santo y Seña - Canal 4 UY 05.12.2019
(Santo y Seña - Informe "La secta del porno yoga")

Tineri povestesc procedurile presupusei secte care a funcționat în Udelar – Subrayado UY 20.08.2015
(Jóvenes relatan los procedimientos de la presunta secta que operaba en la Udelar)

Report “The porn yoga cult” – Santo y Seña - Canal 4 UY 05.12.2019
(Santo y Seña - Informe "La secta del porno yoga")

Sectă sau yoga? - En la mira TV - VTV UY 29.09.2015
(¿Secta o yoga?)

Young people relate the proceedings of the alleged sect that operated in the Udelar – Subrayado UY 20.08.2015
(Jóvenes relatan los procedimientos de la presunta secta que operaba en la Udelar)

Cult or yoga? - En la mira TV - VTV UY 29.09.2015
(¿Secta o yoga?)

Cel mai cautat guru din Europa - Gregorian Bivolaru
La nouvelle edition - Canal Plus FR – 14.04.2017
(Le gourou le plus recherche d'Europe - Gregorian Bivolaru/)

The most wanted guru in Europe - Gregorian Bivolaru
La nouvelle edition - Canal Plus FR – 14.04.2017
(Le gourou le plus recherche d'Europe - Gregorian Bivolaru/)

The "porn-yoga" scandal - EJU TV AR – 30.08.2011 (ES, EN sub)
(El escándalo del “porno-yoga”)

Scandalul "porno yoga" - EJU TV AR – 30.08.2011
(El escándalo del “porno-yoga”)

Guru Bivolaru, almost free – Talk B1TV RO – 12.09.2017
(Guru Bivolaru, aproape liber)

Former MISA lawyer Mihai Rapcea - About the failure of MISA yoga school - 27.02.2021
(Fostul avocat MISA Mihai Rapcea - Despre eșecul MISA)


Created 3 years ago.

41 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith