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The Page of Cups (along with the King of Wands) seems to be haunting me lately. I am pulling the same cards AGAIN!

This week, though, they were talking to me about how what you think is received by the people you are thinking about without physical communication. The more intense the emotions behind it, the "louder" your thoughts will be.

So reign it in and try to be as kind and compassionate as possible the coming week. Always good advice for sure, but vital for the best outcomes right now.

Stay safe out there, friends!

Find this on the blog - https://www.afoolsjourney.com/tarot-archives/everyday-tarot/psychic-phone-line-page-cups/

About Dixie: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/about/
Dixie's Work: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/invest-in-yourself/
Dixie's Book: http://goo.gl/wv0Je

We got the Page of Cups (again) for this week's forecast, with the reversed King of Wands for advice.

We'll still be getting a lot of important info via emotional channels this week. Think of the emotions like the scent to follow in order to lead you to (your) truth. Plan, prepare and set up foundations, but be slow to execute this week. More clarity needed.

From Author, Spiritual Coach and Psychic, Dixie Vogel of A Fool's Journey

About Dixie: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/about/
Dixie's Work: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/invest-in-yourself/
Dixie's Book: http://goo.gl/wv0Je

On this Valentine's Day, our Tarot forecast for next week is the Page of Cups, with advice as Temperance Inverted. Watch for messages via emotions, but don't make final decisions or act on those messages yet. They are still baking! Just let the processing progress at this point for best outcome.

Next week, people are trapped by their perceptions, not so much reality. Advice is stop asking yourself where things are going, what-if, and imagining worst-case scenarios. It's not doing you any favors. You'll be as free as you decide to be.

Next week, observation will tell us a LOT, but one catch: it's really about ourselves! Merc. is retro as well and there is nothing but fog out there. In terms of advice, go slow, take baby steps in the general direction you want to go and get used to the notion you won't have a clear view ahead because guess what? You won't! Hang in there, friends!

From Author, Spiritual Coach and Psychic, Dixie Vogel of A Fool's Journey

About Dixie: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/about/
Dixie's Work: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/invest-in-yourself/
Dixie's Book: http://goo.gl/wv0Je

8 of Wands outlook, reversed 4 of Cups advice. Life/things/situations are moving and fast. Don't waste energy asking yourself what-if this, what-if that, be it about past or future. Stay in the present and deal with what's right in front of you, right now.

Video Forecast for Jan 18-24,2021 is Temperence Reversed. Advice, Two of Swords Reversed. People are seeing the same things, but watching wildly different "movies" when they see it. There is not an understanding or integration of facts this week. Don't make any final decisions or declarations about the ultimate truth right now unless you don't mind being completely wrong! Take a deep breath, step back and let the Universe sort it out.

Find more wonderful woo at https://www.afoolsjourney.com

Tarot Video Forecast. Ten of Swords Reversed Week: You'll likely to feel bothered and betrayed, although this card appearing reversed is a sign you are in a position to heal and get past it.

The secret to doing so is offered by the Lovers card - look for points of harmony. You don't have to love everything about everyone and everything, but you can find SOMETHING about everyone/everything/whatever to harmonize with. This will help.

Be well out there!

From Author, Spiritual Coach and Psychic, Dixie Vogel of A Fool's Journey
About Dixie: http://www.afoolsjourney.com/about/..


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

8 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Howdy! I'm Dixie Vogel from A Fool's Journey (www.afoolsjourney.com). I do Tarot, Astrology and all the things woo.