South Africa

The Ghost of Ian Smith

It's really sad. Afrikaners have been fucked since the day the British arrived in Cape Town during the Napoleonic Wars.

The Vortrekkers moved east out of Cape town 120 years after thier original arrival to found their own countries of the Orange Free State and the Transval. Thier countries were internationally recognized and after some skirmishes with the Westward migrating Zulu's they lived a peaceful coexistence with them as pastorlists. Then Gold was found in the Kimberlys and the (((British))) started two wars with the Boer to gain control of the minerals.

After the Second Boer War, British mining intensified. White Non Afrikaners pushed the government for a Pure White State to keep the blacks from doing the mining work for 1/3 of what whites would be paid. The Afrikaners were against this because they needed blacks on their farms to keep up yields, in order to be able to feed the Boers, Africans and English.

A compromise was instated by the British, it was called Ap ...

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