Rachel Summers

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Rachel Summers

Rachel Summers


There is something rotten up Lady Liberty's skirt. Shall we crawl inside and find out what it is? I dare you. Follow me.

Do you remember why we bring the evergreen into our homes? Do you remember the significance of the red and the white? Listen and remember why the hearth fires must burn on the longest of winter nights. Your soul remembers... Books available at: https://www.amazon.com/Rachel-Summers/e/B06X3XJ5RN/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1545072715&sr=8-1

This is the opening poem for my next novel, The Forsaken, which will be published on Winter Solstice, 2019. "I am weaving a new universe with words. To cast a spell, to spell it out, to write it down; you are in my web... The desert thinkers of old cast a spell on the world with their books. The Ahl al Kitab, the People of the Book, have spelled us all, but the web is worn..." It is time to weave anew and take back the threads of our future. Other books can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Rachel-Summers/e/B06X3XJ5RN/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1

A rewrite for our times of W.B. Yeats' classic poem, 'The Second Coming'. My version will be hidden amongst the rubble of my next novel, 'The Forsaken', which will slouch towards the world on the Winter Solstice of 2019. A sincere thank you to Yeats for the inspiration. Please give the original a read. Thank you for listening.

A poem of Rune meanings and what this means to the preservation of European culture. Remember who you are, Western man! Poem text:

Engrave Fehu - find wealth, prosperity true,
Harvest and healthy babes, life force flows thru you.
Nourishment, abundance; walking life’s path,
Generosity, plenty; give and you’ll have.

Uruz, the horns, ready to charge and pierce,
In war or in spirit, the bearer rendered fierce.
Visions and meditations, other worlds to see,
Endings - beginnings; opportunity.

Thurisaz, manly fertility; aimed might.
Hallows, in between, a place of twilight.
Patience, not yet; embrace the inner quest,
Engrave Thurisaz and by Thor be blessed.

Ansuz, a spirit on the breeze; initiation.
Odin as wind in the trees; inspiration.
Ansuz inscribe, and the spirits you’ll see,
Speak, sway the masses; portents foresee.

Raidho for a journey faire, even unto death.
Rhythm, movement; measure every breath.
For relationship in balance, Raidho ye heed,
And to a better Self slowly proceed.

Kenaz ye cut, dismember the self, solve et coagula...
Initiation, clarity; potestas de atavas et familia.
Discernment and light, Kenaz doth inspire,
Charisma of the leader; one’s inner fire.

Gebo carve for equal exchange, alliance, loyalty...
Mark this rune for relationship fair, higher heredity.
Sacrifice, to the gods, the Self; a union, a trust.
Gebo ye cut for contracts, both binding and just.

Wunjo, the love of kith and kin; true wealth.
Joy in hardship; body and mind in health.
For illumination, Wunjo ye should scratch,
Harmonious self, inner peace, detach.

Hagalz, controlled energy, focused flame,
Enter full being, embrace change.
Freedom, invention; Hagalz awakes,
Creation, self growth; the reins of life take.

Nauthiz engrave; resistance, build strength,
The will to overcome trials of any length.
Creative inspiration fills the soul,
cleans and banish with fire, clear; make whole.

Isa cut ye, cold quiet peace of death,
Concentration and Will, enduring as breath.
The ego a bridge leading thru initiation,
A winter’s long season, renewing gestation.

Jera, a harvest of long-laid plans,
Delayed gratification, godhood at hand.
Carve ye Jera, slowly manifest the Will,
Opposites compliment, growth ye fulfill.

Cut Eihwaz, opposites meld, initiation at end,
Will and memory survive death, to begin again.
Speak to the dead, Eihwaz engrave;
Shield your soul, the inner self save.

Perthro scratch ye, and future patterns see;
Knowledge regained; distance, clarity.
Separation, solitude gives new insight;
Heart of initiation, rebirth inside.

Algiz - the elk; paths between gods and men,
Protect, sanctify; power drawn from heaven.
Cross the Bifrost bridge, to a Valkyrie speak.
Algiz, cut asunder, stolen by the meek.

Sowilo, the final triumph of the sun,
Warriors’ protector, mettle ne’er undone.
Invincibility, the unstoppable will
Sowilo inspires, emptiness it fills.

Teiwaz - a line drawn between earth and heaven,
Courage and honor, carved on hilted weapon.
Stability, order; self conquest is found,
Victory, duty; relationships are bound.

Berkano - the birch. The earth and the womb.
The keeper of wisdom; the Mother, the tomb.
Born again; for Berkano ye bleed.
Mother’s soft arms; earth holding seed.

Ehwaz scratch ye, and understand the gods’ will,
A prophet’s words brought low, from hearth and hill.
Ehwaz ~ Duality in harmony,
Kindred souls finding amity.

Mannaz carve ye for a balanced mind,
Ancestral memory, your race and time.
Huginn on the left of mind, Munnin on the right,
Thoughts and memory, claim your past’s might.

Laguz, claim the power of family,
The subconscious; darkly, deeply.
Moving from life to death, primal waters;
Laguz, self to Self, the memory of Fathers.

Ingwaz - sacrificed lover; become and grow...
Transition; a seed - the future to sew.
Ingwaz carve ye; a gateway to power,
Feel it inside, potential in flower.

Dagaz engrave; awareness, awake.
Life changes; a mission undertake.
The power of the sun, both East and West.
Completion, unity; at Dagaz’ behest.

Othala splits known from unknown, tribe from clan,
Inherited power - forebears, past lives lived again.
The power of all runes, full heritage held dear,
Othala engrave, ancestral lands keep near.

A poem of Rune meanings and what this means to the preservation of European culture. Remember who you are, Western man! Poem text:

Engrave Fehu - find wealth, prosperity true,
Harvest and healthy babes, life force flows thru you.
Nourishment, abundance; walking life’s path,
Generosity, plenty; give and you’ll have.

Uruz, the horns, ready to charge and pierce,
In war or in spirit, the bearer rendered fierce.
Visions and meditations, other worlds to see,
Endings - beginnings; opportunity.

Thurisaz, manly fertility; aimed might.
Hallows, in between, a place of twilight.
Patience, not yet; embrace the inner quest,
Engrave Thurisaz and by Thor be blessed.

Ansuz, a spirit on the breeze; initiation.
Odin as wind in the trees; inspiration.
Ansuz inscribe, and the spirits you’ll see,
Speak, sway the masses; portents foresee.

Raidho for a journey faire, even unto death.
Rhythm, movement; measure every breath.
For relationship in balance, Raidho ye heed,
And to a better Self slowly proceed.

Kenaz ye cut, dismember the self, solve et coagula...
Initiation, clarity; potestas de atavas et familia.
Discernment and light, Kenaz doth inspire,
Charisma of the leader; one’s inner fire.

Gebo carve for equal exchange, alliance, loyalty...
Mark this rune for relationship fair, higher heredity.
Sacrifice, to the gods, the Self; a union, a trust.
Gebo ye cut for contracts, both binding and just.

Wunjo, the love of kith and kin; true wealth.
Joy in hardship; body and mind in health.
For illumination, Wunjo ye should scratch,
Harmonious self, inner peace, detach.

Hagalz, controlled energy, focused flame,
Enter full being, embrace change.
Freedom, invention; Hagalz awakes,
Creation, self growth; the reins of life take.

Nauthiz engrave; resistance, build strength,
The will to overcome trials of any length.
Creative inspiration fills the soul,
cleans and banish with fire, clear; make whole.

Isa cut ye, cold quiet peace of death,
Concentration and Will, enduring as breath.

The Old South, a symbol of agrarian tradition and stubborn rootedness, was and still is under attack - as are all things "old fashioned, backward, and outdated." The battle lines are no longer drawn along Mason's and Dixon's lines but across the heart and soul of America and even into the Old Country. If you have ever wondered why the South refuses to lay to rest the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy, here is an explanation and a reason for you all to pick up your own flags.

The Old South, a symbol of agrarian tradition and stubborn rootedness, was and still is under attack - as are all things "old fashioned, backward, and outdated." The battle lines are no longer drawn along Mason's and Dixon's lines but across the heart and soul of America and even into the Old Country. If you have ever wondered why the South refuses to lay to rest the Stars and Bars of the Confederacy, here is an explanation and a reason for you all to pick up your own flags.

A tribute to the folk singer and writer Stephen Foster who is in danger of being forgotten, like so much of our early American culture. The song is written by Stephen Foster and performed by Carl Peterson. The text is, of course, by yours truly. Enjoy and remember; do not let The Forgetting take you. Read more here: https://www.amazon.com/Forgetting-Mission-Maligned-4/dp/1976412994/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

Author Rachel Summers discusses long distance philanthropy, Uncle Tom, and the Highland Clearances. Excerpted from her fourth novel, "The Forgetting" which can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Forgetting-Mission-Maligned-4/dp/1976412994/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

An exercise in the imagination and a preview of the Mission Maligned book series as these link to the Awakening of the Folk Soul. Do Caucasians have a culture? Author Rachel Summers contends that they do, and that theirs is a rich culture indeed. All the books can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B06X3XJ5RN/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1?redirectedFromKindleDbs=true


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

11 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Author Rachel Summers discusses and reads from her collected works as well as offering insight on current issues that affect us all. I hope you enjoy the videos and are inspired to read and remember your history, folklore, and mythology! The books are available here: https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B06X3XJ5RN/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1?redirectedFromKindleDbs=true