VictorPross - Anarchst Artist at Large!

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VictorPross - Anarchst Artist at Large!



The White Supremacy Trucker Convoy - Black face supporters cheer the Freedom Trucker Convoy! What do they have to say?


Uniting Canadians with a powerful force for GOOD.
We are drawing together regardless of language, race or religion or whether we are vaccinated or un-vaccinated.
This protest is about Mandates and having the freedom to choose.

The police are on the attack.

"I have heard hate speech 'terrorists, occupiers, Nazis, racists, narcissists, the un vá xxed, mysogynists' (all projection of who they are) or enciting division from Trudeau, Brian Farber, Bonnie, Mike Farnsworth, Mayor Kennedy Stewart, some doctors, mayors, PHO’s and others.
They are driving Canadians to hate other Canadians.
When a nation is divided and afraid, it is more easily controlled.
They are all linked to the World Economic Forum and are pushing for the Great Reset and the China social credit system which needs that QR Code.
If you are e scanning a code, you have complied with the above."
-Yvonne Sunshiney Coelho

Uniting Canadians with a powerful force for GOOD.
We are drawing together regardless of language, race or religion or whether we are vaccinated or un-vaccinated.
This protest is about Mandates and having the freedom to choose.

The police are on the attack. They don't work for you. They are State enforcers. They are on the wrong side of history.

“We humans lost our freedom the first time we hung a badge on a machine.”
― Vincent H. O'Neil, A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation

A smile, a laugh - enjoy this video.
Special Thanks to Media Bear and the other content producers for making this video possible. Good job, very funny and informative music video.

For both Truthers and Normies... the ONLY way we are going to fight this thing is IF you finally recognize that you have power within.

Please PLEASE start working on your issues. This is why it's so easy for the evils to control us, because they have harmed us psychologically for hundreds of years through all sorts of trauma - war, poverty, death, sickness through their poisons, physical and sexual abuse, brainwashing and mind control.

America is watching Canada as Truckers fight for freedom for all Canadians.

TRUCKER UPDATE: It’s now been 6 days since protesters have occupied Parliament Hill in Ottawa and they are showing no signs of leaving with this weekend shaping up to be just as big as the last! Ottawa Police are now considering bringing in the military to enforce the eviction. Meanwhile in Alberta near the Coutts border RCMP set up a road block to stop more truckers and farmers from joining in on the blockade but with some will power and determination they breached the road block and eventually made it to where they wanted to go!

IN THIS VIDEO: TRUCKERS FREEDOM CONVOY OTTAWA 2022. The Great Reset - CANACELLED. The dominoes are starting to fall on the Great Reset. This is the start of the Great Awakening!

Victor Pross reports on the world record truck convoy taking over Canada, with 100,000 trucks protesting the vaccine mandates that have plagued Canadian businesses and Canadians in general.

Now we can know the truth of the covid fraud. Thanks to indepedent media - the grass roots.

Protests have largely been banned in Canada, but who is to stop 100,000 trucks?
It started at 50,000 trucks protesting against the vaccine restrictions placed on truckers. It has turned into the biggest protest in Canadian history which the LAME stream media has done whatever they could to hide. Millions of Canadians countrywide show up to support the truckers.


The Moderna Victim Who Fought Back! You must hear and share this brave woman's story.
Victor Pross is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works. He is the host of Victor Pross Entertainment which offers an assortment of entertainment such as clowns, caricatures and face painters for all venues and events.

As an artist, Victor has many high profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.

Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Canada AM, Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style

The Moderna Victim Who Fought Back! You must hear and share this brave woman's story.
Victor Pross is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works. He is the host of Victor Pross Entertainment which offers an assortment of entertainment such as clowns, caricatures and face painters for all venues and events.

As an artist, Victor has many high profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.

Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Canada AM, Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style

I hope to inspire you. Creative Coping in Zombie Covid Nation! You can do it!

Victor Pross is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works. He is the host of Victor Pross Entertainment which offers an assortment of entertainment such as clowns, caricatures and face painters for all venues and events.

As an artist, Victor has many high profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.

Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Canada AM, Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style.

STAND UNITED WITH RYAN KULBABA, and Hundreds of others!
Freedom Fighters, Let's take it to the media! Take back your rights. Bring information, bring friends, don't give up the fight. Let's take the information to the streets - to the people of Vancouver.
Victor Pross brings you the information about how and why you should attend this upcoming event. MAKE 2022 COUNT!

A podcast about Karl Marx, the founder of Communism, and his bastard offspring: the modern leftist. They have embraced collectivism, elevating it to an absolute moral panicle. But the so-called “right wing” has not gone unscathed by accepting – at the very least, implicitly – Marxist premises. They have accepted collectivism, not as a principle, but rather as a cringing compromise.

This lapse in thinking has existential consequences for freedom. It effects ALL people, whatever their political stripe. Communist ideas have spread like a virus indiscriminately.

Victor Pross deconstructs this erroneous philosophical process and refutes aspects of Marxist premises to reveal a stronger case for freedom, and thus the individual.

All people, all creeds, all races, all political stripes need to see this video.
We need to stand togther. We are all in this together.


VICTOR PROSS - Is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works.
As an artist, Victor has many high-profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.
Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style, and his live art shows have been a hit for years.
Victor is a subject for the documentary movie “Pop Goes the culture” based on his book “Icons & Idols: Pop goes the culture.”

BEHOLD Naked Face Terrorsists!
The Resolution of 2022: Examples of living freely. Do not comply to tyranny. Be brave. Study the subject more - knowledge is power. Think. Don't comply stand on principle. Spread the word of freedom. Expose the lies. DO NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT!

ANARCHIST ARTIST AT LARGE brings Murray Rothbard's ANATOMY OF THE STATE. Rothbard was known as the state's greatest living enemy, who wrote a book by the same name of this film. This short documentary is the most succinct and powerful statement on the topic of a totally free society.

Murray Rothbard was known as the state's greatest living enemy. As a thinker, he explains what a state is and what it is not. He shows how it is an institution that violates all that we hold as honest and moral, and how it operates under a false cover. He shows how the state wrecks freedom, destroys civilization, and threatens all lives and property and social well-being, all under the veneer of "good intentions."

ON A PERSONAL NOTE: My friend, the brilliant economist Walter Block was a friend and student of the late Murray Rothbard. I'm proud to be Walter's student...and friend. I'm in good company. Enjoy this production.


Murray N. Rothbard made major contributions to economics, history, political philosophy, and legal theory. He combined Austrian economics with a fervent commitment to individual liberty. He was known by some as "Mr. Libertarian" was an economist and political thinker who profoundly influenced many Libertarians. From 1986 until his death in 1995 he was a distinguished professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

A look back at some of Anthony Fauci’s crimes against humanity

HAVE A LAUGH! WILD AND WONDERFULLY WEIRD. Victor Pross is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works. He is the host of Victor Pross Entertainment which offers an assortment of entertainment such as clowns, caricatures and face painters for all venues and events.

As an artist, Victor has many high profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.

Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Canada AM, Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style.

WILD AND SCARY WEIRD - WELCOME TO COVID CULT NATION! Are people still buying this bullshit? Are not Masks the new tin foil hat? Check out the video, see what its all about.


WHO IS THE ANARCHIST ARTIST AT LARGE? Victor Pross is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works. He is the host of Victor Pross Entertainment which offers an assortment of entertainment such as clowns, caricatures and face painters for all venues and events.
As an artist, Victor has many high profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.

Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Canada AM, Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style.


Join Victor Pross at facebook.


Why can't people see what is right in front of their eyes? Because they have been brainwashed for almost two years with a constant fear porn.
Pretty much the same bag of tricks they've been pulling all along. Just slapped a new name on it and flip former negative PCR results into positives.

They should probably prove the existence of a first virus before pretending they've found variations on bullshit.

Even people who know that this is a takeover still believe there's a virus. What the FUCK!? How the hell? Don't you realize that YOU - the ones who believe in viruses) are perpetuating - THEIR narrative?!

When does the real fight begin to end this?

This Indepth interview with Doctor Charles Hoffe uncovers the ugly truth of an unsafe "vaccine." Many interviews have been removed from youtube, but ANARCHIST ARTIST AT LARGE brings the goods.
Dr Charles Hoffe speaks of the experimental mRNA Vax and possible side effects. You need to absorb this crucial talk with the brave doctor.


Freedom of speech is dying. YOU can stop it. You do have the power - we have the power. This information needs to be spread!

Doctor Charles Hoffe of Lytton BC, one of the few doctors in our province willing to speak about that which is forbidden to discuss. Because of this, Charles has sacrificed a great deal. This is a brave and fiercely ethical man.
This is a hands down Must-Listen.


Thank you,

Victor Pross

Mass Murder: Death Vaxx for Children.
...AND then they made the vaccine to poison people and make them a slave to junk medicines. They are destroying people's natural immunity.

And now they after your children with an experimental "vaccine."

This is medical terrorism. The governments themselves ARE the terrorists we should be worried about. They are destroying people's lives. It's all too clear that your "leaders" are actually your rulers. Your lives are expendible to these people. And that includes children as well.
What are we going to do about it?

Perhaps more money masks than all of the vaccines combined - and at the expense of children! Then they made the vaccine to poison people and make them a slave to junk medicines by destroying people's natural immunity.

They have muzzled your children. And now they after your children with an experimental "vaccine."

This is medical terrorism. The governments themselves ARE the terrorists we should be worried about. They are destroying people's lives. It's all too clear that your "leaders" are actually your rulers. Your lives are expendible to these people. And that includes children as well.

What are we going to do about it?

Brought to by Victor Pross - ANARCHIST ARTIST AT LARGE.


What is Atheism?
Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. That’s it. Despite common stereotypes, atheists aren’t necessarily anti-religion, nor do they “worship” themselves - and neither does it mean COMMUNISM.
THIS non-theist is a Freedom Fighter.
All the usual mud tossed on atheism by religous freedom fighters says nothing more than a display of philosophical ignorance. This video was designed to clarify the issue. The Anarchist Artist on Atheism.
Atheism is the lack of belief in a god or gods. That’s it. Despite common stereotypes, atheists aren’t necessarily anti-religion, nor do they “worship” themselves instead of a god.
Atheism indicates what someone does not believe, but it says nothing about what someone does believe.
For that, other terms like naturalist, secular humanist, and even Pastafarian connote a rejection of religion while also defining the substance of an individual’s philosophy or worldview.
Atheism is a valuable critique of outmoded, regressive religious systems with its vision of a universe upon which meaning was never imposed from above.


The Anarchist Artist Presents the Ultimate Freedom Fighter Ayn Rand. Dig in, this is a very entertainting to-the-short-point crash class on Ayn Rand and her philsophy Objectivism.

Watch, subscribe. Hear it out, and think of the Covid Nation we live in. Live, learn.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

60 videos

Category Arts & Literature

VICTOR PROSS is a professional Vancouver artist. He is known for his "extreme caricaturing" and imaginative art works.
As an artist, Victor has many high-profile commissions to his credit including painting Ron Howard’s caricature portrait as a 50th birthday gift for the famous director, as well as painting various agents of the William Morris Agency. As Canada's premier caricaturist, Victor has rendered numerous International celebrities and Canadian media personalities for commercial and private purposes.

Victor Pross has been interviewed on television shows such as: Breakfast Television, News at Noon and has been pegged by Canadian Media as “Canada’s foremost caricature artist.” He has worked on various posters, comic books and CD covers bringing to each work his own unique style, and his live art shows have been a hit for years.
Victor is a subject for the documentary movie “Pop Goes the culture” based on his book “Icons & Idols: Pop goes the culture.”
In this podcast, the "anarchist artist" Victor Pross reports on politics, entertainment, philosophy, art, culture - all with a mix of comedy and drama!
This is YOUR unique Stop. Subscribe. ENJOY.