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We widely explained to everyone the false pandemic that THEY orchestrated and the intentionality of taking us towards transhumanism as a species.

A well summarized hour of this whole macabre operation, where we point out those who have carried out this farce, and the way they are trying to take us to achieve their goal.

Translation made with all human affection by the translation team of La Quinta Columna.

We strongly request its diffusion, so that it reaches the maximum number of human beings possible, and it can be known what is really happening.

humanity is controlled by a non-human species

Two thousand fattened years like maniacs
Have despoiled our common grave
Now what necrophagous Second Coming backs
From the cradle to enslave?

Sickle constellations
Stud the belts that welt the sky
Whilst the Bitter winter moon
Prowls the clouds, dead-eyed
Like shifting parent flesh
Under silk matricide...

Watchful as she was upon Eden
Where every rose arbour and orchard she swept
Hid the hissing of a serpent Libido
In an ancient tryst with catastrophe
Soon to be kept

Hear that hissing now on the breeze
As through the plundered groves of the carnal garden
A fresh horror blows
But ten billion souls
Are blind to see the rotting wood for the trees

This is the theme to a bitter Armageddon
Nightchords rake the heavens
Pan Daemon Aeon!
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And what use are prayers to that "god"?
As devils bay consensus for the space to piss
On your smouldering faith
And the mouldering face
Of this world long a paradise lost

This is the end of everything
Hear the growing chora that a new dawn shall bring

Dance macabre 'neath the tilt of the zodiac
Now brighter stars shall reflect on our fate
What sick nativities will be freed when those lights burn black?
The darkside of the mirror always threw our malice back...

I see the serpentine in your eyes
The nature of the beast as revelations arrive

Our screams shall trail to Angels
For those damned in flames repay
All sinners lose their lot on Judgement Day
We should have cut our losses as at Calvary
But our hearts like heavy crosses held the vain belief
Salvation, like a promised nation
Gleamed a claim away...

This is the end of everything you have ever known
Buried like vanquished reason
Death in season
Driven like the drifting snow
Peace, a fragile lover, left us fantasising war
On our knees or another fucker's shore
Hailing new flesh
Read, then roared
To a crooked cross and a Holy Cause
What else be whipped to frenzy for?

This is the end of everything
Rear the tragedies
That the Seraphim shall sing

Old adversaries
Next of Eve
Now they're clawing back
I smell their coming
As through webbed panes of meat
Led by hoary Death
They never left
Dreaming sodomies
To impress on human failure
When we've bled upon our knees

Tablatures of gravel law
Shall see Gehennah paved
When empires fall
And nightmares crawl
From the cradle to enslave...
This is the end of everything

This information can be seen as science fiction or however the viewers see best, but I take my information very seriously.

Can you handle the truth?

Have you heard of the "incident" at the Pfizer warehouse in the United States where the supposed tornado caused a lot of damage to the "medical" plant where the COVID vaccines were being produced? So what do you think really happened?

Yes, 'Aliens Exist' - But The Fake 'Alien' Invasion Scam Is Building

"You are the big project.
Through continuous genetic reprogramming we have improved you.
Millennium after millennium, life after life.
Now you are ready to receive us definitively.
We are destined to rule the Earth, to rule over the other races in the entire universe.
It was the only way to stop the wars.
To create a being that can host us all.
On a planet that is a good genetic pool.
Thus, you are the product of the 13 races.
The 13 different geneticists each thought of their own interests.
Creating in you what you call "inner conflict."
There is a limitless genetic war between the 13 races.
But in the end we are the ones who triumph.
Now you are only ours."

Dr. Davide, a courageous scientist, has been studying thousands of cases related to alien abductions, obtaining by the abductees under hypnosis, the unsettling thesis that some extraterrestrial races have been installing for millennia their active memories in the abducted people's brains, in order to 'live' through them in this dimension, exploiting a special human energy: the Soul... But when the scientist will decide to help Saturnia, a seductive eighteen-old girl that believes she has been abducted, and shows a clear attraction for him - he will have to face an insurmountable problem: once hypnotized, Saturnia will not leave anymore the trance condition, giving place to Hexabor of Ur - an alien entity coming from Mesopotamian ages that consider himself an half-god. This will be complicated by the unexpected discovery that Saturnia belong to a wealthy black aristocracy's family...

Dr. Davide Piso is a courageous scientist who has been studying thousands of cases involving alien abductions with the aid of hypnosis. When the scientist decides to help Saturnia, a seductive teenager that believes herself to be an alien abductee and shows a clear attraction for him, he faces an insurmountable problem: once hypnotised, Saturnia cannot leave the trance condition anymore, hence giving manifestation to Hexabor of Ur, an alien entity coming from Mesopotamian ages. Hexabor considers himself a demi-god and wants to exploit a special human energy: the soul.

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Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

249 videos

Category Music