William Vincent Faubion

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William Vincent Faubion

Critically Thinking Man


My Personal Bi-Weekly Detox. This involves the Gerson Therapy method of using a coffee enema to detox the colon and liver of poisons accumulated. Cheers, William Vincent

The Importance of Pure, Clean water in your life.... EVERYDAY!
Cheers, William Vincent

It has been awhile since my last post here on Bitchute. I post mostly small items on importance on my Telegram Activism Channel - Level World Bill
Here is the link for anyone interested:
Cheers, William

This Documentary is all about the very, very strong possibility that the timeline like everything else is a big Fucking Lie! I have pondered this subject for years in conversations with friends. Only recently have gotten my head completely wrapped around this LIE. Enjoy and share.
Cheers, William Vincent

This is a collection of video from Honest Doctors and "Health Care" providers who explain the entire LIE, and genocidal aftermath of these poison "Jabs" of Gene Therapy. If anyone has doubts after all this time ... more than three and a half years.... than there is no hope. Enjoy the fantasy world you live in because you will surely die with the rest of the brain dead and those who played a part in this mass culling of the human race!.. Cheers - William Vincent

All the beauty of this Earth that I will never get to see or experience. Enjoy Cheers, William Vincent

A collection of growing tips, good food information, recipes and good sound advice for the days ahead. Cheers, William Vincent

This video collection is all about your government and the evil that lies within and has been there for decades! Do nothing, just sit on your ass and do nothing about it. By the time good people (if there are any left) come together to stand up and fight it will be too late. It in fact already may be. Cheers, William Vincent

A collection of video shorts exposing the lies that hide in our supposed "His-Story". Enjoy, Cheers - William Vincent

This video is about Five Minutes of the movie "What Happened To Monday" (2017). Talk about ye down your throat predictive programming along with a nice slice of Propaganda. But much of this shit is happening right now and it will only get much worse I suspect. Watch the entire movie, it is in my subjective opinion quite well acted. Especially Naomi Rapace. Cheers, William Vincent

A Collection of Beauty! Beauty still exists in our world in the people, the music, the wildlife and nature. Take A few moments and enjoy. Cheers, William Vincent

This is an edited version of the Documentary Final Days. Very well done documentary but I have issues with people that inject their own personal bias into a video work. I do applaud the fine work here as well as the personal bravery on the part of Karen Kingston. I can bet today her life is a living hell of harassment and ridicule. But this is a price we all need to pay, NOW! Cheers, William Vincent

A collection of video shorts that emphasize the insanity of the World we currently are living in. Cheers, William Vincent

Well, all I can say is if you don't know about his subject by now, you've been hiding under a rock, somewhere. Your Government is killing you everyday from the air, water, food and more. Cheers, William Vincent

Tom Philpott - RIP - Boys For Sale Full Documentary - THIS HORROR HAS BEEN WITH US FOR DECADES AND IS NOW BEEN AMPLIFIED BY PEOPLE LIKE PODESTA, EPSTEIN, THE CLINTONS, THE "royal" FAMILY AND SO MANY, MANY MORE. I personally am sick to my stomach and Utterly disgusted with this Country and it's "government" FUCKERS!
Cheers, William Vincent

A Song for these very, very, sad times. Cheers, William Vincent

Information hidden for so long from us is now revealed in great detail by this incredibly intelligent man. Be sure and check Matt's channel on YouTube, as well as his website, https://cultivateelevate.com
Many thanks to Matt Roeske, who I feel is A Genuine, Caring Human Being. I salute you Sir!
Cheers, William Vincent

The Earth will always repair itself. For my entire life I have known the World is a level plane, it's true dimensions will never be known by the common man. This video is all about the World Wide lie of Warming. Total, unequivocal Bull-Shit!
Cheers, William Vincent

This video is very important for people to share with everyone they know to help them understand the origins of the Great Germ Theory Lie. I have always known, germ theory is just that one mans investigation into what causes "Dis-Ease" within our bodies. It is the Terrain or environment we are exposed to everyday that poisons us. So, then you want to increase the body's toxic load by adding pharmaceutical drugs!! Insane! Cheers, William Vincent

Just a video collection of humorous video shorts to bring a smile, some joy or adventure to your last days of March 2023. Cheers, William Vincent

Just some more scary stuff I came across recently. The Madness is beyond mad or psychotic.... there are no words to describe it! If the human species is to go on through your offspring, beloved children. STAND UP, STOP THIS NOW!!
Cheers, William Vincent

This compilation of video shorts is meant to give back to the people some of the knowledge the good human race had at one time. Share this video with someone, anyone stuck in the Rockefeller Allopathic Medicine LIE! Our bodies have an amazing power to regenerate, heal and prevent “DIS-EASE”. “DIS-EASE”. translates to; the body is in distress from outside forces, poison air, water food, etc.. And, if you are in a “DIS-EASE”. state it is because you have neglected good food, exercise and sunlight. You have traded FLAVOR/TASTE, INDULGENCE... for proper nutrition. Be good to yourself, eat organic ONLY! Grow a garden if possible. And use some of the information to help your body heal itself.
Cheers, William Vincent

Our Air, Water, Food, Land and Medicine (if you call pharma-drugs medicine) all POISON! They have been poisoning our minds, hearts and bodies since our birth. Stop this by not buying their lies, products and propaganda. READ LABELS WHEN BUYING FOOD. BUY ORGANIC. EXERCISE, BREATHE FRESH AIR EVERYDAY, GET SUNSHINE EVERYDAY ON YOUR BODY. Cheers, William Vincent

This is a short video showing some of the recent craziness I have encountered whilst looking into other factual events currently happening to each and every one of us. More crazy stuff is sure to head our way. Cheers, William Vincent

So many good people have been doing their due diligence in gathering Factual Information regarding the dangers of 5G. Get rid of your Fucking "Smart Phone" and if you must have a traveling phone get a dumb phone. Cell phones in general cause many health problems.... so limit your use. Do not hold it, do not put it next to your head. AND ABSOLUTELY DO NOT GIVE A CELL PHONE TO ANY CHILD!! Cheers, William Vincent


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

170 videos

Category News & Politics

This idiot thinks we should "know the rules" don't hug anyone. What a subhuman dick this guy is! Hug everyone, all the time