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Did you REALLY think that you could have a have a nice meal with the kids? Sorry to burst your bubble, but where there's kids and food, at the very least there'll be a mess!

Isn't going to your grandparent's house the best? They spoil you and act like you're the bees knees? And sometimes things get real wacky--like the grandparents in this surprising set of clips. These old folks are getting wild!

Ever just be in your groove, running or on a hoverboard or riding a scooter? And you feel so great--only to suddenly be shocked out of your groove by a sudden fail? Then you'll know exactly how the people in this comp feel! Go ahead and laugh--it'll happen to you someday!

There's just something hilarious about sisters. Young, old, in-between, girls just want to have fun! See all the silliness that only sisters can bring in this family-friendly compilation!

Adults are supposed to be responsible and kinda boring, right? Not the adults in these hilarious videos! These adults are getting into the kid action and making playtime funnier than ever!

Oh, you thought you could get away with that? Yeah, we're looking at YOU! Because you got caught! The security cam is watching....

This compilation features the loudest laughs out louds of the week! From scampering dogs to ingenious cats to drivers ed disasters, you're guaranteed to crack a chuckle!

A malfunctioning diving board. A breaking rope swing, A daring bike trick. A slippery bowling ball. There's a bunch of thrills set up to spill in this roller-coaster of a compilation!

You know when you feel like you're going to nail that stunt you just tried to pull? And then midway through something goes horribly wrong and you embarrass yourself? Yep, that's what happening to the folks in this set of videos--you'll feel their pain but you'll laugh!

Oooops! Did that kid just say that? Good thing they're so darn cute because an adult could not get away with that! Hear the eyebrow raising statements and kooky theories these little ones have in their brains. You'll have to smile.

Right answers are great and all (especially when you're taking a test) but wrong answers are funnier! Enjoy this series of wrong answers--you may start to prefer the wrong answer over the right one!

So you thought that you had seen all the pranks? Ummm, nope! There's more pranks to see right here! Get your laughs in with clowns, jump-scares, set-ups, out-of-control fans, and more!

Gymnastics, soccer, track, swimming, volleyball, football--if there's a sport out there, there's a fail for it showcased in this funny (and ouch-y) comp!

Were you under the impression that only kids do pranks? Absolutely not! Parents get into the action too! And some of their pranks are masterclasses--tune in and learn here!

Gentlemen, step back! Ladies go first! Why? Because they can test out if the path is gonna make you fall! And there's a lot of ladies falling and failing in this hilarious compilation.

Why do things always go wrong on Monday? It's the day we're least prepared to deal! See this series of challenging Mondays in these silly clips.

Aren"t children supposed to have manners? Well, the kids in this set of kooky vids certainly don't! They're doing things their own way--it may not be proper, but it's a lot funnier!

Having a bad week? We have just the thing to cheer you up. Misery loves company, right? Then get a dose of misery made funny in these clips designed to make you grin.

Sometimes we're watching a show or a sport and it's like, this is nice but a little boring. And THEN something unexpected happens and the show turns instantly hilarious. Those are definitely the ones you remember--and we caught a bunch of them on tape right here!

What day is it? A day where everything is boring? Nope! Today is the day full of hilarious fails. Expect a lot of trips, slides, guffaws and pranks in this lol collection!

Bummer! That's the exclamation the people in this zany collection are saying. There's ouches and pranks and even the occasional dog sounding the bummer alert!

These kiddos are clearly guilty. They got into the cookie batter, they used markers on their skin, they drank all the milk. But trying to get them to admit they did it is like pulling teeth--except it's funnier!

Listen, if you try something that's tough, like doing a rope swing, or shooting that 3 pointer, or making a skin jump, there's a big chance you'll fail. In other words, you can see it coming! But don't stop trying! Your fails are funny!

Who needs a laugh? You do! Buckle up and get ready for laughs with ducks, ostriches, softball bats, ladders and more! If you don't laugh it's on us, but we're pretty sure you'll at least chuckle!

All babies are cute, right? For sure! But these babies are not only cute, they'll make you howl with laughter at their antics. If you need a little pick-me-up of laughter, you got it right here!


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

3154 videos

Category Entertainment