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Our Guest Today Is Tim Sanders - We Talk About Good & Bad Radiation & A Tad Of Spirituality.

Mark Bajerski is an international speaker, author, spiritual teacher and the founder of the Pure Energy Healing Academy. Affectionately known as “The Healer of Hearts”, Mark has practiced and developed a unique Pure Energy Healing method helping tens of thousands of people to heal themselves and overcome various life challenges.
Mark Bajerski has worked as an acclaimed intuitive and empathic healer for various clients including professional athletes, students, royalty, artists, celebrities, corporations, health organizations and various leaders in over 30 countries. He guides clients to transform their trapped lower energy levels to work towards achieving a higher healing vibration.

Mark Bajerski is an international speaker, author, spiritual teacher and the founder of the Pure Energy Healing Academy. Affectionately known as “The Healer of Hearts”, Mark has practiced and developed a unique Pure Energy Healing method helping tens of thousands of people to heal themselves and overcome various life challenges.

Mark Bajerski has worked as an acclaimed intuitive and empathic healer for various clients including professional athletes, students, royalty, artists, celebrities, corporations, health organizations and various leaders in over 30 countries. He guides clients to transform their trapped lower energy levels to work towards achieving a higher healing vibration.


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ECETI's AYW PRODUCER & ECETI MEDIA TEAM: Peter Slattery , Jason Nation

An extended discussion with more evidence from David revealing hidden planets in our solar system.

Trina Welch interviews gene Decode on many topics of interest.
Disclosures, UN, P Diddy, A-list vs. B-list, Pres Trump, Putin's re-election, Russian Art of War, Ukraine, Prince Harry, CERN, portals, Tribunals, body doubles

This is a re-release of my interview with black project scientist Pete Peterson re Skynet and Terminator and the times we are now living in. Originally recorded in 2009.

WIDE RANGING discussion on latest news and happenings....

This is a fabulous overview of the state of AI development on Earth and what's hidden behind the wall of secrecy.

Marie and gene Decode discuss the truth about the significance of the April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse.
- 5D
- Alliance
- Truth vs Fear
- Ascension and its symptoms
- Moon
- Soul Trap
- Comet
- New World Order
- Envisioning

The Satanic Jews are desperate because they know their time is short. They're pulling out all the stops to usher in their Antichrist-Moshiach, but it won't work.

Instead of their Messiah, they'll get 40 days to have their "come to Jesus" moment, or face the Wrath of God.

Ancient Hopi Indian Prophecy predicts the rise of the Fourth Reich will cleanse America and bring an end to the Jew World Order. It's LITERALLY written in stone!!!

Jessica Arael Marrocco, Interdimensional Seer, Psychic, Disclosure Activist, SSP Experiencer and ACIO 6th Division Cicada 3301
Jessica was born in the Boston area in 1964, She was highly targeted and selected to be used in the programs from birth through her entire childhood because she was quickly identified by the ACIO of having a soul signature of unknown off world origins. Early on she displayed an exceptionally keen psychic perception that exceeded most other humans. Due to her enigmatic origins, she was placed in the numbers group as number 12. At the age of 5, Jessica was introduced to the ACIO and Intergalactic Council and then made contact with Peter the Insider in 2016 where she began to uncover her involvement within the secret space programs. As an exceptional psychic of E.T. origins, Jessica was used heavily in the programs by organizations such as the MCC (Mars Colony Corporation), Kruger Mercenary Corporation, the Labyrinth Group, and also worked as a galactic Liaison communicating with the Council of 5. Jessica is also active as an asset within the ACIO 6th Division Cicada 3301 where she continues to decipher data from intergalactic activity and their effects on the planet.

This interview, recorded on March 13, 2024, has some very important information about the following and more:
- Biblical events
- DUMBs and tunnels
- Vampires
- Time travel
- Listening to our higher self (soul)
- Two timelines A & G
- Ingersoll Lockwood books
- Baron Trump series

You can follow Tom Numbers at his Rumble address here:


Dr. Frank E. Stranges speaks about meeting Valiant Thor, who landed on Earth on March 16th, 1957, and lived at the Pentagon for 3 years under the Eisenhower Administration.

Phil Schneider, a whistleblower who was involved with the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) also corroborates.

David Sereda is an inventor, author, film-maker, technology inventor and thought leader. David is a rare keynote speaker that has extraordinary spiritual enlightenment as well as advanced scientific and technological know-how. He gives a very detailed theory on the path of the eclipse and a planet that is actually part of it..possibly Nibiru and biblical numerological connections. Excellent analysis.

Scott Bennett on will Israel kick off a full fledged war with the Arab countries. What is the latest with Ukraine?
Will we see leaders executed and hung by their feet by angry crowds like Mussolini and his mistress?

JP conducted another covert mission to an underground colony of Ant People where he had previously met its King and saw human refugees whose ancestors had been given sanctuary centuries earlier. JP says that his latest mission was to discover what had happened to the Ant People who had disappeared, according to military reports. When JP and his four military companions entered the Ant People colony, they were greeted by humans wearing similar robes to the Ant People. JP’s team was told that the Ant People had left for another realm, and the humans had remained behind to take care of the former colony.
When JP eventually met with some of the Ant People, he was told that the Ant King had transitioned and that a new king, who had just awakened, was now in charge of the Ant People, who had moved to a new realm. JP believes that the new king was the sleeping giant he had seen in an earlier mission to a separate underground Ant People colony near Florida’s Ponce de Leon Springs State Park, which appeared to possess a Tree of Life. It was speculated that the awakened giant was the mythical Ningishzida (aka Thoth, Quetzalcoatl, etc.), who was the Ant People’s new king, and now presided over a new realm that was located in a higher dimension.

For more JP Updates go to:

Live recording Nov. 17, 2023: 17 platforms hosts, friends, gene Decode & Blessed For Service team envisioned a totally free world.

Please join us as we envision a new world free of the negative influences that have hampered our true freedom for way too long. 17 platforms and our Hawaiian friends came together with gene and the Blessed For Service team for this world-changing event.

It is not time-dependent. Whenever you listen to this and envision with us, our new world will continue to radiate out into the universe and beyond. The positive vibrations will increase each time you do this Envisioning.

Thank you for helping us create the world as our Father God intended it to be!

Please share far and wide!

For those who haven't had time to sit through the over 4 hour Q webinar! First of all, we don't blame you 😜. We've decided to break it up into two digestible segments editing out all of the dead space, addressing tech issues, making audio adjustments etc. A more seamless final product that we hope you all enjoy.!
In Part 2 we connect the Q operation and time travel technology. We cover the possibility of President Donald Trump & family being time travelers themselves. What is Project Looking Glass, where did it come from and how is it being used by Q? Are Extraterrestrials truly involved with the Q team? What is The Art of War and 5D Chess? Tune in to find out all of this and so much more!


ORIGINALLY LIVE ON delays removed...They are activating CERN the day of the eclipse…I’m thinking there’s a chance there’s a kind of a vortex opening along with this solar eclipse and this is why they might be using that to shoot something into the van Allen belt it’s not completely clear Richard Alan Miller I think revealed as much as he’s allowed to but he said it was pretty serious That was off the record…


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

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