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The song "Durch deutsches Land marschieren wir," meaning "Through German land, we march," holds historical significance as a symbol of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the NSDAP Party's paramilitary wing. The song glorifies the SA's mission with themes of loyalty, unity, and nationalism, often depicting their confrontations with communist adversaries, known as the "Rote Front." The song portrays the SA as defenders against communism and highlights their sacrifices in this ideological battle. Though not explicitly banned, dissemination or public performance of songs associated with the Hitler Era is subject to stringent restrictions under German law.


[Strophe 1]
Durch deutsches Land marschieren wir
Für Adolf Hitler kämpfen wir
Die Rote Front, schlagt sie zu Brei
SA marschiert, Achtung, die Straße frei
Die Rote Front, schlagt sie zu Brei
SA marschiert, Achtung, die Straße frei

[Strophe 2]
So stehen wir im Kampf allein
Durch Blut geschweißt sind unsre Reih'n
Den Blick nach vorn, die Faust geballt
Die Straße dann von unserm Schritt erschallt
Den Blick nach vorn, die Faust geballt
Die Straße dann von unserm Schritt erschallt

[Strophe 3]
So manchen braven Kamerad
Legten wir schon ins kühle Grab
Wenn auch so manches Auge bricht
Wir fürchten das Rotmordgesindel nicht
Wenn auch so manches Auge bricht
Wir fürchten das Rotmordgesindel nicht

[Strophe 4]
Und ist der Kampf auch noch so schwer
Wir wanken, weichen nimmermehr
Wir fordern Freiheit, Recht und Brot
Für Adolf Hitler geh’n wir in den Tod
Wir fordern Freiheit, Recht und Brot
Für Adolf Hitler geh'n wir in den Tod

[Strophe 5]
Durch deutsches Land marschieren wir
Für Adolf Hitler kämpfen wir
Die Rote Front, schlagt sie zu Brei
SA marschiert, Achtung, die Straße frei
Die Rote Front, schlagt sie zu Brei
SA marschiert, Achtung, die Straße frei

Lockstep March

[Verse 1]
Through German land we march
For Adolf Hitler, we fight
The Red Front, we crush it to pieces
SA marches, attention, clear the streets
The Red Front, we crush it to pieces
SA marches, attention, clear the streets
[Verse 2]
So we stand alone in the fight
Our ranks forged by blood
Eyes forward, fists clenched
The street resounds with our step
Eyes forward, fists clenched
The street resounds with our step
[Verse 3]
So many brave comrades
We've laid to rest in the cool grave
Even if many eyes break
We do not fear the red murder mob
Even if many eyes break
We do not fear the red murder mob
[Verse 4]
And even if the fight is so hard
We never waver, never retreat
We demand freedom, justice, and bread
For Adolf Hitler, we go to death
We demand freedom, justice, and bread
For Adolf Hitler, we go to death
[Verse 5]
Through German land we march
For Adolf Hitler, we fight
The Red Front, we crush it to pieces
SA marches, attention, clear the streets
The Red Front, we crush it to pieces
SA marches, attention, clear the streets

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney

"CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America"

The "Horst-Wessel-Lied," also known as "Die Fahne hoch," served as the anthem of the National Socialist Party from 1930 to 1945. Penned by Horst Wessel, a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA), and composed by Herbert Norkus, its lyrics became synonymous with NS gatherings, embodying anti-communist sentiment following Wessel's death at the hands of a Communist Party member. The song, emblematic of Nazi ideology, rallied support against communism during Nazi rallies.

After World War II, the song was banned in Germany, reflecting debates on free speech. Banning such songs risks erasing cultural heritage and limiting diverse viewpoints, impeding intellectual freedom and setting a dangerous precedent. Censorship suppresses dialogue and historical understanding. The banning of songs raises questions about free speech limits in democratic societies.

* Bitchute really did NOT want to let this video upload.


Die Fahne hoch die Reihen fest geschlossen
 (The flag is high, our ranks are closed)
S. A. marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt 
(The S.A. marches with silent solid steps.)
Kam’raden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen 
(Comrades shot by the red front and reaction)
Marschier’n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
 (March in spirit with us in our ranks.)
Die Strasse frei den braunen Batallionen 
(The street is free for the brown battalions)
Die Strasse frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann 
(The street is free for the Storm Troopers.)
Es schau’n auf’s Hackenkreuz voll Hoffung schon Millionen
 (Millions full of hope, look at our swastika)
Der Tag fur Freiheit und fur Brot bricht an 
(The day breaks for freedom and for bread.)
Zum letzen Mal wird nun Appell geblasen
 (For the last time the call will now be sounded)
Zum Kampfe steh’n wir alle schon bereit
 (For the struggle now we all stand ready.)
Bald flattern Hitler-fahnen Uber allen Strassen 
(Soon will fly Hitler’s banners over every street)
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur mehr kurze Zeit
 (Our slavery will last only a short time longer.)
Die Fahne hoch die Reihen fest geschlossen 
(The flag is high, our ranks are closed)
S. A. marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt 
(The S.A. marches with silent solid steps.)
Kam’raden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen 
(Comrades shot by the red front and reaction)
Marschier’n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
 (March in spirit with us in our ranks.)

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney

• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @
• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @
• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941

"Unsere Fahne Flattert Uns Voran," a song associated with the Hitlerjugend and written by Hans Baumann in 1933, instilled loyalty and pride in young members of the organization. It became widely recognized, often heard at rallies and parades in Germany. Post-World War II, it was banned in countries with laws against Nazi ideology dissemination.

The ban on the song poses an unreasonable restriction on free speech for several reasons. Despite its controversial ties, it represents cultural heritage and historical discourse. Banning it suppresses diverse viewpoints and restricts intellectual freedom. Moreover, it sets a precedent for further censorship, undermining open discourse and individual rights. Instead of outright banning, efforts should focus on contextualizing its significance and fostering critical dialogue.


Vorwärts! Vorwärts!
Schmettern die hellen Fanfaren,
Vorwärts! Vorwärts!
Jugend kennt keine Gefahren.
Deutschland, du wirst leuchtend stehen
Mögen wir auch untergehen.

Vorwärts! Vorwärts!
Schmettern die hellen Fanfaren,
Vorwärts! Vorwärts!
Jugend kennt keine Gefahren.
Ist das Ziel auch noch so hoch,
Jugend zwingt es doch.

Uns're Fahne flattert uns voran.
In die Zukunft ziehen wir Mann für Mann
Wir marschieren für Hitler
Durch Nacht und durch Not
Mit der Fahne der Jugend
Für Freiheit und Brot.

Uns're Fahne flattert uns voran,
Uns're Fahne ist die neue Zeit.
Und die Fahne führt uns in die Ewigkeit!
Ja die Fahne ist mehr als der Tod!

Jugend! Jugend!
Wir sind der Zukunft Soldaten.
Jugend! Jugend!
Träger der kommenden Taten.
Ja, durch unsere Fäuste fällt
Wer sich uns entgegenstellt

Jugend! Jugend!
Wir sind der Zukunft Soldaten.
Jugend! Jugend!
Träger der kommenden Taten.
Führer, wir gehören dir,
Wir Kameraden, dir!

Uns're Fahne flattert uns voran.
In die Zukunft ziehen wir Mann für Mann
Wir marschieren für Hitler
Durch Nacht und durch Not
Mit der Fahne der Jugend
Für Freiheit und Brot.

Uns're Fahne flattert uns voran,
Uns're Fahne ist die neue Zeit.
Und die Fahne führt uns in die Ewigkeit!
Ja die Fahne ist mehr als der Tod!

English Translation:

Forward! Forward!

The bright fanfares resound,

Forward! Forward!
Youth knows no dangers.

Germany, you will stand brightly
Even if we should perish.

Forward! Forward!

The bright fanfares resound,

Forward! Forward!
Youth knows no dangers.
Even if the goal is so high,
Youth still achieve it.


Our flag flutters before us.
Into the future we march, man by man.

We march for Hitler
Through night and through danger

With the flag of youth
For freedom and bread.

Our flag flutters before us,
Our flag is the new era.

And the flag leads us into eternity!
Yes, the flag is more than death!

Youth! Youth!

We are the soldiers of the future.

Youth! Youth!

Bearer of the coming deeds.

Yes, by our fists falls
Anyone who opposes us.

Youth! Youth!

We are the soldiers of the future.

Youth! Youth!

Bearer of the coming deeds.
Fuehrer, we belong to you,

We comrades, to you!

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney

• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @
• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @
• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941

Nobody fights the Jew$ like the Muslims do.
Mirrored from:

For the sake of Allah, we will march to the gates
Of the paradise where our maidens await.
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
Going forth, preparing to roar
Are the brothers of light with kuffar (disbelievers) in sight.
Their ranks are many and weapons are heavy,
But the soldiers of Allah are more than ready.
But the soldiers of Allah are more than ready.

For the sake of Allah, we will march to the gates
Of the paradise where our maidens await.
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.

Defending the pride
Of our sisters who have cried
For fearing none but the Almighty as one.
Their voices motivated
The men who migrated
To fulfill the duty
Of making God's word the greatest.
To fulfill the duty
Of making God's word the greatest.

For the sake of Allah, we will march to the gates
Of the paradise where our maidens await.
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
Oh, my brothers, jihad is the way
To bring back the honor of our glorious days.
The promise of Allah will always remain
That fighting for His sake is the ultimate gain.
That fighting for His sake is the ultimate gain.

For the sake of Allah, we will march to the gates
Of the paradise where our maidens await.
We are men that love death
Just as you love your life.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.
We are the soldiers that fight in the day and the night.

And now the time has come
For the battles to be won.
Shahada (testimony) on our tongues
As our hearts beat as one.
The sunnah (habit) is alive,
Khilafah (caliphate) on the rise.
The flag of tawheed (oneness of God) shining bright before our eyes.
The flag of tawheed (oneness of God) shining bright before our eyes.

The latest Israeli offensive in Rafah, Palestine, has triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, displacing nearly a million Palestinians from Gaza's southern city. This escalation comes after months of conflict with Hamas, resulting in devastating destruction and severe shortages of essential supplies. The blockade imposed by Israel has worsened conditions, limiting humanitarian aid and leaving many Palestinians struggling to survive. Makeshift tent camps have emerged, offering little protection from harsh conditions, as families face dire shortages and unimaginable hardships.

Despite efforts from aid organizations, the crisis has overwhelmed resources, with limited aid delivery exacerbating the situation. The international community has condemned the violence and called for a ceasefire, urging Israel to end its military offensive. Recent airstrikes in Rafah have deepened the crisis, prompting calls for accountability and justice. Amid escalating violence and humanitarian suffering, urgent action is needed to address the plight of Palestinians and uphold international law.

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney

• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @
• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @
• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941

A nationalist incident in Germany, where youths chanted "Deutschland den Deutschen - Auslaender 'raus" ("Germany for the Germans - foreigners out”) has sparked outrage. Politicians condemned the chants, and the song was banned at Saxony's Oktoberfest.

This incident reflects a rising trend of nationalist sentiment among German youth, with the right-wing AfD party gaining popularity. Legally, such chants could result in fines or imprisonment, with investigations for incitement to hatred underway.

The incident highlights a double standard: German nationalism is condemned, while the Jewish homeland in Israel is widely accepted. This hypocrisy challenges Germany's multicultural agenda and raises debates on national self-determination.

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney
• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @

• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @

• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941


National Socialism, under Hitler's leadership from 1933 to 1945, orchestrated a profound transformation of Germany's socio-economic fabric. Central to its doctrine was state intervention, aiming at autarky and militarization. The government’s economic policies, including rearmament and public works projects, aimed to reduce unemployment and stimulate growth. These policies also prioritized technological innovation and centralized control, bringing stability post-Depression. In essence, National Socialism's economic principles reshaped Germany's landscape, fostering prosperity alongside the threat of conflict as Hitler pursued national unity.


Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney


• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @
• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @
• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941

Some people think that Jew$ share Christian values. They do not.

This has been edited for brevity and clarity:

America First: Nick Fuentes


Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney


• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy" @
• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @
• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Auriga Books, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941

Auriga Books, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 425-244-2941

The hypocritical JEW takes over the Palestinians' homeland, demanding a Jewi$h state. Now they are busy destroying Europe and USA, because we have to accept diversity. Do you think people might resent that?


Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.


Voltaire's quote, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize," sheds light on power dynamics and freedom of expression. François-Marie Arouet, known as Voltaire, an Enlightenment philosopher, advocated for tolerance, free speech, and individual liberty, challenging oppressive systems that silence dissent. This quote reveals how those in power use suppression tactics, punishing criticism with imprisonment or censorship, highlighting deficits in democratic freedoms and accountability. In undemocratic settings, criticizing leaders exposes a lack of accountability, where dissent is met with punitive measures, and powerful institutions dominate public discourse, concentrating power and eroding civil liberties. The "Barbara Streisand effect" aligns with Voltaire's perspective, illustrating how attempts to suppress information often backfire, drawing public attention. Contemporary discourse highlights concerns about influential groups suppressing criticism, reflecting authoritarianism and threats to democratic values. Efforts to criminalize acknowledging power dynamics frequently backfire, exposing imbalances. In the digital age, attempts to suppress information lead to the Streisand effect, empowering dissent and promoting transparency. Social media's role in democratizing information enables individuals to challenge narratives and reveal truths. The Streisand effect underscores the limitations of traditional information control, empowering individuals to amplify suppressed voices. Voltaire's quote and the Streisand effect stress the importance of protecting free speech in democracy, urging critical assessment of those who control discourse to advance societal values.

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.


The push for laws aimed at curtailing criticism of Israel, Zionism, or historical events such as the Holocaust, and the noticing of religious affiliations of those in power, raises profound questions about the First Amendment and democratic values enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. These laws attempt to suppress dissenting perspectives on foreign governments and political ideologies, fundamentally undermining free speech principles. Such content-based restrictions on speech likely conflict with constitutional guarantees and historic legal precedents, emphasizing the necessity of defending the right to challenge prevailing ideologies and uphold individual liberties.

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.


Mainstream media has brought attention to the rise of anti-Semitism globally, but there is a blind spot in addressing the crisis affecting Palestinians, particularly in Gaza. Israel's actions towards Palestinians, including settlements, home demolitions, and military operations, violate human rights and international law. Media bias in favor of Israel often overlooks the suffering of Palestinians. Consumers can influence media coverage by engaging with outlets, supporting alternative sources, holding media accountable, and educating themselves and others on the complexities of the conflict, promoting empathy and justice for all affected communities.

"Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.


What is happening in Palestine is coming to a neighborhood near you...

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.


Embark on a gripping exploration of darkness with “The Devil in His Heart: David Berkowitz and the 'Son of Sam' Murders.” In 1970s New York City, Berkowitz, infamously known as the “Son of Sam,” sowed terror among young couples, leaving a community paralyzed with fear. This compelling narrative delves into Berkowitz's past, uncovering his brutal crimes and links to Satanism and occult practices. Through riveting storytelling, it navigates Berkowitz's psyche, prompting reflection on the nature of evil and the depths of human depravity. The book also examines Berkowitz's mental health, exploring his possible ties to esoteric movements and the chilling notion of demonic possession. Amidst the darkness, Berkowitz's journey to Christianity offers hope, showcasing the transformative power of redemption even for the most notorious criminals.

Order "Devil in His Heart" at


Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA (pen name: Tina Foster) is a versatile author who delves into a diverse array of topics. Her works weave together storytelling and analysis, daring to challenge prevailing narratives. Hodges' unwavering dedication to truth and justice shines through her many pursuits.

5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Book Online
Anatomy of Dressage (Translator)
CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America
Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy
Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America
Forbidden Secrets of the Illuminati: The Luciferian Deception (Editor)
Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington (Co-Author)
Monsieur Baucher and His Arts: A Serious Word with Germany's Riders (Translator)
Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney (Tina Foster)
System of Horsemanship (Translator)
The Devil in His Heart: David Berkowitz and the “Son of Sam” Murders (Tina Foster)
The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor-Replacements (Tina Foster)
Zion’s Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

For more information, visit and

“Code Red” explores the contemporary challenge of communism in America, tracing its historical origins, ideologies, and societal impacts. It unveils how Marxism stealthily subverts education, media, and politics, eroding liberty under the guise of “equity.” This insightful work dissects the infiltration of Marxist ideology, illuminating threats to cherished American values and freedoms. By paralleling historical socialist movements with today's political landscape, it provides invaluable perspectives on potential repercussions of current policies. Serving as an indispensable guide, it equips readers to discern warning signals, partake in informed discussions, and safeguard America's legacy. Unveiling concealed agendas, it promotes critical analysis and prompts readers to scrutinize the motivations behind policies, fostering meaningful dialogues. Above all, “Code Red” champions vigilance, urging individuals to protect freedom for upcoming generations in the face of communism's burgeoning influence.

“CODE RED” is available at

Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED,” “Zion’s Legacy,” “Downsized,” and "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy.” She is known for challenging established narratives in her quest for truth.


"Downsized" delves into America's economic past, spotlighting the effects of deindustrialization and the closure of factories. It underscores the importance of economic self-reliance and cautions against excessive dependence on external sources. The narrative traverses pivotal industrial eras, scrutinizes the ramifications of globalization, and evaluates governmental interventions. Moreover, it sheds light on the human consequences of deindustrialization, commends industry resilience, and presents a blueprint for rejuvenating American manufacturing. Ultimately, "Downsized" serves as a rallying cry for a more promising industrial landscape, urging collective action towards a brighter future.

"Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" is available @


Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America,” “Zion’s Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America," and "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy,” She is known for challenging mainstream narratives in her quest for truth.

Blogs: ||
Pen name: Tina Foster

“Leadership by George” explores the enduring influence of George Washington's leadership, offering timeless lessons for contemporary leaders. The book illuminates Washington's life and extracts invaluable principles for various sectors. Each chapter delves into facets of his leadership philosophy, drawing from history to elucidate his principles, such as integrity and adaptability. The book provides practical insights for decision-making, inspiring action, and fostering excellence. It contrasts poor leadership with Washington's exemplary legacy, emphasizing the critical role of effective leadership in shaping organizations and nations. By embracing integrity, vision, resilience, and servant leadership, individuals can navigate complexity and foster unity and progress. The book encourages drawing upon past wisdom to create a more prosperous and inclusive future. Engaging and thought-provoking, it is essential for unlocking leadership potential and making a meaningful impact in the modern landscape.
Order “Leadership by George” @
James Parrish Hodges, PhD, the author of "Beyond the Cherry Tree: The Leadership Wisdom of George Washington," seamlessly integrates 48 years of financial expertise with a passion for American history. Alongside his contributions to academia as a part-time instructor at the University of Maryland's Business Administration School, Hodges boasts numerous professional accomplishments. He excels in principle-centered leadership and possesses decades of experience analyzing management processes, all while drawing inspiration from the timeless legacy of George Washington.
Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is an attorney and author of “Downsized,” "Zion's Legacy,” "CODE RED,” and “Den of Vipers.” Her literary works span various genres, challenging established narratives and demonstrating her commitment to truth and justice.
Bonnie Hodges earned her B.A. in Art from the University of Maryland. With a background in illustrating at the U.S. State Department, she specializes in Realism, showcasing her talents in various media, including oil, pastel, and watercolor.

"Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" - Chapter 1: Seeds of Discord

The historical conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jewish Zionists is deeply rooted, spanning from the emergence of Zionism to the intricacies of British colonial rule. Key historical events, including the Balfour Declaration, the Haavara Agreement, and the UN Partition Plan, and the Nakba, contribute to the intricate tapestry of this continuous struggle. Grasping these historical threads is essential for comprehending the nuanced perspectives and facilitating resolution in the contemporary Middle East.

"Zion's Legacy” available @

Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA has authored noteworthy books that challenge mainstream narratives and demonstrate a commitment to truth and justice.

• "Leadership by George: The Leadership Principles of George Washington" @
• "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America" @
• "Zion's Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" @
• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" @
• “Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy” @

Blogs: ||
Pen Name: Tina Foster

The "Paul is Dead" theory holds that Paul McCartney was replaced by a doppelgänger named "Faul." Manipulated photos and footage conceal this, with modern digital remastering techniques further obscuring the truth. A BBC interview from 1968, featuring Faul, displays discrepancies in appearance, later obscured in remastered versions. This manipulation fuels speculation of a cover-up surrounding Paul's death and replacement. Deepfake technology, powered by advanced AI, compounds these concerns, blurring the line between reality and fabrication. With deepfakes becoming increasingly indistinguishable from genuine content, detecting manipulation grows ever more challenging. This convergence of historical intrigue and technological capability serves as a cautionary reminder to maintain critical thinking in an era of digital deception.

All of this and more is discussed in “Plastic Macca” and “The Splitting Image” by Tina Foster.


Tina Foster, the author of "Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney" and "The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor-Replacements," fearlessly delves into controversial subjects. Through thought-provoking writings, she challenges conventional wisdom, inviting readers to question official narratives. Foster's work sheds light on lesser-known information, encouraging critical thinking and inspiring readers to explore hidden histories. Her contributions to alternative research have made a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of alternative perspectives in fostering a well-rounded understanding of our world.

Email: faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

Paul McCartney's Höfner violin bass serves as an emblem of The Beatles' timeless legacy. Its vanishing act in 1972 ignited years of intrigue. The relentless pursuit by The Lost Bass Project culminated in its retrieval. However, disparities in height between Paul and "Faul," along with the adoption of larger bass guitars to mask them, hint at a substitution. The transition to a larger bass instrument presents persuasive evidence bolstering the theory of a Paul McCartney impostor.

For more information: “Plastic Macca: the Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney,” available on Amazon.


Tina Foster, the author of "Plastic Macca: The Secret Death and Replacement of Beatle Paul McCartney" and "The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor-Replacements," fearlessly delves into controversial subjects. Through thought-provoking writings, she challenges conventional wisdom, inviting readers to question official narratives. Foster's work sheds light on lesser-known information, encouraging critical thinking and inspiring readers to explore hidden histories. Her contributions to alternative research have made a significant impact, emphasizing the importance of alternative perspectives in fostering a well-rounded understanding of our world.

Email: faulconandsnowjob at hotmail dot com

“Leadership by George” explores the enduring influence of George Washington's leadership, offering timeless lessons for contemporary leaders. The book illuminates Washington's life and extracts invaluable principles for various sectors. Each chapter delves into facets of his leadership philosophy, drawing from history to elucidate his principles, such as integrity and adaptability. The book provides practical insights for decision-making, inspiring action, and fostering excellence. It contrasts poor leadership with Washington's exemplary legacy, emphasizing the critical role of effective leadership in shaping organizations and nations. By embracing integrity, vision, resilience, and servant leadership, individuals can navigate complexity and foster unity and progress. The book encourages drawing upon past wisdom to create a more prosperous and inclusive future. Engaging and thought-provoking, it is essential for unlocking leadership potential and making a meaningful impact in the modern landscape.

Order “Leadership by George” @


James Parrish Hodges, PhD, the author of "Beyond the Cherry Tree: The Leadership Wisdom of George Washington," seamlessly integrates 48 years of financial expertise with a passion for American history. Alongside his contributions to academia as a part-time instructor at the University of Maryland's Business Administration School, Hodges boasts numerous professional accomplishments. He excels in principle-centered leadership and possesses decades of experience analyzing management processes, all while drawing inspiration from the timeless legacy of George Washington.


Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is an attorney and author of “Downsized,” "Zion's Legacy,” "CODE RED,” and “Den of Vipers.” Her literary works span various genres, challenging established narratives and demonstrating her commitment to truth and justice.



Bonnie Hodges earned her B.A. in Art from the University of Maryland. With a background in illustrating at the U.S. State Department, she specializes in Realism, showcasing her talents in various media, including oil, pastel, and watercolor.


"Downsized" delves into America's economic past, spotlighting the effects of deindustrialization and the closure of factories. It underscores the importance of economic self-reliance and cautions against excessive dependence on external sources. The narrative traverses pivotal industrial eras, scrutinizes the ramifications of globalization, and evaluates governmental interventions. Moreover, it sheds light on the human consequences of deindustrialization, commends industry resilience, and presents a blueprint for rejuvenating American manufacturing. Ultimately, "Downsized" serves as a rallying cry for a more promising industrial landscape, urging collective action towards a brighter future.


Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America,” “Zion’s Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America," and "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy,” She is known for challenging mainstream narratives in her quest for truth.

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Pen name: Tina Foster

Jew$ commit genocide, but they are the victims.


Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America,” “Zion’s Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” "Downsized: The Deindustrialization of America," and "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy,” She is known for challenging mainstream narratives in her quest for truth.

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Pen name: Tina Foster

In the clandestine realm of modern warfare, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) have emerged, deploying concentrated energy such as electromagnetic radiation, lasers, or particle beams for strategic advantages. Despite skepticism arising from limited information and classified technology, DEWs operate covertly, offering precision strikes and electronic system disruption. Speculated mind control capabilities through electromagnetic emissions add ethical concerns about potential misuse and violations of international norms. Protection against DEW exposure is challenging, with limited options such as physical barriers and specialized equipment. The HAVANA Act of 2021 addresses brain injuries caused by neurological attacks, emphasizing the need for comprehensive regulations to govern the ethical deployment of DEWs, ensuring transparency and preventing collateral damage in the evolving landscape of modern warfare.

More information @ the Targeted UK website: (also on Gab @TargetedUK)


Attorney and author, Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, is the author of “CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America,” “Zion’s Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” and "Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy,” She is known for challenging mainstream narratives in her quest for truth.


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Pen name: Tina Foster

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, deeply rooted in historical disputes and the quest for self-determination, faces a formidable challenge symbolized by the ongoing Nakba. The term signifies a continuous cycle of structural violence, colonization, and oppression against Palestinians, framing the current conflict as an extension of historical injustices. Despite opportunities for dialogue, challenges persist due to settlement expansions, security measures, and a cycle of violence eroding trust between the parties. The enduring crisis in Palestine reflects the ongoing Nakba, necessitating a comprehensive resolution that addresses root causes such as the refugee crisis and the right of return. To achieve lasting peace, a commitment to reconciliation, recognition of historical injustices, and meaningful dialogue are essential, fostering empathy and understanding for harmonious coexistence in the Middle East.

"Zion's Legacy” is available @


About the Author:
Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA has authored noteworthy books that challenge mainstream narratives and demonstrate a commitment to truth and justice.

• “Zion’s Legacy: The Nakba Catastrophe and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” - available at
• "CODE RED: The Secret Communist Takeover of America" - available at
• “Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy” - available at


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Pen Name: Tina Foster


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

191 videos

Category Business & Finance

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