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This brief preview video of BestEvidence—the first in the channel’s 10-year history—briefly explains what distinguishes it over other video channels.

In short, BestEvidence follows the money whereas others merely discuss money. The channel’s forensic approach to financial matters is both unique and successful—in exposing the vast crimes in high finance, and in predicting events like the 2023 bank crisis.

For more information, see

That title is pretty self-explanatory, no?

Oh, all right. It refers to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's proposal to seize $300 billion of Russian assets and hand them to Ukraine without the first shred of due process, openly desecrating western legal norms all the way back to the Magna Carta of 1215. See in particular provision #39...

For more information, see...

Many thanks to my man Dave Kranzler for the epic thumbnail tweak.

If so inclined, please send cash or check contributions to:

John Titus
9660 Falls of Neuse Rd
Suite 138, # 241
Raleigh NC 27615

The Federal Reserve adjourned its annual meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on August 26, 2023 without fanfare but not without consequence.

As always, lots of Very Serious Papers were presented by established figures in the art of monetary tinkering and manipulation. Most papers amount to esoteric confetti, as rewarding as a run-of-the-mill TikTok video, only denuded of thrill. Occasionally, however, a paper turns out to be a blueprint for a tectonic shift by the Fed. That appears to be the case this year, which is the subject of this video.

As a reminder to viewers, the last time a Jackson Hole paper gave rise to a major monetary shift was in 2019, when BlackRock presented a paper entitled, “Dealing with the Next Downturn.” As luck would have it, the title downturn arrived the very next month in the form of a huge repo crisis that was shortly thereafter followed by the rollout of Pandemic!!! Crucially the Fed’s response to these shock events—creating $5T in new reserves PLUS $5T in new bank deposits, in accordance with BlackRock’s paper—represented a material departure by the central bank from its response to the GFC in 2009; back then, the Fed was acting to bail out the banks, which it did by creating, say, $2T in new reserves without any need at all for new bank deposits.

To summarize: • 2009—no new bank deposits created by Fed, no inflation. • 2020—Fed creates $5T of new bank deposits, gets big-time inflation. • HUGE difference.

This channel produced a video about BlackRock’s 2019 paper entitled, “Larry and Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic.” Just look for the video thumbnail of Larry Fink staring lustily at the Shoney's, er, BIS Big Boy, and that's the video.

Flash forward to the recently-adjourned Jackson Hole meeting. There is one particular paper that, if implemented, would cause huge inflation and indeed piggyback on and turbo-charge the inflation that’s arisen from the Fed’s implementation of BlackRock’s 2019 paper. The new paper does answer, however, the..

00:00 Intro - the “regional banking crisis” label is deceptive and laughable
02:13 Solvency vs. liquidity
04:55 Visual depiction of a liquidity crisis
10:30 1st way bank liquidity (deposits) is created: bank loans
11:51 2nd way bank liquidity (deposits) is created: Fed asset purchases from non-banks
16:17 This crisis—a liquidity crisis—is caused by the Fed’s creation of whale deposits
17:15 Senate hearing confirms: whale deposits killed Silicon Valley Bank
20:46 Killer whale deposits, not apps, caused this banking crisis
23:05 Forensic evidence proves Fed created whale deposits
27:39 Shills who say the Fed can’t create bank deposits are lying
29:40 How the Fed passed trillions of dollars to the whales
32:51 The Fed passed money to legal entities, which in turn passed it to whales
37:35 Pandemic QE was designed to produce whale accounts
39:43 The Fed lied when it said Pandemic QE was for “price stability”
41:45 Why were whale accounts maintained for years if not to become killers?
43:00 Whale accounts are maintained by criminals
46:13 Red Flag Test #1 for banks
53:07 Presenting the BestEvidence spreadsheet of $100 billion banks
55:53 Red Flag Test #2 for banks
1:03:35 This crisis is nudging the U.S. closer to CBDC
1:06:06 The names of the Fed’s killer whales are a big secret—for now
1:07:15 Congress could get to bottom of this crisis in 30 days if it wanted to
1:09:13 How you can help BestEvidence

This video was originally gonna be called, “The 2023 banking crisis would rank as the most obvious crime scene of all time if pretty much the entire financial services industry didn’t have its head up its A$$ about Pandemic QE,” but that title didn’t test well in focus groups.

Alas, and from the top…

Having stood alone in predicting the 2023 banking crisis three weeks in advance, BestEvidence in the present video turns to the question of causes. Over the course of some 71 minutes, “Deep Diving the Fed’s Killer Whale Crisis” proves beyond any doubt that the Federal Rese..


1:23 - Global risk posed by U.S. banking system
2:30 - Repo crisis preceded PANDEMIC!!!
3:32 - WEF’s tote board of risk narratives
4:05 - F.D.I.C. Quarterly Banking Profile (3Q2022): real risk of banking crisis
5:26 - Chart 7 of Quarterly Banking Profile - massive balance sheet losses
8:41 - Why debt-based securities dropped in value by $690 billion
11:40 - Composite balance sheet (entire industry) in Quarterly Banking Profile
14:33 - Why assets on banks’ balance sheet are vastly over-valued
17:12 - That entire banking industry is dead broke, evident from composite liabilities
20:10 - Banks’ counter-measures to their insolvency
21:32 - FHLB advances: panic borrowing
24:57 - Repo market: more panic borrowing
26:54 - FRED’s tale of three crises
35:23 - Role of FHLB advances in last three crises
39:52 - Panic borrowing now - Fed fanning flames of new crisis
41:25 - New era has dawned: Snake Eating Its Own Tail

This video builds on and extends the explosive (but largely overlooked AFAIK) analysis done by Chris Whalen, “Is JPMorgan Chase Insolvent?” While Whalen is imo the best independent bank analyst in the business, he doesn’t have a crystal ball. (At least I couldn’t find one when I ransacked his home many moons ago.) He put out that post, which is nominally about Dimon’s bank but covers the entire banking industry, on Monday, November 28, 2022. He thus didn’t have access to the F.D.I.C.’s Quarterly Banking Profile for the 3rd quarter of 2022, which came out three days later. Whalen’s analysis focused on the dubious valuations of bank assets, which is certainly germane as far as they go and are discussed in greater detail in this video.

The real action in the third quarter QBP, though, is on the liability side of the industry’s balance sheet. There we find evidence that aside from being broke, the banks know they’re broke and are panicking about it.

But here’s the real kicker: the Fed isn’t helping the banks this go-round. It’s a new ballgame, and i..

Ever since Agustin Carstens publicly confessed in October 2020 to lusting for the day when “central banks will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of” CBDC, BestEvidence has waited in vain for someone to credibly challenge him for the title of Scariest Fascist on Earth.

Yes, Carstens is the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements, which carries… well, it carries a lot of weight regardless of who holds that powerful global position. And yes, short of playing video clips of a wheelchair-bound Peter Sellers from Dr. Srangelove, it was going to be hard to top Carstens’ open yearning for global totalitarianism.

BestEvidence knew that much two years ago when Carstens let it all hang out. But we’re talking about central banking bureaucrats, damnit. Surely someone in a position of power, somewhere, we thought, would show his or her ass at a conference.

Well, finally, with less than a week to go before the two-year anniversary of Carstens’s CBDC True Brownshirt Confession arrived, a credible challenger indeed emerged at a CBDC seminar hosted by the International Monetary Fund.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Bo Li, Deputy General Manager of the IMF. As you are about to see, Mr. Li—or R/Bo D/bo as he’s known throughout BestEvidence Laboratories, because that’s the only way we’ve found to cope with Bo’s clinical creepiness—‘fessed up to a monetary control fetish of the most disturbing sort.

R/Bo also drops some pretty big hints as to how central bankers plan on ensuring the widest possible usage of CBDC, even on those segments of the population that may be unwilling to go along.

Along the way, we reveal the sinister intent behind the central bankers’ happy-face “Inclusion” campaign directed at credulous FaceBook addicts.


Murder of a Rebel Nation, Episode 02: Most Ludicrous DOJ Lies - Cui Bono?

In retrospect, the outcome of the cops-and-robbers drama that played out in the wake of the global financial crisis looks so manifestly predictable now: on the one hand, you had clear-cut criminal fraud perpetrated by Wall Street banks on a colossal scale (a fact freely admitted to by Alan Greenspan in Episode 01 and ratified in this episode by Senator Ted Kaufman), while on the other (and far heavier) hand you had a Department of Justice headed by a team from… Wall Street’s go-to law firm from Washington, D.C. From the point of view of someone in 2022, the only thing more obvious than the rigged outcome here—the robbers won because the “cops” at the DOJ were the robbers’ attorneys, DUH—was the fact that the deck at the DOJ was stacked to produce exactly that result.

That much is obvious these days, so massively has graft and corruption not only grown, but come to be openly celebrated by the thoroughly mediocre public figures who pollute seemingly every political scene (at least in the west), notable only for their mindlessly unflinching obedience to corporate interests. Looking back to the wake of the GFC, it’s like OF COURSE no big Wall Street banks or bankers were prosecuted—how could we have been so foolish to think otherwise?

But if you go back just a few years, things weren’t so clear.

Even as late December 2012, near the end of Obama’s first term, the prosecutorial outcome at least seemed like it was still up for grabs. Many people including myself clung to the belief that that the rule of law still had a pulse in the U.S., and that even if it was unlikely, there still existed at least the chance that the DOJ would indict at least one bank executive from Wall Street.

The media’s inevitable query—“why doesn’t the DOJ prosecute Wall Street?”—greatly advanced the illusion that the DOJ might yet prosecute Wall Street.

That all changed in January 2013, for good, when an ..

Ahhhh, so it turns out that the Federal Reserve CAN shovel money directly into retail bank accounts, and did so for two full years under cover of PANDEMIC!!!

BestEvidence has stood alone in making exactly that point repeatedly over the last two years, defying the financial pundits who sought to quell any concerns about what exactly the Fed was doing with solemn assurances that, no, you silly serf with your pesky concerns—the Fed’s QE programs have no effect whatsoever on the retail money supply because [insert Fed-apologizing snake oil here] “reserves don’t leak out into the banking system.”

BestEvidence is pleased to announce that in its quixotic quest to bring light to the shameful QE darkness cast by said pundits, the channel has picked up a new ally: the Federal Reserve itself. Well, a team of Fed researchers, anyway.

For those keeping score at home, it’s now official:

BestEvidence 3
Financial Gurus 0

Far more interesting, though, than a bunch of hoity-toity financial pundits having their face masks adorned with a thick layer of egg, is what the Fed’s admission about Pandemic QE reveals about the privately owned central bank’s actions over the last 12 years. As always, follow the money…

“Presenting America’s Real Coup d’Etat” bats leadoff in this about-10-part series, “Murder of a Rebel Nation” (MORN), which will document the actual, done-deal takeover of the U.S. by corporate criminals over a decade ago. While the moving parts and pieces needed to effect that coup have been shifting into place for a very long time, the fulcrum event that irreversibly flipped the U.S. over the wrong side of the prison wall into the land mass of full-blown criminality was the TARP bailout in October 2008, as we shall see in future episodes. One month after that watershed event, Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States—a purely titular office by the time he took up residence in the White House three months later.

In this introductory episode, we consider why Obama would get on national TV and tell lies about why he and his administration had not prosecuted and would not ever prosecute any major Wall Street banks or executives despite the uncontested fact—established repeatedly by his own top law enforcers—that serious crime was quite common if not endemic throughout Wall Street in the run-up to the global financial crisis.

The answer, as we suggest in this episode and will establish beyond all doubt in coming episodes, is that Wall Street effected a coup d’etat in 2008, coinciding with the passage of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bailout just one month before Barack Obama was elected. For Wall Street, the fruit of its coup—indeed the fruit of any successful coup—is criminal immunity, possession of which by Wall Street was amply demonstrated throughout Obama’s first term. Insofar as Barack Obama was concerned, therefore, the coup meant this: he was subordinate to Wall Street, and his job was to do Wall Street’s bidding. Which is exactly what that shameful TV appearance was all about. (Indeed that’s been the job of every president since the 2008 coup, though it’s arguable, albeit weakly, that not all Oval Office occupiers got t..

The Fed’s controlled annihilation of the U.S. economy continues uninterrupted.

In 2019, BlackRock told the Fed that when the next downturn arrived, it would need to “directly inject money into the economy through a so-called helicopter drop.” See

Lo and behold, a pandemic is declared a few months later and the Fed directly injects some $4 trillion into the U.S. economy through a helicopter money drop. Yes, the heft of that drop was into the bank accounts of various billionaires, but, you know, BlackRock never said NOT to do that so it’s all good.

We know the Fed read and understood BlackRock’s 2019 plan because BlackRock presented that plan, co-authored by monetary luminary and star Fed alumnus Stanley Fischer, at the Fed’s gala annual swinefest in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Consequently, we also know that BlackRock expressly and repeatedly warned the Fed that the biggest risk associated with its proposed helicopter drop was inflation and even hyperinflation.

And here we are with the worst inflation in at least half a century or more, and now the Fed acts all surprised that this inflation—this politically VERY unpopular inflation—ain’t going away anytime soon. And the Fed is trying its little heart out to make all those nasty price increases just go far away. At least it does when it’s not blaming everyone under the sun EXCEPT the Fed for the inflation that the Fed damn well knew it was causing in the first place.

Okay fine. Just reverse whatever process you undertook to cause the inflation in the first place, and you’ll be fine, right? No, not right. Wrong. The downside the Fed now faces as the result of trying to clean up its own mess is biblical in scale. Actually the Fed is at risk of setting off a depression worse than the one in 1929 only with massive inflation mixed in at the same time.

The Unholy Trinity of the U.S.—the Federal Reserve, BlackRock and the U.S. Treasury—all concur: it’s lights out for the U.S.

Unsustainable debt levels, check.
Runaway inflation, check.
Imminent loss of world reserve currency status, check.

These are the consequences of entrenched deficits, according to the criminal powers that be, as reflected in their documents and testimony.

What’s so astonishing about the imminent loss of world reserve currency status by the U.S. dollar is that the foregoing opinions were rendered BEFORE the Federal Reserve itself confirmed for all the world to see that the U.S. has no rule of law at all, but is instead ruled by out-of-control bankers who acted on what will prove to be a fatal whim by freezing Russian reserves without so much as the pretense of due process; the Fed just upped and did it, despite the fact that all monetary instruments in the U.S., regardless of who they belong to, are legal instruments.

Incredibly, the same Fed Chairman who presided over this idiocy then turned around and testified before congress that world reserve currency status HINGES ON the very thing he just destroyed, which was the rule of law.

And yet throughout this entire nuclear clown show, nowhere in any official discussion of what ails the U.S. does one find any discussion whatsoever of the actual root of the problem, to wit, a monetary system in which the nation-state host is now borrowing money from its lead parasite (the Fed) at interest, as opposed to bypassing that tapeworm and issuing money itself, ever addressed. Instead, the Unholy Trinity freely opines that the only remedy for the country’s ills is to work enormous austerity and tax increases on its inhabitants. The good doctors, in other words, are telling the stage 4 cancer patient that his only hope now is to subject himself to the massive atrophy of chemo treatments, but with the cancer itself shielded off from the radiation.

Meanwhile, the sedated patient is subjected to the ful..

Why would you nominate someone who just wrote a 70-page law review article--arguing that every checking account in the U.S. should be moved out of retail banks and into the Federal Reserve--to head up a bank regulatory agency, namely, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency? And why would you stick with your nominee after an epically bad Senate confirmation hearing?

Who knows? But that's not our problem--yet. What is of actionable concern is that the OCC nominee in question, Cornell law professor Saule Omarova, has not yet been confirmed by the Senate, and is thus not in a position--yet--to implement a plan that will erase any and all personal control over one's electronic finances (at least those denominated in U.S. dollars).


What's that? You lack the motivation for such an effort? Then how about this: once Omarova has all of your electronic bank accounts over at the Fed, she thinks it'd be a good idea to DEBIT those accounts en masse, with no right of appeal by you, to cure all of that not-so-transitory inflation.

Still not enough? Okay, how about this? The proposed theft of your account isn't Omarova's first, and she's got an honesty problem to boot.

And if that's not enough motivation to oppose this nomination, well, the words of H.L. Mencken have never rung truer: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

The Fed’s vast expansion of its balance sheet via quantitative easing (QE) since early 2020 differs materially from all its previous QE moves dating back to the global financial crisis (GFC): whereas the GFC version of QE was pretty much limited to the massive creation of new reserves, the 2020 version of QE is something else altogether in that the new creation of reserves this time has been matched—almost dollar for dollar—by the parallel creation of new bank money.

The question is why. Why are vast new sums of bank money needed now (supposedly) but not in 2008?

Actually, from the point of view of millions of Americans, vast new sums of bank money WERE needed in 2008, but ordinary Americans are wholly unimportant to the Fed, whose only real constituency is its owners, namely, the banks.

And therein lies a big clue as to what went on with GFC edition of QE, in which pretty much the only new money created was reserves, which are created by the Federal Reserve. Because the big banks were all broke, and because reserves function as money for those broke banks, that’s what the Fed created during the GFC and in its wake: new reserves. The Fed then used those new reserves to buy “assets” like mortgage-backed securities rotting away from stage 4 fraud.

Yes, banks weren’t the only entities bankrupted by the GFC, but they were damn sure the only entities that the Fed cares about, which is why those banks were bailed out with trillions of dollars of new reserves.

But that still leaves the question of why QE2020 involves not only the creation of new reserves, but the simultaneous dollar-for-dollar creation of new bank money.

Prior videos on this channel have explained HOW the Fed effects the parallel creation of bank money (since the Fed cannot directly create new bank money itself), and those same videos have complained that the creation of new bank money is going into the stock market as a sop to the ultra-rich, but that explanation begs the question of why now? The ..

The current financial crisis directly arises not from any viral pandemic but from the Federal Reserve's private sandbox known as the U.S. debt-based monetary system, which--being debt-based--has at last reached the point of no return: total unsustainability, meaning the debt is growing faster than the economy.

The metastatic size and growth of U.S. debt is a matter of public record, admitted to by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury alike.

So while the powers that be can try with all their might to market the current crisis as the latest edition of the global financial crisis, the reality is that the two crises are radically different, as the net wealth curves of all brackets make clear.

The pandemic presented forensically for what it is, namely, a massive theatrical edifice intended to distract popular attention away from the fact that criminal bankers running the monetary system are making a massive push toward full-on totalitarianism through monetary and financial control.


(1) BIS General Manager Agustin Carstens explains with gusto that central banks will have full control over retail CBDC transactions, including ability to block individual transactions:

(2) Sovereign Money (2017), by Joseph Huber,SD,aaaVxBtyTDWxd4O2DY_1497963026_1:4:1&bq=author%3Djoseph%2520huber%26title%3Dsovereign%2520money%2520beyond%2520reserve%2520banking

(3) “Can banks individually create money out of nothing?,” by Prof. Richard Werner

(4) “Mommy, Where Does Money Come From?”

(5) Steven Van Metre, “Fed’s Latest Scam to Force More U.S. Debt on Depositors,”

(6) “Wherefore Art Thou, Reserves?”

(7) “Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever”

Having served a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request on the Federal Reserve on March 22, 2021, BestEvidence now provides this update to relay the Fed’s first communication in response to that request.

The bottom line is that by Friday May 14, 2021, the Fed will either provide the documents sought by the request, or it will cite one or more FOIA exemptions in connection with its refusal to provide those documents. This episode examines both the Fed’s notice and this channel's underlying FOIA request in some detail.

The FOIA request seeks the disclosure of 2009 Fed “staff memos” that discuss the consolidation of the Fed’s books with those of the federal government that would occur if the Fed were to issue bills backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S.

Season 3, Episode 5 references:

(1) June 23-24, 2009 meeting transcript (former Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker “stunned”)

(2) 2009 FOMC meetings and associated materials:

(3) WSJ timeline of Lacker’s alleged disclosure story has major problems:

Compare entries for 9/28, 10/2 and March 2013

(4) Nanex 1: “Einstein and the Great Fed Robbery”

(5) Nanex 2: “Fed News Gets an Internet Kill Switch”

In which we learn that “one or more news organizations secreted the Fed news out of the Treasury Department before 2 PM and loaded it onto servers in trading centers in New York and Chicago. This has not yet been disclosed publicly.”

(6) Bloomberg vs. Fed FOIA decision, district court:

(7) Bitchute channel:

(8) odyssey:

A new take on the closing of the gold window (at least new to video), and just in time for the 50th anniversary of that fated day…

This episode of Mafiacracy Now shows that the Federal Reserve opened itself up to a massive blast of transparency the very minute it started selling cash and reserves not backed by gold (or anything else of value that the Fed can't freely generate) back in 1971.

The video leverages a recent law review article from an international team of prestigious legal scholars (and a lone economist), which makes the highly compelling case that once the gold window closed, cash and reserves alike ceased to qualify as liabilities—undercutting every central bank balance sheet in the west.

And since those balance sheets have been absolutely larded with sovereign debt for the last year—actually, let's make that "alleged debt” since it has no legal validity in the first place, not when the underlying liabilities fail to qualify legally as liabilities—the public and private debt burdens are being overstated to the tune of roughly $25 trillion across the western world.


And while that's certainly a problem shared by all western central banks generally, the Federal Reserve in particular faces problems that are far worse than that, as this episode—applying the teachings set forth by the stunning law review article—explains.

Indeed if the Fed’s only problem were that its balance sheet overstates liabilities by, oh, $7.3 trillion give or take, it would be easy for the Fed to acknowledge the error of its ways for the last 50 years and reduce U.S. debt figures accordingly.

But alas, that long overdue financial reckoning pales in comparison with the legal nightmare that the Fed now potentially faces, as explained here. Damn. And just as the Fed was planning to launch a central bank digital currency, too...

This is the first of two episodes on this subject. Stay tuned...


Law Review Article: “Central Bank Money: Liability, Asset, or Eq..

Only in post-bailout America could a $16 million-per-year CEO botch a product rollout marketing interview so horribly. Wow.

Original interview:

Justice Department announcement of Pfizer’s record-breaking $2.3 billion settlement for fraudulent marketing in 2009:

The official version of Quantitative Easing, in which the central bank creates reserves and does no more than swap them for assets without any money getting into the economy at large, has entrenched itself as the gospel truth pretty much by default, following 12 straight years without serious challenge. While there are legions of people who SUSPECT that QE is an insiders’ game designed to lard select asset valuations, suspicions and proof are two very different animals.

It’s high time the undefeated-to-date official version of QE faced a decent challenger. Mr. Frazier, meet Mr. Foreman.

In this video, the official version of QE is taken apart at the joint. And while we need a few more minutes alone with the champ than did America’s indoor grilling pioneer back in 1973, the outcome is the same: down goes Frazier.

The difference of course is that while Joe Frazier was a courageous competitor who took all comers, the Federal Reserve and its cronies… well, what kind of “competitors” need a continent-sized cheat like QE to prop themselves up when they’ve already misappropriated their country’s constitutional money-printing power?


For a statistical analysis showing that roughly 1/2 of the S&P500’s valuation is due to QE, see the opening minutes of Episode 1617 of the Keiser Report, “QE Markets and Shale Writedowns”:

Sources used or referred to:

• Debt by Design, by Joshua Maree (QE covered in Chapter 18)…

• “Wherefore Art Thou Reserves?”

• “Mommy, Where Does Money Come From?”…

• Federal Reserve Total Liabilities graph and data

• M2 graph and data

• Currency in circulation graph and data

• “Money Creation in the Modern Economy,” by Bank of England

Preview of Season 3 of Mafiacracy Now, followed by an explanation of reserves and why they even exist in the first place.

1:22 Season 3 preview
15:45 Explanation of reserves

Season 3 is gonna get into the legal backdrop of money and its history, at least insofar as it relates to the inevitable tectonic shift in our debt-based monetary system, which has arrived at its natural end and is coming apart at the seams as we speak. Rather than scotching the fatally flawed debt-based system of pseudo-money in favor of actual money (with no debt attached), the powers that be are doubling down on the flaw because it affords them control. Any doubts about this got erased during an October 2020 zoom call hosted by the IMF and attended by the BIS (Agustin Carstens) and the Fed (Jerome Powell), in which Carstens did a breathtaking interpretation of Dr. Evil as fantasizes of controlling every transaction on the planet through central bank digital currencies. What? You think this is a joke? Cast your eyes to 24'17" through 26'25" of the video at this link, where the GM of the BIS explains why CBDC is supposedly so superior to cash:


The second half of the video walks through a thought experiment to explain why reserves are absolutely crucial to a debt-based electronic monetary system.

The media's explanations for the coin shortage are so ludicrous that even TV watchers are starting to ask questions, late in the game though they are, and muzzled to boot. The truth is that the kink in the distribution chain is being caused by the Federal Reserve, as is clear from congressional testimony--though notably the Fed Chair himself brought nothing but nonsense, archaic jargon and obfuscation to that hearing.

In any case, the Fed's wholesale takeover of the U.S. continues apace, evidently intent on leaving no penny unturned.

Graphs and science and government overthrows, oh my!

In this episode, we look under the hood of the Fed's massive, three-trillion-dollar expansion of its balance sheet, rationalized by officials as a necessary response to... what else? The pandemic. Fair enough.

But that's not the end of the story. Whenever the Fed creates new reserves to purchase assets, it invariably claims that those reserves don't "leak out" into the real economy. As this video proves, that claim is completely false. It all depends on how the Fed structures the transactions that ensue once new reserves are created and are spent on assets.

If the Fed buys an asset with $100 of reserves, it can structure the transaction so that no money reaches the real economy, or it can structure the transaction so that all of it reaches the real economy in the form of new bankmoney. This year, the Fed chose the latter route 96% of the time,

In other words, the Fed's $2.9 trillion expansion of its balance sheet this year resulted in the creation of $2.8 trillion of new money in commercial bank accounts. Who exactly got that money?

Stimulus checks only total around $0.2 trillion. That leaves more than $2.5 trillion sitting in commercial bank accounts--created by banks to accommodate the Fed--wholly unaccounted for.

Was the creation of $2.5 trillion in commercial bankmoney required by the pandemic too? Or would the Virus have thrown a scary tantrum if the Fed had gone the other way?

Stay tuned. This channel's coverage of the biggest coup d'etat ever--a story largely ignored elsewhere--is just getting started.

LINK to Josh Maree's book, "Debt by Design"...

Pay attention to Chapter 18. That's where Josh shows you how the Fed's Reserve Money / Bank Money QE shell game works.

This is the first of as many episodes as it takes to explain the completely unconstitutional theft mechanism in our monetary system known as reserves.

Because reserves are so crucial to the Federal Reserve’s kleptomaniacal monetary system, it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that they are so widely misunderstood. And because reserves ARE so important to the day-to-day functioning of the Fed’s continuous theft machine, this episode goes to special lengths to ensure that reserves and how they function as a con remain memorable for viewers.

Links to materials discussed at the end.

Sovereign Money, by Joseph Huber (2017)

Debt by Design, by Joshua Maree (2017)

Joshua’s website (book download free):

This is the first of as many episodes as it takes to explain how that theft mechanism in the Federal Reserve monetary system known as, well-- reserves--systematically reduces everyone to debt peonage over time, and directly contravenes the rule of law.

Because reserves are so crucial to the privately owned Federal Reserve’s kleptomaniacal monetary system, it should come as no surprise that they are almost totally obscured in that tell-tale haze and din of ginned-up debate. And because reserves ARE so important to the day-to-day functioning of the Fed’s continuous theft machine, this episode takes special pains to ensure that the role of reserves as an unremitting con gets seared into viewers' memories for some time to come.

Links to the materials discussed at the end of the video:

Sovereign Money, by Joseph Huber (2017)

Debt by Design, by Joshua Maree (2017)

Joshua’s website (book download free):


Created 4 years ago.

33 videos

Category Education

BestEvidence seeks to chronicle major financial forces and legal changes behind America's last days as a sovereign republic, as the rule of law is destroyed and the American people are disenfranchised and looted in broad daylight.

In contrast to mass media outlets that rely without exception on propaganda (comprising innuendo, spin, emotion, cropped or partial data sets, agenda-driven conclusions, “expert” opinions from people with undisclosed financial interests, ad hominem attacks—all erected on a divide-and-conquer left-right platform), BestEvidence will present issues based on facts and source data.