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(Repost) First principles and discoveries (e.g., quanta aggregation in baryogenesis) suggest quantum mechanisms may account for all gravitational effects from single nucleon particles to astronomical objects. One can almost see the wizards responsible for the GRACE satellites boondoggle leaving the sinking General Relativity ship.

Conventional physics is based on partial quantization continuous space and time. In full quantization, space, time and energy are quantized. The consequences or advantages and disadvantages of each approach are presented.

For the first time in physics, light velocity has been derived from the postulates of binary mechanics. Unlike Standard Model math, these postulates do not depend on any "input" measured values, wrongly called "fundamental physical constants".

Since the 1800s, when the first experiments were done by Faraday, phenomena reported in the 1900s suggest several alternative explanations for Faraday's results. These potential problems and experimental designs which might settle the issues involved are presented.

The user-friendly interface (bmls.exe) facilitates setup of experiments and automation of multiple simulator (hotspot.exe) runs without any further user intervention. For example, multiple runs might be required to gather data where specific independent variables are varied or simply to obtain a larger N by running multiple trials starting with the same initial state, but with randomized initial seeding.

A wide-spread doctrine in the physics community segregates important unexplained observations into a special category, the so-called universal or fundamental constants, and acts to deflect attention away from endeavors we call science and physics. [Typographical error correction: vacuum light speed is about 300,000 km/sec.]

So-called "fundamental constants" are important unexplained observations. Physicists had an opportunity window of over 100 years between first measurements of major constants and their derivation from first principles by BML. They failed to quantize and lost the physics grand championship race. [Typographical error correction: vacuum light speed is about 300,000 km/sec.]

Boeing uses inertial propulsion to "levitate" low altitude satellites which would otherwise fall to earth prematurely, but can't explain it. Binary Mechanics Lab presents first-ever inertial propulsion mechanism.

Text of letter to the Dept. of Energy (DOE), which is one social pecking order above mid-level management in physics including Directors of the National Labs and Chairpersons of university physics departments. Given various factors which may limit or confine action by this mid-level management, the letter suggests that their DOE "boss" request a formal evaluation of research programs at their facilities.

First-ever derivation of physical constants from first principles has created a post-apocalyptic world in physics, now undergoing regime change with the physics cartel struggling to maintain control. With the "ground-zero" event described, some survival tips for both students and experts in physics are presented.

This report debunks the myth that perfect vacuum and almost all of the volume of a single atom are "empty space". Instead, the data suggest that "empty space" is literally teaming with energy quanta, even at zero Kelvin where about 88% or more of quanta is perfect vacuum energy content. This 88% may relate to dark matter speculations. Explosion event aftermath and expanding universe questions discussed.

Binary mechanics and the Standard Model in legacy physics are compared. First principles, predictions and milestones are summarized.

A brief history suitable for both beginners and experts. To be brief, the most important ideas and events are featured.

Brief discussion of the ATLAS and ALICE projects at CERN reveals serious questions on their scientific merit. In a proposed scientific merit spectrum, these projects may rank between the zero merit and the hoax levels.

The hard-hitting, emotion-packed story of the downfall of physical force definitions based on particle interactions, where many physicists and Nobel prizes were lost, swept away on a flooded "Road to Nowhere".

In more recent versions of Windows, the Simulator (hotspot.exe) display may appear garbled. This tutorial shows how to do proper display setup on the first run of hotspot.exe.

Faults in the two main pillars of the Standard Model proved fatal. The balance sheet for physics theory is vastly improved by decreasing expenses and increasing income.

The BML simulator shows that positron spot quanta circulate through proton bit cycles in 3 adjacent spot cubes -- a phenomenon essential for atomic nuclei formation where nucleon number > 1. This demo is also a simulator tutorial.

Energy-space-time quantization enabled 1) complete enumeration of inter-particle quanta fluxes and 2) first-ever derivation of particle motion mechanisms and particle interactions from first principles. These milestones checkmate Standard Model continuous space-time theory and math, leaving "big trouble in PhysicsTown".

The binary mechanics (BM) bit function team delivered a stunning defeat of the quantum mechanics (QM) wave function team. Play-by-play analysis of the BM victory reviews empirical data leading to the historic bit function win.

The research question is the mystery of the paucity of basic progress in physics for some six decades. This is our crime scene. We seek clues about why some two generations of physicists have held an almost religious belief in continuous space-time.

This video features a 2015 research report in the free on-line JBinMech which has gone "viral" among particle and high energy physicists since it was updated in 2019. Why? Which results have generated such interest? Maybe you can figure it out.

In physics literature, the "Bohr magneton" has been expressed in terms of elementary charge e, reduced Planck constant and electron rest mass, all measured constants. Thus, this expression merely shows relationships among measured constants, not a derivation from first principles, as shown in the present video.

The binary mechanics model of space, based on energy and length quantization, and the time-development bit operations applied in quantized time intervals were "first principles" used in the first-ever derivation of elementary charge from the scalar (electrostatic) bit operation.

The spatial model of the proton and the discovery of the proton (hadron) bit cycle are used to calculate a non-zero proton electric dipole moment (EDM) which may very bad news for the credibility of legacy quantum theory based on continuous space-time theory.


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

29 videos

Category Science & Technology

Original scientific papers document how a little known research lab won the century-long physics grand championship race to derive basic constants from first principles of a coherent, comprehensive theory -- binary mechanics. Learn how Binary Mechanics Lab (BML) won the greatest race in physics in 100 years starting with space-time-energy quantization, upgrading from partial-to-full quantum mechanics. BML did it; big-money losers such as CERN, FermiLab, etc, did not. The exciting conclusion: seemingly "over night", BML became the leading physics lab world-wide for fundamental physics breakthroughs. First-ever derived constants include electron rest mass, vacuum light speed c, Planck's constant h, intrinsic electron and proton spin, elementary charge e, fractional electric charge and intrinsic electron magnetic moment.

James J Keene: Physics researcher; author and reviewer of peer-reviewed journal papers; former reviewer of NSF and NIH grant proposals; University of Chicago, BA; University of Michigan; PhD