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"Social Credit System"
-Dr. Naomi Wolf
Why vaccine passports equal slavery forever

Pasaportul de vaccinat = sclavie pe viata

Platforma IT in care vor fi înregistrați toti cei vaccinati este ACEEASI PLATFORMA cu cea in care s-a dezvoltat sistemul de CREDIT SOCIAL.

Oriunde vei merge va trebui sa te identifici cu pasaportul de vaccinat, astfel incat platforma iti va înregistra absolut toate mișcările.

Sistemele de plata electronica vor fi in conexiune cu aceasta platforma si vor putea sa-ti restrictioneze accesul la plati sau s-ti schimbe conditiile de utilizare in functie de scorul social pe care il ai.

Absolut orice vei spune sau vei face va fi evaluat de sistemul de credit si nu vei mai avea niciun control asupra vietii tale.

Acceptarea pasaportului de vaccinare reprezinta acceptarea intrarii in sistemul global de supraveghere si control.
Nimeni niciodata nu va mai putea iesi din acest sistem.

Desigur, cei care nu accepta vaccinul si pasaportul vor deveni cetateni de rang inferior si viata lor ca fi din ce in ce mai restricționata pana cand fie cedeaza fie ...

Si asta o spune un DEMOCRAT din SUA:

Test covid POZITIV și NEGATIV în aceeași zi, ce MASCARADĂ !!!
Brașov în Parcare la Penny unde se fac teste COVID !!!
De aceea există MII de teste FALS POZITIVE pe zi cu care sunt SPERIAȚI și CARANTINATI cetățenii în toată țara !!!

Politia alaturi de protestatari cu castile in mana impotriva vaccinarii(Austria) foarte multe orase se intampla asta..dar nu o sa vedeti niciodata la stiri.

Tiranie in numele sigurantei! In Spania politia a vrut sa aresteze o femeie pt ca nu purta masca! Trecatorii si au scos masca si au scandat Libertate! Oare la noi faceau la fel??



The World Bank offered Belarus a $940 million coronavirus loan in June. But the conditions included that they lock down and destroy their economy.

The Belarus President Aleksander Lukashenko didn't accept the bribe and went public with the details. 🔗

This Florida nurse exposes the #casedemic fraud perpetrated on us. She details how she, herself, can be counted as 5 different positive cases! 1 person!

"This is the new account of The Epigenetic Whisperer. My two previous accounts were recently suspended.

I had an
which had 9k followers before it was shadowbanned (9 months)

I built
in response & grew to 5.3k followers in 17 days before Twatter decided to suspend them all because they don’t like my red-pilled truth & how I speak it. Another rebuild''

GESTAPO 2020. Dusseldorf, astazi: politia pune câinii pe cei fara masca!

A hacker only needs 1 minute to change election results in 24 states. Watch how vulnerable our voting machines really are

Postez iarasi BOMBA pentru cei cu mintea scurta...
oare de ce a fost lansat pLandemia in 2020 ? 💣
MEGA D I S T R I B U I R E ! 💥

So how was that Covid test

Medic despre v-xxinuri

Risking his profession and maybe his life, this doctor is a true hero speaking the truth that most of the others are too afraid to say.

Absolutely MASSIVE anti-mask protest in #Toronto, Canada

Police Officer and Congressman Slams US Police State Oppressing Citizens' Rights

Spitalele sunt pline,nu sunt locuri in spitale.De ce atata minciuna


Dr. Stephen Smith, an infectious disease specialist, on using hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin combo to treat #COVID19 patients:

"It’s an absolute game changer… I think this is the beginning of the end of the #pandemic. I'm very serious."

“Covid Covid Covid Covid.' By the way, on November 4th, you won't hear about it anymore. “

Irish professor Dolores Cahill - THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE LOCKDOWN

URGENT! Full Disclosure from 'INSIDE’ Dr Rashid Buttar


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

40 videos

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