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Hello my name is Trina and I am a Medical Cannabis Patient. I partake of Cannabis on a regular basis for PTSD, Arthritis in both of my knees and ankles , social anxiety and a few other conditions you can learn more about through watching the previous shows on this channel. This is The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur. A channel dedicated to Medical Cannabis Patients and Adults 18 and older. On today's show I fulfill a viewer subscriber's request to make more videos having to do with smoking legal herbs. I am completely out of cannabis so I wanted to show you all an alternative until you can get more cannabis for helping with whatever conditions you face every day. I learned a lot about legal smokeable herbs from this woman name Susun Weed. Who has been an herbalist for many years. Here is the link to the video that I mentioned today where I smoke mullein and cannabis joints: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzV6P..
. Thank you for watching!
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You can buy my art here: www.darkmoondoll.etsy.com


Created 6 years ago.

40 videos

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