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A very Heartfelt & Personal message from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko; a message that he prepared to share with the world after his passing.

To view the very special full Length Video Go to

Please Share - Vladimir Zelenko (Zev) was a very special man and nowhere is this more apparent than in the full length version

If Successful Off Patented Drugs or Treatments are Discredited it paves the way for Expensive Patented Drugs; WHO would do such a thing ?
To understand more about the background of this growing investigation of “Designed to Fail” studies see: http://tribeqr.com/v/gatessubstack

The core of the interview is to examine;
"Am I better off getting Infected with Covid19 or being Injected to produce Covid19 Spike Protein ?"

Professor Ian Brighthope is one to watch very carefully. He is a treasure of experience and understanding of the Human Immune System and what that system needs to function at its prime.
Integrative Health is his call sign and he is no Vending Machine Physician asking you to pull the handle of a Slot machine and see how it works for you.

The essence of this interview appears to convey that while the Covid19 Spike protein is man made, the Virus has many elements that our Natural Immune System has dealt with since day zero. The introduction of completely synthetic Man made mRNA encased in Lipid Nano Particles to have our Cells produce a Man Made never occurred in Nature Spike Protein is fraught with unknowns, dangers , and predictable outcomes for many.

To ignore the experience of and workings of our naturally evolved immune systems and to ignore the understandings of Professor Ian Brighthope is an invitation to devastating outcomes from a personal and global health perspective.



The Health Authorities knew of these dangers.... but did you know ?
As a long time Pathologists having examined 100's of related fertility organs there are few as experienced or qualified to understand and relate the sensitive nature of the humane reproduction system and the dangers posed by mRNA novel technology "clot shots" as he calls them with an affinity for the human reproduction systems of mature males, Females and in our Children.

For links and supporting information See: http://tribeqr.com/v/fertilitycrapshoot

Thank you to Bitchute and their part played in the internet information freeways opening up everywhere.

For some people this Video and the supporting link above may come as a shock or as a surprise. That is because vaccine stakeholders including the legacy mainstream media, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and Giant Corporations have all worked together to prevent information that might curb the sale and distribution of Covid19 novel technology Vaccines.
Unfortunately most of the World’s health Authorities have all signed onto agreements with the World Health Organisation (WHO), an organisation that is controlled by Vaccine Stakeholders.

Most of the Medical Research Institutions, Hospitals and Universities have their funding dominated by Vaccine Stakeholders. Our Politicians and Health Ministers are all heavily lobbied by the immense wealth of these vaccine stakeholders and you will find almost all “Covid19” advisory committees are riddled with members tied strongly to the Vaccine stakeholders or they have close family that are vaccine stakeholders.

If you have had enough of turning your eyes the other way and you know information presented to you is flawed….
If you , a friend or a relative know too many people (one is too many) suffering from Covid19 mRNA technology , a technology that has proven neither safe nor effective and a technology without medium or long term safety data.,,,,
Then, below is an Internet Information Freeway QR signpost that they (the vaccine stakeholders) can not keep from you.
You will see the Doctors and specialists that have had their messages blocked from you by the vaccine stakeholders controlling much more of your life than you first thought possible.

See: http://tribeqr.com/v/covid19internetfreeway

There's Health Care (Looking after the health of people) and Health Systems (Hospitals and Clinics)
When the two come together; Public Health Wins (and Big Pharma loses)
World Of Wellness (WOW) ethics and approach to Health Care needs to take over where the World Health Organisation (WHO) ethics and approach has been compromised and is focussed on Big Pharma Orientated Health Systems

The Covid19 Public Health Care Disaster perpetuated by the WHO should tell us all it is time for a big change

WHO is clearly compromised by Big Pharma and Bill Gates
Dangerous untested neither safe nor effective Novel Technology Vaccines were Adopted and injected to a scary number of people; in the billions...
Safe and Effective Antivirals were sidelined (Intentionally) to facilitate the Vaccinations

- Disastrous cocktail of mRNA adverse events with the full extent of the disaster not know for another 10-20 years
See: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/milestone-over-1m-adverse-event-reports
- Accelerated spread of Covid19 with known negative efficacy of the Vaccines
See NSW Government Data: http://tribeqr.com/v/nswmrnaexposednsw
- Obstruction of early treatment protocols at the request of Big Pharma that have been responsible for well over 80% of Covid19 deaths in the countries that have blocked them (including Australia)
see: http://tribeqr.com/v/tgaobstruction20220728

Big Pharma make big profits with synthetic patented medications.
Big Pharma make Big Deals with World Health Organisation (WHO)
Signatories to the WHO are found here https://www.who.int/countries/ (Most of the World)
Governments make big and secret deals with Big Pharma bound by WHO guidelines - all paid for by the people's TAXES collected and yet to be collected

Its time the True Medicine was Practiced once again and Big Pharma is made to pay for what it has done with the profits it has made.

Please share this and please help open up the Internet Information Freeway with the following link


With Covid19 Common Sense is shining a light on where the real interests of Big Pharmaceutical and Compromised Health Authorities lie.
Big Pharmaceutical seek to control our choices - not only on what we consider as medicine, but, also on which medicines and therapies Doctors are allowed to work with or even openly discuss and prescribe.
Professor Ian Brighthope is a living medical treasure and, in my mind, a medical genius.
Take 40 years of striving to understand the body and its immune system WITHOUT bowing to the constraints and blinkers placed onto most medical institutions and Doctors by big pharmaceutical manipulations.
Professor Brighthope understands where pharmaceuticals have value, even the ones that become affordable through expired patents. His understanding goes way deeper than the understanding of the pharmaceutical companies and their one purpose drugs. Ian looks at combinations of Medicines, Nutrients, Wellbeing and an INDIVIDUAL’S circumstance to weave an integrative medical approach and profile for patients.
In this video, the aim is to describe, in understandable terms,
a) what the Mucosal System is and its role in defending the body
b) the role of Vitamins (particularly D and C) and how they are an essential part of a person’s make up that you must have.
Professor Brighthope explains that without these vitaminsyou will die. With deficient levels of these Vitamins (levels your body has evolved to work with) it’s simple - you get sick.

If you follow the work of Professor Ian Brighthope you will see how he explores the benefits of restoring deficient nutrient levels and in some cases temporarily administering much higher (and proven safe) levels of nutrients to combat severe illness. It does not pose an economically attractive business model for big pharmaceutical companies. In many cases Big Pharmaceutical companies set out to pull the rug on any research that could demonstrate nutrient based remedial medicine. This pharmaceutical commercial hunger is ruthless. The amount of money (and power) involved is startling. Covid19 has exposed many of the measures (really quite evil measures) taken to squash and stigmatise Doctors in the field of medicine that is probably the purest form of medicine; Integrative Medicine.
When the Pharmaceutical powers control (it has gone beyond the word “influence”) Media, Politicians, Internet information, Research Institutions, Medical Journals, Hospitals and Regulatory Bodies it is a small step before they can control peoples, freedom of thought, movement, medical choices and even their genetic make-up.
Please Share this Video and take the step to Text the link with your phone or even print QR codes as pointers to this information as they are still measures available to disseminate information outside of the Big Pharmaceutical information cage.

Share Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/aK6CvqVQyKjr/
QR Code Generating Link : http://goqr.me/#t=url

Please share outside your normal social media channels with a text https://www.bitchute.com/video/aYVDqbwKHRE9/

AHPRA needs to know that every Doctor they try to shut down, warning of the dangers of Covid19 novel technology mRNA vaccines that are neither safe or effective, can come back at them with a public challenge.
Should AHPRA try to shut this Doctor down they should know he and hundreds of other Doctors could be very well backed to mount legal challenges that would tie AHPRA up for years ,while these brave Doctors continued to practice and appropriately warn and advise their patients.

The Australian arm of the Covid19 Cartel that AHPRA represents is in the process of being severed.

Each challenge and, given AHPRA are stupid enough, each legal case will be an opportunity to highlight the harms of the vaccines that AHPRA have tried to censor Doctors from discussing. it is also an opportunity to highlight that EVERY reported death and EVERY reported adverse effect following the use of a clinical trial phase medication must be presumed to be caused by the medication and it is up to the providers of that medicine to prove beyond doubt that it was not due in any part from the experimental medicine.

Where the left arm of the Covid19 Cartel might be AHPRA, the right arm of that cartel could be the TGA
AHPRA - https://www.ahpra.gov.au/ headed by Martin Fletcher
Interestingly you won't see what theletters AHPRA stands for on their website
It stands for Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency.
Among Doctors, AHPRA has been considered to be an overbearing and intimidatory authority that investigates complaints and in some cases produces its own complaints against Doctors; it is both Judge and Jury with the ability to destroy decades built careers in a few days or weeks. Complaints it has produced or from members of the piblic can be completely anonymous and put health practitionsers through hell just to keep what was theirs after dedication in study and practice.
It has access to what Doctors are prescribing and hence is actively looking to second guess doctors for what it considers inappropriate prescribing of medications; imagine being a Doctor haveing aquired more practical experience using a medication than and half whit in AHPRA and then haveyour career taken from you because AHPRA or the TGA don't think you shoukd be using that medication; not that its a question of safety its a question of compliance.

TGA - https://www.tga.gov.au/ headed by John Skerritt
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
The TGA actively promoted experimental phase vaccines.
The TGA did a terrible job of informing the public of the incredible risks and the scope of the unknown effects associated with Novel Technology mRNA vaccines (never used successfully on Humans before)
The TGA continues to essentially ignore the worst record for any medication in terms of its own adverse events reporting system a nd makes little to no effort to make the results easy to visualise.
But here is a website that does it for us and its truly horrific:

And perhaps the most vicsuous and deadly act of the TGA as part of the COVID19 cartel was to ban safe and effective medications used in peer reivewed early treatment protocols; likely contributing to over 80% of any Covid19 deaths in Australia
The medications:
HCQ and Ivermectin
See https://aapsonline.org/ - you can donwload a copy - no need to contrinute any funds (they dont really expect any)

Please share outside your normal social media channels with a text https://www.bitchute.com/video/aYVDqbwKHRE9/

Wake up - or be prepared to be treated like a Monkey (Virus)
Share Link: http://tribeqr.com/v/wakeup01

There is now a clearly defined Covid19 stakeholder cartel emerging where those stakeholders benefit in one or more ways including commercially, career wise, funding wise, grant wise, political security wise, expansion of authoritarian power and control.

It is all clearly and openly headed by a group of Elitists hoping everyone will hear no evil - see no eil and speak of no evil.
They're WONG even when they (WEF and their NWO) block the peoples ears and eyes and try to gag them.
Even with control of the Media and all of the largest Social Media Platforms

You can still hear the people shout - Use your phones, use your printers and help everyone escape the information cage
Below are some escape routes:


https://tntradio.live/ (great online radio - the way news radio used to be before mainstream radio became information prostitutes)

There is Evil at work and the Vaccine Injury Coverup is moving to a new and convincing phase for those either convinced or coerced into taking the clinical trial phase Vaccines.

Covid19 expert and Heart Specialist Peter McCullough has already clearly explained the temporal relationship of the most siginificant and obvious early cardiac related vaccine injuries.

With the iron grip on information and its dissemination by the Evil Covid19 cartel will the generla population have a chance to see through this deception or will they be drawn even further into the sticky web of the New World Order.

To hear more from Peter McCullough:
Do a Bitchute or a rumble search on Peter McCullough
Here are two easy links:


To out the Journalists:

Health correspondent, Newshub
Location: Auckland
Lucy specialises in health stories but also covers general news for Three’s Newshub at 4pm and 6pm, as well as Prime News.
Email withheld from this post but publicaly available

Please read the +more for your Freedom Information Road Maps around the internet "Gates".
A day before the Australian Elections; will Australians vote from a place of fear or from a place of knowledge.

“The biggest problem is the power of the Vaccine Companies”
The Media have controlled the Narrative on medications
From a pure business point of view ;Crush the competition – Demonize the Low Cost Effective Medications – standing in the way of the biggest payday for big pharma
How do you market an experimental medication without sufficient safety data and unknown medium and long term safety data; FEAR! and the control of information.
So will Australians vote from a place of fear or from a place of knowledge.
Please share this outside of the Pharmaceutical Controlled Social Media and through the SMS message system.
Sabine Hazan explains there is fertility Data about to be released and there is no hiding the Data.
Even if you are driven by Fear is that enough to put your children’s fertility and their children’s development wellbeing on the line ?

Dr Sabine must surely know more than the TGA's John Skerritt who is an agricultural expert and the current head of the Australian TGA.
The TGA is CURRENTLY obstructed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from being used in the fight against Covid knowing full well they form essential parts of peer reviewed and published Covid19 treatments brought ot their attention multiple times.
See https://aapsonline.org/

Like so many expert doctors actuallly treating Covid19 patients **before** they get to the Hospital stage, Dr Hazan will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Peter McCullough
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

To learn more about Dr. Sabine Hazan


Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media along with Internet Big Tech stakeholders.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this via texts so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant womans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government controlled Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes tune into https://tntradio.live/
It is the Radio station that you can listen to without getting sick.

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***

Dr. Robert Malone could notbe better qualified to advise the world on the right thing to do with mRNA vaccines developed using technology that he invented.
Doctors are often among the most "Politically Correct" and rarely take side in Politics. The Covid19 Cartel that includes the Australia's Major Parties and the Greens have forced the hands of Doctors that believe in Truth and Science

Dr Malone must surely know more than the TGA's John Skerritt who is an agricultural expert and the current head of the Australian TGA.
The TGA is CURRENTLY obstructed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from being used in the fight against Covid knowing full well they form essential parts of peer reviewed and published Covid19 treatments brought ot their attention multiple times.
See https://aapsonline.org/

Like so many expert doctors actuallly treating Covid19 patients **before** they get to the Hospital stage and like so many experts in the field of Vaccine Technology, Dr Malone will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Peter McCullough
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

To learn more about Dr. Robert Malone

Download a List of World Economic Forum (WEF) Graduates Finding their way into positions of Power - it is frightening

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media along with Internet Big Tech stakeholders.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this via texts so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant womans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government controlled Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes tune into https://tntradio.live/
It is the Radio station that you can listen to without getting sick.

Read the "+more" to get around the miss-ing information gates:

Murdoch, Stokes Fairfax and Government Media along with the Major Political Parties have treated you like fools, benefitted by increased their wealth and power and blocked you from the truth.
It has cost you your freedoms, your health, your friends and families livelihoods and in many cases your friends and families health and even their lives.
All the Doctors and Experts you have been blocked from hearing have watched medicine get hijacked and have watched the dangerous obstruction of safe medications along with the reckless blanket distribution and mandating of neither safe or effective vaccines run rampant.
Australians are now part of an enormous crap shoot gamble that has, at best failed, most likely is backfiring and with a strong possibility of being disastrous for generations to come.

The Links below get around the Miss-ing information Gates
You have a right to feel shocked at what the Covid19 Cartel have done to you, your freinds and your family.


Brian Tyson http://tribeqr.com/v/briantysonb1
George Fareed http://tribeqr.com/v/georgefareedb1
Pierre Kory http://tribeqr.com/v/pierrekoryb1
Tess Lawrie http://tribeqr.com/v/tesslawrieb1
Simone Gold http://tribeqr.com/v/simonegoldb1
Ron Johnson http://tribeqr.com/v/ronjohnsonb1
Mark McDonald http://tribeqr.com/v/markmcdonaldb1
Shankara Chetty http://tribeqr.com/v/shankarachettyb1
Omar Khan http://tribeqr.com/v/omarkhanb1
Vladimir Zelenko http://tribeqr.com/v/vladimirzelenkob1
America’s Front Line Doctors http://tribeqr.com/v/afldsb1
Peter McCullough http://tribeqr.com/v/petermcculloughb1
Geert Vanden Bossche http://tribeqr.com/v/geertvandenbosscheb1
Roger Hodkinson http://tribeqr.com/v/rogerhodkinsonb1
Ian Brighthope http://tribeqr.com/v/ianbrighthopeb1
Dolores Cahill http://tribeqr.com/v/dolorescahillb1
Sabine Hazan http://tribeqr.com/v/sabinehazanb1

It's not a matter of who was right its a matter of if you will vote so that you get to keep YOUR rights.

The aboveDoctors and experts along with YOU are about to be silenced forever if the Major Parties get in becuase they are voting to give control of what goes into your bodies and into your childrens bodies to Bill Gates & China controlled World Health Organisation

Please share as many freedom information internet links to your freinds and your family via text messages.
There are plans to stop content sharing with phones in the wings so it is one of the last ways we can open the freedom information highway.

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***

A close colleague of Australia's own incredible Dr. Thomas Borody, Dr. Sabine Hazan is perhaps the world's most qualified researcher in the field of Microbiome.
Doctors are often among the most "Politically Correct" and rarely take side in Politics. The Covid19 Cartel that includes the Australia's Major Parties and the Greens have forced the hands of Doctors that believe in Truth and Science

Dr Sabine must surely know more than the TGA's John Skerritt who is an agricultural expert and the current head of the Australian TGA.
The TGA is CURRENTLY obstructed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from being used in the fight against Covid knowing full well they form essential parts of peer reviewed and published Covid19 treatments brought ot their attention multiple times.
See https://aapsonline.org/

Like so many expert doctors actuallly treating Covid19 patients **before** they get to the Hospital stage, Dr Hazan will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Peter McCullough
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

To learn more about Dr. Sabine Hazan


Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media along with Internet Big Tech stakeholders.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this via texts so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant womans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government controlled Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes tune into https://tntradio.live/
It is the Radio station that you can listen to without getting sick.

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***
Just look up the credentials of Professor Dolores Cahill

Ask yourself why Professor Dolores Cahill has spoken to Craig Kelly, Monica Smit, Malcolm Roberts the Australian Covid Medical Network and so many more Australian Doctors and has NEVER been presented on Australian Media
She has never been asked to assist with the current Covid19 Cartel of Major State and Federal parties (or the Greens).

Like so many experts in their field actuallly treating Covid19 patients or actually working with vaccines independant of conflicts of interests, Dolores Cahill will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Professor Dolores Cahill
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

See more of her work:

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant wonamns words and work.

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***
Just look up the credentials of Professor Ian Brighthope - Australia

Ask yourself why he has NEVER been presented on Australian Media
He has never been asked to assist with the current Covid19 Cartel of Major State and Federal parties (or the Greens).
He has written to and been ignored by Health Ministors, Chief Health Officers and the Major Political Parties

A founding director of the Orthomolecular Medical Association of Australia
Founding President of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine
Established the first Integrative Medical centres in Australia including the use of HDIVC and chelation therapy
Designed the NEM courses and initiated the FACNEM (Fellowship of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine)

Like so many expert Doctors and Professionals knowledgeable about actuallly treating illness and Covid19 patients or actually working with medications independant of conflicts of interests, Professor Ian Brighthope will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have participated in:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Geert Vanden Bossche
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures
e) Ignoring low cost and simple to implement preventative suppliments with decades of data

See more of his work:

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant mans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***
Just look up the credentials of Dr Roger Hodkinson - Canada

Ask yourself why he has NEVER been presented on Australian Media
He has never been asked to assist with the current Covid19 Cartel of Major State and Federal parties (or the Greens).

Like so many expert Doctors knowledgeable about actuallly treating Covid19 patients or actually working with vaccines independant of conflicts of interests, Dr Roger Hodkinson will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Geert Vanden Bossche
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

See more of his work:

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant mans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name

Why is it Institutions conducted Studies to Show Safe and Effective Medicines should not be used in Covid19
Click "+ more" below....

Perhaps we might find something in the Grants
see: http://tribeqr.com/v/gatesgrantstoendof2021
This excel file contains links to the Original Source of the Data for substantiation - Hyperlinks in the excel file (a file that should be downloaded) helps one quickly jump to grand totals of “perhaps compromised” institutions. It is a work in progress ; updated whenever a "suspect" paper (one with Conclusions that are clearly pro-vaccine interests orientated and counter common sense and counter overwhelming data and counter clinical evidence for off patent safe and effective medications).

Perhaps we might find something in the Open "Gates" Policy of the "ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest" adopted by Medical Journals around the world that states:
"Public funding sources, such as government agencies, charitable foundations or academic institutions, need not be disclosed"
This is a Document that All Authors of the "research papers" must sign to declare any conflicts of interests.

Lets take a look at the form in action for the "Prestiguous" NEJM

So Australia is having its elections - The internet highway of information and the mainstream media highway of information has effectively obstructed the messages of Doctors around the globe. Doctors are usually Politically Correct, however, when they see obvious abuses of Human Rights and obstructions of Good medicines they look at how they can Correct the Politics
See: http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth
Please read the notes to every Video insuring you find the "+more" at the end of the breif description - click that and you will see links to information that unlocks the Gates to the Internet and releases the Truth of thousands of Doctors across the Globe

And please share with people you know have been locked behind the Internet Gates of Hell

Hey Bill Gates here's some interesting reading

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***

Just look up the credentials of Geert Vanden Bossche

Ask yourself why Geert Vanden Bossche has spoken to Craig Kelly, Monica Smit, Malcolm Roberts the Australian Covid Medical Network and so many more Australian Doctors and has NEVER been presented on Australian Media
He has never been asked to assist with the current Covid19 Cartel of Major State and Federal parties (or the Greens).

Like so many expert doctors actuallly treating Covid19 patients or actually working wiht vaccines independant of conflicts of interests, Geert Vanden Bossche will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Geert Vanden Bossche
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

Geert Vanden Bossche has a more important warning; if the mistakes on the Vaccine program are allowed to perpetuate further more virilent and contageous variants of Covid19 are essentially inevitable. The only solution from here is to embrace early treatments to help contain the spread and pressure of mutation on Covid19. And the only way that can be done is to elect politicians that embrace truth and science without compromising to pressure from Vaccine Stakeholders.

See more of his work:

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant mans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

*** Please click "+more" to read information that has been withheld from you! ***

There is no more well researched, documented or qualified Doctor on the Planet to deal with Covid19 than Dr Peter McCullough in the US

Ask yourself why Peter McCullough has spoken to Craig Kelly, Monica Smit, Malcolm Roberts the Australian Covid Medical Network and so many more Australian Doctors and has NEVER been presented on Australian Media
He has never been asked to assist with the current Covid19 Cartel og Major State and Federal parties (or the Greens).
He has never once had his invitation to consult for Covid19 accepted by John Skerritt who is an agricultural expert and the current head of the Australian TGA. note the TGA has obstructed Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine from being used in the fight against Covid knowing full well they form essential parts of peer reviewed and published Covid19 treatments.
See https://aapsonline.org/ to download what is being kept off Australians - the tiny percentage of them that are at risk from Covid19 and may die without these treatments.

Like so many expert doctors actuallly treating Covid19 patients **before** they get to the Hospital stage, Dr McCullough will testify that over 80% of all Covid19 deaths in Australia will be due to the policies and accepted health advice of the current Major Australian Political Parties ; the current parties have enforced:
a) The Obstruction of Early Treatments -making some of them illegal
b) The Mandating of Experimental Vaccines shown to be neither safe or effective
c) Keeping the Australians in the dark and away from experts like Peter McCullough
d) Perpetuating fear with irrational measures

To learn more about Dr. Peter McCullough

Here's is a presentation that Dr McCullough made to Australian Politican and Doctors that need your help

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant mans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes to a Covid19 cartel that includes the Major Polirical PArties and the Greens; then recommended listening for you is https://tntradio.live

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:

Who is the Australian COVID19 Cartel that would take such brazen risks with Australian women and their unborn children.






How about John Skerritt of the TGA
How about the Data they had from the Vaccine Manufacturers.
How about the devastating Data cominginto their own DAENS reporting system
www.tgavax.com appears to expose that Data in an easy to understand (and be horrified) way.

John Skerritt is also responsible for blocking safe medications that Pregnant women could be taking to reduce the tiny risk that Covid19 may have to them should they have 2 or more commorbidities.

That same TGA pbstruction of medications (safe and effective and over the counter in some countires and states in the US) is likely responsible for 85% of all Covid19 related deaths in the Elderly and risk stratified that do catch Covid19

*** Important - Read the notes to this video to further investigate what has been kept from you ... ***
A Huge Thank You Goes to US Senator Ron Johnson for his incredible work to set the truth (and the people free).

See more of Simone Gold MD's Heroic work
as founder of America's Front Line Doctors
also see

Also thanks to the Australian Covid Medical Network that have worked with Dr. Simone Gold to set the Truth Free.

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to infromation that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Please share...

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

*** Important - Read the notes to this video to further investigate what has been kept from you ... ***

A Huge Thank You goes to Dr Vladimir Zelenko in the USA for his incredible work to set the truth (and the people free).
Dr Zelenko was one of the first to bring to the public's attention that Cvoid19 was a disease that could be managed with risk stratification and repurposed safe and generic drugs; using knowledge known by Anthony Fauci since 2005
Specifically that Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc in early treatment could stop Corona Virus viral replication in the cells.

Why don't the major Political Parties allow or facilitate this knowledge to reach Australians and their Doctors.

Learn More
Twitter - @ZelenkoZev
Telegram - @ZelenkoProtocol
GETTR - @DrZevZelenko
Truth Social - @DrVladimirZelenko
Here you will find details of the Protocol Dr. Zelenko used to save thousands of lives included a peer reviewed paper on the protocol.
How digusting that the Australian TGA and the major Political Parties have banned Australians in need of this protocol and how this paper can demonstrate this is costing more than 85% of the hospitalisations and Deaths whiel the two major Political parties remain in their Covid19 cartel alliance.

An option for Australians that uses a similar mechanism to the banned Zelenko Protocol and is not yet banned from reaching Australians

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to infromation that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant mans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes to a Covid19 cartel that includes the Major Polirical PArties and the Greens; then recommended listening for you is https://tntradio.live

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:

*** Important - Read the notes to this video to further investigate what has been kept from you ... ***

A Huge Thank You goes to Dr Shankara Chetty in South Africa for his incredible work to set the truth (and the people free).
10,000 Not Out ! - Why don't the major Political Parties allow or facilitate this knowledge to reach Australians and their Doctors.
Trascript Available: http://tribeqr.com/v/chettyb1transcript

Web sites to investigate his Australian Censored Information
https://www.drshankarachetty.com/ (Note Youtube Censorship front page)

Note this series of videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to infromation that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

Please share this so Other Australians can at least "Consider" this brilliant mans words and work

Real News Option:
If you are onto the fact that Fairfax, Murdoch, Stokes and Government Media are not giving you a truthful picture and they appear to be information prostitutes to a Covid19 cartel that includes the Major Polirical PArties and the Greens; then recommended listening for you is https://tntradio.live

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:

*** Important - Read the notes to this video to further investigate what has been kept from you ... ***

A Huge Thank You goes to Omar Khan in Sri-Lanka for his incredible work to set the truth (and the people free) and for personally disseminating information and co-ordinating Asian Government collaboration with Heroic Doctors that has resulted in saving thousands of lives against the pressures of the Covid19 Cartel.

CEO of EPL Global and founder of Sensei Lanka, a global consultant with over 30 years strategic leadership experience and now, since March 2020, a globally recognised COVID researcher and commentator

A Clearer thinker on the planet will be harder to find and for Omar Khan his vision of Truth could not be blurred by the Covid19 Cartel.

Web sites to investigate including topics with Australian Censored Information
https://tntradio.live/ (great online radio - the way news radio used to be before mainstream radio became information prostitutes)

This will be your gateway around the Major Political Party Censorship to information that should be saving Australian lives and information putting an end to the Covid19 Cartel feeding off fear to gain Control and/or Profits.

Note this series of "Bullets of Truth" videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well-controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up, but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

You can go to Telegram and carefully watch the information that the Australian People should be hearing from Major Political Parties and Australian Media that is not part of the Covid19 Cartel.

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:

*** Important - Read the notes to this video to further investigate what has been kept from you ... ***

A Huge Thank You goes to Brian Tyson MD in the US for his incredible work to set the truth (and the people free) and for personally saving thousands of lives in his own medical practice against the pressures of the Covid19 Cartel.

Web sites to investigate his Australian Censored Information
His Book with George Fareed
Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness


This will be your gateway around the Major Political Party Censorship to information that should be saving Australian lives and information putting an end to the Covid19 Cartel feeding off fear to gain Control and/or Profits.

Also thanks to the Australian Covid Medical Network that have worked with George Fareed MD to set the Truth Free.

Note this series of "Bullets of Truth" videos is not only meant to Endorse Truth and Freedom Seeking Political Parties for the upcoming Australian Federal Elections;
It is also a gateway to Truthful information that has been INTENTIONALLY kept from the Australian People by a Covid19 Cartel that includes the Current Labor and Liberal Political parties and a well-controlled (and paid) Australian media and Internet Big Tech corporations.

The above links in this write up are a gateway to information that should NEVER have been kept from you or the Australian people.
Australians are waking up, but will it be in time to install a government that can wrestle the control from the Covid19 Cartel

You can go to Telegram and carefully watch the information that the Australian People should be hearing from Major Political Parties and Australian Media that is not part of the Covid19 Cartel.

Watch more Bullets of truth with this link http://tribeqr.com/v/bulletsoftruth

The question …How do I vote and who do I vote for ?
Answer :
First go to https://electorate.aec.gov.au/ and Identify your Electorate by name
Its Self-Evident from there.
You can generate how to vote cards for your electorate.
Here is an example of what can be generated:
Try it yourself and please Spread it:


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

71 videos

Category Health & Medical