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Time To Wake Up


Outside Melbourne's County Court, I took the opportunity to confront Channel 7 reporter Nick McCallum about his network's shocking coverage of Freedom Activist Nick Patterson.

The CDC doesn't want you to hear this information.
It turns out that the shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or non-existent benefits” but “documented side effects.”

This is true for many of the most widely-used vaccines, including the MMR, DPT, flu, and the tetanus shots.

This information came to light from a comprehensive report written by popular Substack author, A Midwestern Doctor.

The author highlights that following the introduction of bacterial childhood vaccinations, not only did the targeted infections become more widespread, but other bacterial infections also emerged and evolved into more dangerous strains. This new reality prompted the creation of more vaccines, which in turn has accelerated this “downward spiral” and boosted “Big Pharma profits.”

Dr. Pierre Kory, a critical care specialist who has risen to prominence after the COVID debacle, writes, “Before COVID, I didn’t think there were serious issues with the childhood vaccines, but now, like many, I’ve come to question that assumption.”

Cognitive Warfare and the Tyranny of Digital Transformation
Sky News Australia host Sharri Markson says the lack of coverage of the weekends protests over Digital IDs is “telling” of how little the government and media want Australians to know about them.

Thousands of Australians rallied together over the weekend to protest and raise awareness about the perceived dangers of introducing government mandated online methods of identification.

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"As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!"
26 May 2024, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysians are coming together, filled with anger and prayer, standing against the World Health Organization (WHO). Their fight is for those who suffered from genetic mRNA vaccines. This powerful moment happened at the AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunization) gathering, named "A Prayer to Reject the IHR Amendment and Solidarity with Vaccine Affected Cictims," held by Malaysia's Muslim Consumer's Association (PPIM). Here, vaccine victims and their families shared their pain and demanded justice.

Here, vaccine victims and their families shared their pain and demanded justice.The event was both heartbreaking and empowering. Families mourning loved ones stood with medical professionals who now regret their decisions. One doctor, filled with sorrow, admitted, "As a medical doctor, we are so ashamed of the mistake that we have made!" His words echoed the regret of many healthcare workers.

This gathering was not only to honor those lost but also to seek compensation from big companies like Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. These companies are blamed for causing more harm than good with their vaccines. The participants made it clear that their suffering is real and cannot be ignored or dismissed as fake. This united stand of Malaysians, crossing all ethnic and religious lines, shows their demand for truth and accountability. They refuse to let the voices of their loved ones be silenced, calling for justice and transparency in the wake of these vaccine tragedies.


The Last American Vagabond - Medical whistleblower, Zowe Smith, here to discuss what she witnessed during the alleged pandemic while working as a medical coder one who translates medical data into standardized codes used for billing, insurance claims and medical research. All departments submit their codes for treatments given and actions taken, giving the medical coder a unique national medical overview, what Zowe describes as a "Sim-City-like view" of all that is taking place. She describes the illusion that was created using this system and the many different manipulations that took place, and are ongoing to this day; improper PCR testing, cycle threshold discrepancies, combination of flu and pneumonia with the presented COVID numbers, and the conflation of clear injection side effects with illusion of COVID-19. At its most basic level, this is medical fraud. Yet when considering the full breadth of willful deceptions and deadly fallout that followed, this rises undeniably to the level of medical genocide.

All Video Source Links Can Be Found Here At The Last American Vagabond:

The Australian government KNOWS the COVID shots are killing people, and they are “deliberately suppressing doctors” from reporting vaccine deaths.

This allegation comes from Senator Malcolm Roberts.

He says the government “can’t not know” about vaccine harms and that they are “killing people.”

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2022, 174,717 deaths occurred, which is 22,886 (15.1%) more than the historical average.

This is what Roberts describes as the “pandemic of injections.”

Full Interview:

Rishi Sunak “a day of shame for the British state”

“Today’s report shows a decades-long moral failure at the heart of our national life – from the National Health Service to the Civil Service, to ministers in successive governments, at every level the people and institutions in which we place our trust failed in the most harrowing and devastating way.

“They failed the victims and their families and they failed this country.”

“moral failure at the heart of our national life” in which doctors, civil servants and ministers had put reputations above patient safety.

“On behalf of this and every government stretching back to the 1970s, I am truly sorry.”


GLOBAL ALERT: Cancer experts and renowned Oncologists Worldwide Call For Immediate Halt to mRNA Gene Therapy Amid Surge of Hyper-progressive cancer cases
"There's enough strong evidence linking mRNA vaccines to cancer. and then in addition to the safety signal of Japan to say, okay, it's time to stop!"


This year, for the first time ever, new cases of cancer in the U.S. are expected to surpass 2 million. The alarming increase follows a period of relative stability in new cancer cases prior to COVID. Experts disagree on the root cause. Some say it’s just a backlog after so many people put off screenings during the shutdowns. But some researchers point to the mysterious spike protein in COVID and made in the vaccines. They say it’s causing “turbo cancers.” Dr. Nathan Goodyear is a medical doctor, an alternative treatment homeopath, and integrative oncologist. He became interested in specializing in cancer after he developed a tumor in his adrenal gland.


Australia has just passed a Digital ID bill. Join Maria Zeee LIVE at 6PM AEST Friday for what this ACTUALLY means for Australia and every country that implements this tyrannical legislation, exactly how it will be implemented across all facets of society and eventually mandated for every single person unless people resist it.

Last week, the Aligned Council of Australia held an international press conference to discuss the World Health Organisation’s proposed pandemic instruments that are due to be voted on at the 77th World Health Assembly being held at the end of this month.

Briefing the press and the public were four panellists: Dr. David Bell, Professor Ramesh Thakur, Professor Augusto Zimmerman and Professor Ian Brighthope.

Prof. Thakur has two major concerns about WHO’s pandemic plans: they are a major power grab and national sovereignty is at risk.

Dr. Bell said WHO’s two proposed pandemic documents are clearly unready and unfit for purpose. The rational approach would be for countries to not adopt either and push for a deferment.

“I was as astonished as anyone might be that ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent,” says cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy.
She’s observed multiple cases where patients with severe, late stage cancer started to make a turn for the better after taking ivermectin.
One patient with stage four prostate cancer tried all the traditional protocols like chemotherapy and radiation before being told that there was nothing left that his doctors could do. He started taking ivermectin as a last resort. In a few short months, he had made a stunning recovery.
After observing several cases like this, Dr. Ruddy decided to launch a multicenter observational study on how repurposed drugs like ivermectin impact cancer survival rates.
Why would an anti-parasitic medication like ivermectin work on cancer? Are these isolated cases, or are they indicative of a major breakthrough? She’s on a mission to find out.

Can ivermectin treat cancer? Watch Dr. Kathleen Ruddy explain what happened after she observed late-stage cancer patients taking this “miracle drug.”

You know that drug that everyone called “horse dewormer”? It now turns out that it has multiple anti-cancer effects.

Cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has seen several late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin.

One patient had a grim future, and then something remarkable happened. This man had stage four prostate cancer and tried all the conventional protocols before doctors told him that there was nothing they could do.

Then, he started taking ivermectin...

Within six months, the metastatic lesions began to disappear, and in less than a year, “he was out dancing for four hours” three nights per week, according to Dr. Ruddy.


Dr. Masanori Fukushima has called on the World Health Organization to lead an investigation of the harmful outcomes of the COVID shots.

Doctors are suddenly seeing turbo cancer that was unheard of before.
The mainstream media is not showing you this.
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Rowan Dean ( @rowandean ) destroys the state premiers, prime minister, health minister, and so-called 'experts' who lied to us during the Covid pandemic.

Watch this new, thought-provoking movie about vaccine hubris, the ever-increasing number of shots + their relationship to human health from Greg Glaser, Esq. and Brian Hooker, Ph.D.

Did you ever get an immunization? You've got to see this!

Dr. McCullough's Substack:


Dr. 'Sherry Tenpenny' joins Man in America to discuss the WHO treaty, the fear around disease x, the phases of vaccine related deaths, crisper technology being taught in the high schools now and much more.

"This National Movement is, in fact, a campaign to protect the lives of our citizens from the public health dictatorship of the Gates Foundation, WHO...
Our friends in Japan kick-started the National Movement to protect Japanese citizens (and the world) against the WHO in a press conference today. This National Movement will culminate in what the organizers aim to be the world's biggest protest against the WHO on May 31, 2024.
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In December 2020, major pharmaceutical companies rushed to market with new vaccines meant to curb a global pandemic. Produced with unprecedented speed, based on new formulations of previously problematic mRNA biotechnology, the mainstream media hailed these vaccines as a Godsend. Governments around the world held them up as a triumph of innovation and insisted they were both safe and effective. We have learned the truth.

Origin Link:

Colchester resident Rachel Mathews systematically dissects local council's "green" policy, exposing the environmental impacts/cost of EVs and renewable energy sources


The worst part is that people actually believe this.
“There seems to be a concerted effort” to rewrite COVID vaccine history, says data analyst Edward Dowd.

While Chris Cuomo and Dr. Deborah Birx admit that vaccine injuries exist, they push the idea that they’re “small.”

Well, that’s not what Dowd is seeing.

His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen:

• 1.1 million excess deaths
• 4 million people becoming disabled
• And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness.

“So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”
Full Interview:


In this video, we delve into the surprising trend of EV owners shifting gears back to internal combustion engines. We explore the 7 startling reasons why this is happening. From reliability issues to charging challenges, we cover it all. Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion!


World-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed startling figures about the immense earnings doctors received for pushing the COVID-19 injections.

On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients.

More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up being around $250,000.

This revelation was discovered through a leaked Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield document.

Watch the Full Interview:

After being left speechless by Dr. Peter McCullough, podcaster and COVID vaccine advocate Brian Shapiro has recently challenged Robert Kennedy Jr. on vaccine safety.

Things went exactly how you would expect. Shapiro got schooled again. However, that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t entertaining to watch.

Shapiro asked Kennedy, “You would agree with me, though, that the vaccinations — they did save lives. It wasn't all bad, and all poison and all these people died from the COVID vaccinations — that it helped save some lives. And it did more good than harm. Would you be willing to agree to that?”

“I don't see how you make that statement,” Kennedy replied before launching a series of stunning statistics on the COVID-19 injections, leaving Shapiro helpless to just sit there and watch.



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