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If y'all haven seen any of the The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, then yer missin out HUGE. It's over at the HISTORY CHANNEL. It's season 5 and you're 5 YEARS behind the power curve, If you decide to watch any of them then BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING!!! How all this comes out is GRADUAL and the CHRONOLGY OF EVENTS is mind blowing. They discovered something of massive historical importance and the feds have a substantial interest in what they found. Just like what they did to the people in this news report. THEY DO NOT WANT US TO KNOW! So tell everyone and make their job harder!

The mysteries never cease. I'm pretty confident that kinda work requires some serious skill. Uh, when was the blue print invented? Were those cut all at once or as they go?

Take yer pick of "conspiracy theories". Blue Beam, LSD, Apple Glasses, Jack Daniels? Folks, the EVIDENCE is overwhelming! SOMETHING IS HAPPENING AND SOMEONES(S) DON'T WANT US TO KNOW! Like OUR EMPLOYEES on the government payroll. The bros post this stuff have been at it for a VERY LONG TIME. I GET NOTHING FROM ANYONE WHO'S STUFF I POST EXCEPT THE SATISFACTION THAT I STUMBLED ACROSS THEIR WORK.

Wrap yer heads around this stuff.

Guess they ran outta normal or regular stuff to build so they started crankin out this kinda stuff.

This place is ABOVE the tree line. Somehow someone(s) MOVED MULTI-TON BLOCKS, after they were precisely cut into their respective positions, but they DIDN'T use logs to do it. After watchin this, scroll down to the Chaco Canyon vid narrated by Robert Redford and watch that if you haven't yet. The people who did all this stuff were pretty motivated. WHY??? AND HOW THE HELL DID THEY DO IT???

And for the new folks as well as the olde heads to this channel, keep in mind there's appx 200 vids here that I've uploaded. Just keep scrollin down and BITCHUTE will eventually expose em. Thanks for stoppin by and stay curious and maybe one day we'll all KNOW HOW, WHO, WHAT, WHEN and WHY.

Someone(s) owe us an explanation. This dude's been compiling and posting his compilations for a long time, way before Tik Tokers and what PfukYouTube reactors are posting. And they're ALL great!

If you're not interested in correct history then this presentation isn't for you. The dude who runs Uncharted X ( is droppin a load. It's well past due to amend the historical record because the made up shit is evaporating rapidly and dramatically. Good cameras and the internet and dedicated people who ain't buyin the company line!

Someone(s) made the vases! They used tools! And take a REAL CLOSE LOOK at the bottom of that bowl, IT'S NOT FLAT! Yet that bowl is PERFECTLY BALANCED! And about the handle kinda things, it's pretty clear that wasn't turned on a lathe.

Discovered in 1934 in London, Texas, USA, this ancient hammer was found embedded in rock. I have NO IDEA how 400 MILLION YEARS can be determined even after watchin the vids about this thing and the calculations used in the various dating processes. There's controversy surrounding it of course due to that APPROXIMATE age and the dude who has it.

What's represented in that screen shot is NOT a rocket. Check the dude out, he's monitoring interesting things:

Graham Hancock is the Brit who dove with his wife. He's a premier investigator re ancient archeology and hasn't sold out to the mainstream BS efforts.
He's well respected in the field, except by the cover upers. His site:

The narrator believes those depressions in the rock were carved. In my not so humble opinion, something REAL HOT was used to MELT those patterns into the rock. But I dunno. And located a few hundred metres from the main temple is the giant granite bull Nandi sculpture said to be the second largest monolithic structure in India at 20 feet in height and 30 feet in length. The main temple also has a 2.5ft giant footprint which locals say was carved from an original footprint of a giant from an earlier era.

The weathering that carving was subjected to spanned millennia. It's guestimated to be appx 11,000 YEARS old. And although that was located in Turkey, similar types are elsewhere on the planet. Someone(s) were gettin around the planet somehow and it wasn't on foot!

How the hell was that done??? And by WHO? And with what TOOLS? And WHEN??? It's pretty weird that someone figured out how to cut granite like that way back when, but couldn't make a refrigerator or TV or tennis shoes.

Folks, it's my hope that the vids I've posted here demonstrate that we have been and are being lied to about LIFE here on planet Earth. Someone(s) DO NOT WANT us to know the truth.

Real or fake, you decide.

This complex is appx 48 ACRES. Talk about devoted!

These are just a few of many vids people have captured where commercial jets and other jets are either hovering or flying backwards.

Unfortunately the vid is only 360p. However, what's presented is clear enough to ask the question: WHO MADE THAT STUFF, US or a THEM?

The stuff is real or it's not. It's manufactured here or it's not. Beings are from here or not. You decide.

Real or Fake, you decide.


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

254 videos

Category Education

What The Hell's Goin On?