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The List



From love to finances, many believe your zodiac sign can reveal a lot about your personality. Astrologer Jim Ventura says the same is true for finding what summer adventure best fits your sign. Read on to find out which outdoor activity suits you based on your astrological sign!

A lot of guys’ home-grooming routines get featherweight attention for a heavyweight job. We spoke with Stacy Grondahl – owner of the We Do Men spa in Scottsdale, Arizona – who shared a few ways men can primp.

Exercising can be hard, but luckily there are a few new items out there that'll help you knock off pounds, improve your performance and keep things clean in your gym bag. Donna Ruko has the top three must-have exercise products of 2017.

We love sports because they get us pumped; inspire us; and are entertaining without even trying. But it's the behind the scenes stories of our favorite sports that give us some of our favorite tv shows and films. If you're finding yourself in a summer re-run rut, it's time for you to watch one of these drama filled, hilarious, and riveting sports themed features. Jared Cotter 's got the upcoming shows and flicks you'll be cheering for.

5 Steps to Make the Ultimate DIY Snack Stadium

Cruises make a great getaway for the whole family. But if you think the only things to do on a long sea voyage is gorge yourself at the buffet, or drink cocktails under the sunset, think again! Here are three themed cruise ships that take sea-faring adventures to a whole new level.

Not many of us love science, mostly because we have bittersweet memories from school and those icky experiments. But science is applicable in everyday life and apparently, also in our love life! Teresa Strasser of The List is here to give you the Top 3 response boosting tips that do not require denting your credit card or posting more selfies.

Starting with number 3 on the list, a dating site called analyzed over 3 million dating profiles and over 300 million first messages. What they found was that the mere mention of GUACAMOLE in the messages or on the dating profiles landed the users a whopping 144% increase in messages, compared to profiles that did not mention the dip.

Why? Science may have its reasons, but according to the team on The List, <a href="" target="_blank">guac</a> is always listed as an extra on restaurant menus, so maybe singles figure that if someone is willing to go that extra mile for a topping, could also be willing to ge extra mile for love. It’s worth a shot.

In number two, a study conducted in Japan found that people who nod frequently while conducting a conversation are considered to be more likeable and approachable. The reason is we all like to feel like we are actually being listened to and understood. Bobbing your head up and down conveys that message to your interlocutor. Just don’t forget to do it sporadically, or your date might think you are pretending.

Number one on this highly scientific list gives a very straightforward <a href="" target="_blank">advice</a> - skip the small talk. We all do, it is a big part of our lives. But when it comes to dating, it is better to cut to the chase an ask to more probing questions, at least according to a study by The State University of New York. According to their study, more people said that diving in to what really matters to get to know the other person helped them feel more connected, because these topics show a person that you are genuinely interested to get to know them.

So if it is you or someone you know that is looking for love on dating sites or apps, share this clip with theme. Who knows, maybe it will be science that will makes them become more desirable.

Lions, tigers and squirrels – oh my! If you aren’t all “holidayed” out, you’re in luck. We still feel like celebrating, and January is loaded with some unusual holidays. Here are five holidays we bet you’ve never heard of!

The only thing worse than sticky floors and bed bugs at the movies is rudeness! That’s why we sat down with etiquette expert Miss Lora, who offered five movie manners you should master before the next time you go to the theater.

You don't have to pay top dollar to dine fancy. Macarons are known for being the sweet, dainty treats that you might find at a cafe in Paris. But, that doesn't mean you've got to buy a plane ticket to enjoy these sweet treats. Kristina Guerrero got the inside scoop on how you can make the new holiday staple at home, with just 4 ingredients!



What is cryotherapy, and what are the benefits? Cryotherapy has been used by athletes for recovery and pain management for years. Now it’s grown in popularity as a viable option for the average person. But is it right for you? We’re stepping into the cryotube to find out why being cool is what’s hot. Cryoworld Therapy owner Sean Swaringer tells us three things we need to know about the science of being cool.

Dogs, cats, rabbits, or maybe even a lizard. These are pets you would normally expect to find in people’s homes. But according to new scientific criteria on what makes the best pet, you’d be better off snuggling with a Himalayan squirrel or mini kangaroo. Researchers at a prestigious Norwegian university studied ninety species of animals to determine which make the best pets. Surprisingly, dogs and cats didn’t make the cut – but some very odd creatures did. We headed to the zoo to see if this study is legit, or just a little too wild to be true! Josh Crabtree of The Phoenix Zoo introduced us to three of the animals from the study to see how well they’d do in your home.

Your zodiac sign is a big part of your personality – so much that it can even help decorate your home! Looking to spruce up your space with based on your astrological sign? We chatted with astrologer Jim Ventura who showed us how to redecorate with our star signs in mind.

Most of us start the new year with new habits and we found some tech that can help you out. So, breathe a sign of relief we found some supersmart gadgets that'll keep your mouth fresh, your chompers clean and smile bright.

Calling all millennials! If you're looking for a new job in 2018, listen up. We took a look at data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and came up with the top three most popular jobs among millennials.

It’s a risky world out there, and these days you can insure a lot more than your home, health or car. Here are some of the strangest policies you can purchase.

Top 3 Super Annoying Workplace Habits

If you're looking at the ducks you want to get in a row in 2018 and are already starting to stress over them (or over the 2017 ducks you're still trying to wrangle), we've got a tip for you: Disorganized ducks can be a good thing. Lindsey Granger sat down with Your Messy Brilliance author, Kelly McNelis, to find out how embracing the messiness in your life can propel you to becoming the person you want to be and how you don't have to be perfect to do what's best for you.

Most of us start the new year with new habits and we found some tech that can help you out. So, breathe a sign of relief we found some supersmart gadgets that'll keep your mouth fresh, your chompers clean and smile bright.

The love people have for “A Christmas Story” is just as strong as it was back when the holiday film (based on the 1966 short story by Jean Shepherd) premiered on the big screen in 1983. Here are five fresh ways to take your love of the holiday flick to the next level!

The only thing worse than sticky floors and bed bugs at the movies is rudeness! That’s why we sat down with etiquette expert Miss Lora, who offered five movie manners you should master before your next trip to the theater.

Snickers recently created a hunger algorithm that tracked users' level of hunger and anger. Along with helping to boost Snickers candy sales, their research also helped reveal which states are the "hangriest" in the nation and Teresa Strasser is showing you the top 6.

If you're looking for a car with great value - at a great price - here's the secret: Look for a used car. This year, used cars flooded the market, which means you've got a greater chance of finding a ride you'll love and be able to afford. So, Jimmy Rhoades talked to Matt Jones of to find out the Top 3 things you've got to know about saving cash with a used car. LIST EXCLUSIVE: Find out what 11 cars are going for 50% of their original asking price by visiting our website!


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

25 videos

Category News & Politics