The New American

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The New American

The New American


With the Republican National Convention just a little over a month away, for the first time in its history RNC leaders are working to figure out how to accommodate a nominee who may be in prison. Donald Trump, who was convicted of 34 felonies, is scheduled for sentencing just days before the convention.

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Joe Biden signed an executive order legalizing border-crossings, a political move designed to make it look as if he cares about the issue most Americans care about —  the invasion on the southern border. Meanwhile, the regime’s policies have resulted in mass amnesty, a fact that has flown under the radar.

Also in this episode:

23:54 | U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is under fire for the DOJ’s corruption.

38:11 | What do the recent election results in India and Mexico mean for the U.S.?

51:23 | John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn discusses education on the New World Order.

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Jason Christoff is an expert on mind control tactics used throughout history and in our modern age to modify behaviors and manipulate people psychologically. He has testified on Capitol Hill, in the EU Parliament, at the Romanian Palace of the Parliament, and at CPAC on how to identify the tactics of brainwashing and propaganda, and solutions to the problem.
Christoff meets with The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell to talk about his research and reveal what we can do to prevent our own sabotage.
You can contact Jason at [email protected]
Or visit his website at
See also:
Derren Brown’s “The Push”
David Martin on Russell Brand
Dr. Michael Nehls “The Indoctrinated Brain”
Paul Chek “How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy”

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For more from Rebecca, see In The Spotlight at

Kelvin Crosby is an inventor, an entrepreneur, a radio and podcast host, and a social media sensation. He is also legally blind and hearing impaired.

He lives with a condition called Usher’s Syndrome Type II. Born with hearing loss, his eyesight gradually degenerated until he was declared legally blind at age 19.

Today, he runs the DeafBlind Potter, where he sells his pottery artwork, including best selling DeafBlind Potter coffee mugs. Out of this enterprise he is also building the DeafBlind Potter School for “individuals with various disabilities” to “live beyond their challenges.”

An endless fountain of ideas, Crosby is the inventor of the lighted See Me Cane, which capitalizes on the traditional “white cane” mobility aid for the blind.

In his monthly Perseverance Podcast, Kelvin highlights others who have overcome seemingly impossible odds to “persevere through suffering,” like himself.

See more of Kelvin’s work on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

For the first time since retiring 18 months ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of the government’s totalitarian response to Covid-19, appeared before Congress. He answered questions about social-distancing rules, the efficacy of the Covid-19 “vaccine,” and emails written by his top aide implicating him in illegal behavior.

Also in this episode:

26:54 | The New York Times just published an incredible op-ed by a scientist who outlines in detail why Covid-19 did not come from bats;

39:52 | Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic party;

46:36 | Brexit leaders Nigel Farage is running to “make Britain great again”;

51:57 | Thirty-five years ago, Chinese citizens failed to get more freedom in the now-infamous Tiananmen Square massacre.

Elkhart County, Indiana, is known as the “RV Capitol of the World” and is home to John Birch Society field coordinator Rhonda Miller. Her meticulous research exposes a take-over of the RV industry by Deep State financiers who are imposing ESG (environmental, social, governance) management along with DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) principles, thereby slowly bringing the industry to its knees and creating a workforce crisis in her area.
It is not mere “conspiracy theory” to link their methods to the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. One of the instigators, manufacturing company Lippert, brags on page 14 of its 2022 “Corporate Sustainability Report” about using Agenda 2030 “Sustainable Development Goals” as a “blueprint” for its corporate governance. Meanwhile, the company is embroiled in lawsuits accusing it of illegal and unethical means to eliminate smaller competitors in the market. This, after the virtue-signaling launch of a 2019 Indiana “Job Initiatives” campaign, coordinated through Republican Governor Eric Holcomb, who previously served as Mike Pence’s lieutenant governor before the latter became Trump’s vice president.
Other actors in this unfolding drama include Warren Buffet’s Berkshire-Hathaway, Thor Industries, Inc., (see also here and here) and REV Group.
Miller meets with The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell to expose the playing out of United Nations’ Agenda 2030 plans and how the RV industry serves as a microcosm of what globalists are trying to foist on us nationwide through inroads in multiple industries and corporations. She offers tools to identify the duplicitous tactics and cleverly coined phrases that internationalists use to slip these Agenda 2030 plans into local and state government. These tools are intended to equip Americans so they can accomplish what the citizens of Louisiana have so wisely done, ending state cooperation with the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and other internationalist bodies which seek to undermine our national sovereignty and impose world government.

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For more from Rebecca, see Unrestricted at

The cat is out of the bag on the scheme to impose a "North American Union" on the United States, Mexico, and Canada — a plan by diabolical elitists to subvert freedom and sovereignty — explains Geopolitics & Empire host and longtime academic Hrvoje Morić in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman. The plan is at the core of globalism and all major political parties embrace it, explained Moric, who lives in Mexico and taught the future elite at one of the nation's most prestigious universities. Morić also offers insight on the broader geopolitical implications as the world moves toward regional governance at the expense of nations, noting that the European Union is the model globally. Already, the process is well underway in North America, too.

Related Article:
Mexican President Calls for EU-style North American Union

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A massive power grab by the "International Criminal Court" could end up legitimizing the kangaroo body's illegitimate claim to have jurisdiction over every person on Earth including you, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. Neither the U.S. government nor the Israeli government are signatories to the Rome Statute that created the controversial court. And yet, under the guise of pursuing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for "genocide," the court is claiming it has the power to prosecute him despite the State of Israel never offering its consent. Now, the "Court" is even threatening U.S. Senators who are speaking out. In this episode, Alex does a deep dive into all the dangers of this kangaroo court and how you can help stop it.

Related Articles:
War on South Africa | Behind the Deep State

NATO, Rebels Investigated by ICC for War Crimes in Libya

Courting Global Tyranny

CFR Leadership Changing Hands — Not Policy

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For more episodes of Behind The Deep State, visit

Libertarians booed Donald Trump during his speech at their national convention. Then they selected a presidential candidate who supports vaccine mandates and open borders, all while claiming their goal is to “become ungovernable.” This illustrates the dubious notion that libertarians are small-government purists. It also reinforces a deeper premise, one held by the Founding Fathers: Political parties are not the answer. In this episode, TNA’s editorial staff use the libertarian debacle as a jumping off point to discuss how tribalistic allegiances blind people to the principles we should hold lawmakers accountable and the how Americans can smash the stranglehold of the part system.

House and Senate Republicans have offered up a Congressional Review Act resolution condemning the Biden Admin for its many faceted attacks on gun owners and the gun industry and they are using a strategy with some power to overturn the Biden ATF’s flagrant misuse of power. Just like in any relationship it is good to reaffirm your love every once in a while. SO, from gun owners across the country.

Thanks honey.

And our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on Vermillion, SD where a man unlawfully and forcefully entered” a home. I guess he took the welcome mat a little too seriously, because he was absolutely unwelcome and that should have been clear by the restraining order that he was violating by even being 500 ft from the home. Now, he is having a permanent out of body experience. Perhaps the restraining order was issued to protect him from himself.

Thank you for watching 2A For Today! This is Zoe!

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The Manhattan kangaroo court has delivered the expected verdict, to the dismay of Trump supporters and the delight of his political enemies. What comes next for Trump, and how will this outrageous decision damage the American legal system going forward?

Also on today's show, America has just authorized Ukraine to use our weapons to strike "approved" targets inside Russia. We discuss what this may mean for the possibility of a future US-Russia conflict.

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In loving memory of Ben Armstrong, September 1976-May 2024.
Condolences can be sent to the Armstrong family at [email protected].

Join us in this heartfelt tribute as we honor the extraordinary work of Ben Armstrong.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

For reliable news and in-depth information, explore The New American at

Catch all episodes of The Ben Armstrong Show by visiting

Today on The Kate Dalley Show, KrisAnne Hall from the KrisAnne Hall Show, joins Kate to take an insightful look into the outrageous show trial of the former President and the unbelievable Trump verdict that makes a mockery of our justice system. As an experienced trial lawyer, KrisAnne dives into whether she thinks there will be repercussions from this Kangaroo Court.

Kate asks, “Are you upset? Do you feel like… he is the only hope. That if we don’t get him in, we lose everything?” Many Americans would now answer in the emphatic affirmative in the wake of the travesty in Judge Merchan’s courtroom. Kate discusses her expectations of Trump and asks callers to share their feelings on the topic and speaks to how, amidst the Democrat and Deep State rush to destroy the Constitution and convert America into a banana republic.

Kate Dalley also had a fascinating discussion with author David A. Hughes of the book “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy.” Among the many topics discussed today, David sheds light on how Covid got started. As David points out, “Why they felt the need to conduct this operation on virtually all populations is pretty horrifying.” In addition, Kate asks about nanoparticles and what ingredients might be in the Covid-19 clot shot.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Kate Dalley Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

NATO nations are beginning to lift restrictions on how Ukraine can use Western-made weapons in their failing war against Russia. Poland, England, and even the U.S. seem to be changing their position by suggesting Ukraine should now target positions inside Russia. This has triggered threats of “global conflict” from the Kremlin. We discuss how this and the recent deployment of U.S. troops to Taiwan is bringing the world close to a global war.

Also in this episode:

@ [22:08] | The judge overseeing the Trump “hush money” trial issued asinine, TDS-fueled instructions to the jury, proving once again the illegitimate nature of the entire ordeal.

@ [40:50] | A new study indicates again that water fluoridation causes brain damage in babies.

@ [49:08] | JBS research manager Christian Gomez discusses the effort to pass anti-CBDC legislation in the house.


Read “A War Between Two Villains?”

Watch “Conservatism Is Not Constitutionalism.”

Urge you congressmen to pass anti-CBDC legislation using JBS’s legislative alert.

Millersville, Tennessee Assistant Chief of Police Shawn Taylor discusses with The New American his investigation of child sex trafficking and its ties with elected government officials. Assistant Police Chief Taylor responds to the attacks against him by local news media.

Taylor also reveals that arrests are coming which may shock people. “The simple fact is that the child sex trafficking, here in the United States, is prolific. It goes into our political realm,” Taylor explained. “The money from child sex trafficking-narcotics trafficking is ending up in political coffers, which means that we have some people in office that don’t need to be in office because they are taking money from Illicit acts and things of that nature and they’re covering up for these evil people. And that’s just not acceptable.’

Assistant Police Chief Taylor also reveals that based on the tips received and leads from previous arrests that about a hundred more arrests are coming. “The data that we have, that’s coming in, and the data we’re going to be receiving is going to lead to, I would probably say, an estimate there’s probably going to be well over a hundred arrests.”

Taylor confirms that names of political figures and organizations have been identified in the facilitation of child sex trafficking, but cannot reveal who they are at present in order to not jeopardize the on-going investigation. One of the challenges of the investigation, according to him, is staying within their local municipal jurisdiction. As a result, he explained that the Millersville Police Department will seek court warrants and subpoenas if probable cause is found. He also confirmed that the MPD is in contact with other law enforcement agencies outside of Tennessee and with the attorneys general of other states. “We are actively working toward having law enforcement officials in other states come together and basically build a multi-state taskforce to be able to intercept some of these child traffickers [and] some of these pedophiles.”

If anyone has any credible tips or information that may help to further this investigation, Taylor encourages people to reach out to Veterans for Child Rescue, an organization the MPD is working together with in this investigation.

Previously Aired 12/27/23

Tucker says the Bushes and Republicans tricked him.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:
1. - Tucker, “The Bushes were the Obamas of the right”

2. - How the Republicans sold us out to China
The real Great Replacement is the robots

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Catch all episodes of The Ben Armstrong Show by visiting

In our latest Kate Dalley Show, we dig into the media frenzy surrounding Donald Trump's ongoing trial with guest Susan Reeve. Kate and Susan discuss how the trial has dominated news cycles, with major networks continually rotating similar headlines. As Kate points out, “It’s like it’s not just unbalanced, I think it’s complete and utter fakery.”

Our conversation also delved into the perpetual drama surrounding the British monarchy. This constant drama keeps the monarchy in the public eye, but it also raises questions about the institution's relevance and stability in the 21st century.

Next, Kate dives into the formulation of one popular product during a discussion with Melissa Smith. According to Melissa, Coca Cola made a deal with Microsoft for AI services and cloud storage. Coke’s explanation is that this contractual agreement is for supply chain management. But as Melissa points out, this seems a bit odd with the cost of the arrangement coming in at the princely sum of 1.5 billion dollars! Digging into further documentation, Melissa read that Coca Cola claims they created the flavor for their Y3000 beverage (the “Coke flavor from the future”) using artificial intelligence. A flavor created by AI? Melissa goes on to discuss this and the use of florescent nanoparticles in all kinds of food including Coca Cola.

As we wrap up today's show, it's clear that we are living in a world brimming with complex and often controversial issues. From the high-stakes drama of Donald Trump's trial to the enduring saga of the British monarchy, there's no shortage of headlines to dissect. We've also touched on the surprising contention of nanoparticles in Coca Cola, the Hunter Biden gun trial, and the alarming reports of North Korea's provocative actions against South Korea.

Stay tuned as we keep bringing you in-depth discussions and expert insights on pivotal topics. Until next time, stay informed and engaged.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Kate Dalley Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Since the rushed rollout of the mRNA Covid-19 injections, reports of resulting injuries and death have steadily trickled into the public news space, despite attempts to censor and discredit them. In this episode, we look at newly available personal communications between National Institutes of Health officials and the “vaccine” injured. The people who reached out to NIH were experiencing pain and loss at a level they never expected. And despite the harrowing experiences of so many, the government continued pushing those injections onto the public.

Also in this episode:

@ 24:23 | Will Trump go to jail?

@ 49:38 | John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn on the passing of Ben Armstrong.


Read "Vax Propaganda Plan Exposed"

Remember Dr. Bhakdi's "vaccine prediction" from April 2021? See how well that aged HERE

Visit JBS.ORG and get plugged into activism that works.

Read communications people injured by the injection sent to NIH officials HERE

Previously Aired 1/11/24

China hopes to get its way in Taiwan without firing a shot. Also, Iran and Russia are producing thousands of new attack drones.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:

2. Erick Stakelbeck - The Watchman - EXCLUSIVE: Israeli Drones TRANSFORMING Gaza Battlefield; Iran Boasts New Attack Drone

For reliable news and in-depth information, explore The New American at

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AstraZeneca has pulled its Covid vaccine from the worldwide market for “purely commercial” reasons because improved products are now available, according to major media reports. The backstory is that the company has been sued and admitted in court of dangerous blood clotting issues in patients.
Many countries had already reported problems: the United Kingdom and Ireland, Australia, Denmark, and several others, though the European Union labeled it safe in the face of ample evidence to the contrary.
Retired Air Force Major Tom Haviland meets with The New American senior editor Rebecca Terrell to discuss these latest developments. He has been researching Covid-jab-related adverse effects since losing his job in 2021 as a military contractor. His crime: refusing Biden’s mandates.
Haviland’s research indicates that blood clotting issues from other Covid vaccine manufacturers are just as bad as those caused by AstraZeneca. Embalmers in the United States have reported rampant “white fibrous clots” in cadavers since the Covid pandemic. Haviland also has new information from cardiologist and endovascular specialist reports that the same phenomenon is turning up in living patients.
Haviland is the author of Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Surveys Show Possible Link to Covid Vaccines.

On our latest episode, Kate Dalley delves into the significance of Memorial Day, emphasizing the importance of remembering and honoring those who have given their lives in service to the nation.

In another critical discussion, Kate and Uncle Milty address the topic of COVID vaccines and the ongoing debate about their safety and efficacy. With millions of doses administered worldwide, they have been surrounded by controversy. Kate discusses the adverse effects and fatalities potentially linked to the vaccines.

In another segment, we talk about the rise of Smart Cities. From efficient energy management systems to advanced public transportation networks, smart cities aim to enhance the quality of urban life while addressing environmental sustainability. However, these advancements also raise important questions about privacy, data security, and the potential for increased surveillance and police state controls over personal autonomy and travel.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to transform various sectors, and in this episode Kate dedicates a segment to understanding its far-reaching implications. AI is being integrated into industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation, offering improvements in efficiency and accuracy. However, with these advancements come ethical considerations and potential risks. These include the potential for mass economic dislocation as people are replaced by AI. Guest Mel Mattison discusses this and more, along with the movie Atlas, starring Jennifer Lopez.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Kate Dalley Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

The World Health Organization’s attempt to hijack local and national control of emergency responses under the guise of “global health” has failed. It turns out that pesky “national interests” have obstructed the road to a global utopia. The New American’s editorial staff break down what happened.

Also in this episode:

@ 19:40 | Kentucky Senator Rand Paul believes enough evidence to charge Dr. Anthony Fauci with crimes may finally have accrued thanks to recent congressional testimony from former top Fauci aide Dr. David Morens;

@ 31:30 | A large number of Democratic mayors across the country are asking Joe Biden to fast track work permits for the deluge of migrants who have overwhelmed their cities;

@ 39:06 | Some legal analysts predict a hung jury in the Trump hush-money trial;

@ 47:00 | The International Court of Justice is trying to exert its will on Israel’s Gaza response.


Watch "Biden & UN WHO 'Pandemic Treaty' Will Crush US Sovereignty"

Read "The Vax & Premature Deaths"

Take action with the "Get US Out! of the WHO — Support H.R. 79" legislative alert HERE

Take action with the "Get US Out! of the UN — Support the Defund Act (H.R. 6645 & S. 3428) HERE

Previously Aired 1/02/24

China and their allies are on the move and all out war could be right around the corner.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:
1. Newsmax - Danger 'already here' in China-Iran threat to U.S., experts warn

2. Bannon’s War Room - Harnwell: Putin launches his largest airstrike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Why now?!

3. Fox News - Iran is already at war with US, expert warns

For reliable news and in-depth information, explore The New American at

Catch all episodes of The Ben Armstrong Show by visiting

U.S. debt is out of control, and we are heading toward the edge of an economic cliff. What’s more, the elites plan to use the likely coming economic collapse as the perfect pretext to foist central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) on the world, which would turn us all into slaves.

Money expert and former consultant to a number of government agencies Kevin Freeman discusses his mission to restore sound money. Freeman is the author of the bestseller Pirate Money: Discovering the Founders’ Hidden Plan for Economic Justice and Defeating the Great Reset. He is considered one of the world’s leading experts on economic warfare and financial terrorism, and he’s working with officials in 25 states to restore sound money.

Time stamps

@ 9:20 | How the elites will use an economic collapse to impose serfdom

@ 20:20 | Restoring currency with pirate money

@ 38:49 | Wizard of Oz is an economic allegory


Watch “FBI Colludes With Banks in Fascist-style Surveillance Operations”

Watch “Experts Warn of Imminent Dollar Collapse”

Learn more about pirate money at

Get your copy of Creature from Jekyll Island HERE

Today we are going to play a few highlights from the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing on oversight of the BATFE where the Director of the ATF Steven Dettlebach tried to gaslight Congress. He constantly asserted that the ATF follows the law, but our lie detector test (the facts) determined that to be a lie.

Welcome to 2A For Today! My name is Zoe!

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Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

2851 videos

Category News & Politics

Since 1985, The New American, news magazine has covered the real issues that affect Americans and the American Republic. The magazine’s motto is “That Freedom Shall Not Perish”, so readers can expect fiscally sound, constitutionally correct, and morally attuned news and political commentary that is rarely “politically correct”.

The printed news magazine is published twice per month and its website features free daily content from articles to podcasts to videos. All news sources have bias, and this magazine’s bias is that of the truth — not simply facts with which the staff agrees.