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Interview with Abraham Finkel(FRANKEN)stein - Children end as fast food in MC Donalds Restaurant

The uncut raw material from Trump's interview with "60 minutes" 🎥 Published in advance so that the station does not change Trump's statements by manipulative editing. It is the interview that the president interrupted. Have fun! 🍿

Charles Strange (father of Michael Strange) confirms the CIA-Whistleblower Alan H. Parrot info

Full Interview Footage with CIA WHISTLEBLOWER Alan Howell Parrot, Charles Woods.

Anna Khait joins Gary Franchi to breakdown her bombshell tweet that is going viral across the web, “BREAKING: Allen Harrow Parrot (CIA whistleblower) tells Charles Woods (father of Tyrone Woods killed in Benghazi) that Obama and Biden sent Iran 152 Billion Dollars as a coverup for the deaths of Seal Team 6. Allen said that ALL of the proof will come out: documents and audio.” She's heard the audio and it implicates top Obama officials.

How much can handle Children or Minors when used as sex slave and raped by Pedophiles worldwide? Real life Documentary from the Netherland

This is the original FOX NEWS Footage. Hillary Clinton, Obama, Comey, Brennen and many more are accused of high treason publicly. Proved by Declassified Documents.

I will send out an army. To find you in the middle of darkest night .It’s true. I will rescue you
💔 Whew...chill bumps everywhere. God bless everyone bringing this darkest evil into the light and fighting for these children and adults. 💔

Incredible new information regarding the children, the tunnels, and an amazing secret organization (TLS) that is saving our children!

Warning! This may be the most controversial live post I have done to date. Is it a cocincidence that I am showing you this on the anniversary of 9/11? You tell me what you see.

Charlie Chaplins "Der große Diktator" ist ein großartiger Film, ja ein wahres Meisterwerk. Dieser Ausschnitt aus dem Film zeigt die Schlussrede an die Menscheit mit der hinterlegten Musik von Hans Zimmer (Time).

Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" is a great film, indeed a true masterpiece. This excerpt from the film shows the final speech to humanity with the music by Hans Zimmer (Time).

Die MainStream Medien haben heute verlauten lassen das die Demo für den 29.08.2020 in Berlin abgesagt wurde. Das stimmt nicht. Bitte schaut euch das Video an und teilt es mit allen Freunden, Familie und Verwandte. Wir klären gerne zu dieser Lüge über die MainStream Medien auf.

Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat, gebt einen Daumen hoch dafür, teilt es mit euren Freunden und schreibt eure Meinung in die Kommentare.

LUKASCHENKO NEWS: 😡If that is true‼️😡 Lukashenko: World Bank and IMF assistance for coronavirus will only be granted on condition that the "Italian model" of lockdown will be followed. Very important!!! Please get someone on your site who can translate the german language into your mother language.

I wrote an article titled "Trump Does The Unthinkable" because I was so disgusted at the lies the mainstream media & loud-mouthed celebrities were spreading about then presidential candidate Donald Trump. No one had anything bad to say about Trump till he made the decision to run for President as a Republican. My goal was to capture the essence of who the real Donald Trump is. This article went viral immediately & recently it’s been circulating a lot again across multiple social media platforms. I decided to turn this article into a video to reach as many people as possible so they too can learn the true heart of our President during a time when it’s still very hard to find honest reporting anywhere in the media.

Wikileaks Emails between Marina Abramovic and Tony Podesta. Subject: Dinner

The 5D Chess Game between the Dark and the Light Forces continues. I share how I predicted Black Lives Matter Riots in my video from March 2020 as another Psy-OP that the dark forces would use to create panic, chaos, and separation, all for a POLITICAL agenda to attempt to deter the Ascension of this Planet!


Created 4 years ago.

19 videos

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