Justin Trouble

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Justin Trouble

Justin Trouble

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See here - https://culturewarencyclopedia.substack.com/p/l-i-n-k-s
This is why non-Muslims must carry guns at all times.
Source: @TRobinsonNewEra (Tommy Robison on X).
"Islam critics stabbed in Mannheim, Germany, by crazed
Muslim migrant.
Police were also stabbed."

ee here -
Source - @thehealthb0t (Healthbot on X)
"NEVER FORGET: This is how an 18 year old active duty service member was treated for refusing to take the experimental mRNA injection."

See here - https://culturewarencyclopedia.substack.com/p/l-i-n-k-s
Source: @TRobinsonNewEra (Tommy Robinson on Twitter) "UK police can't seem to arrest actual criminals, but plain clothes detectives can rock up at your door because of a Facebook post due to an allegation of 'malicious communication'.

Meanwhile pro Hamas scum call for jihad on our streets and fuck all happens to them.

The UK police are a fucking joke." https://twitter.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1795015010705432926

See here - https://culturewarencyclopedia.substack.com/p/l-i-n-k-s
Source: Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo on X) here - https://x.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1794875545005461514
"I went undercover into an Islamic terror rally in London. Hizb ut-Tahrir was declared a terrorist organization by the British government & is now banned. This was their last public rally. They urged "Muslim armies" to mobilize for jihad for Palestine. Watch:https://ngo.locals.com/post/5679259/andy-ngo-goes-undercover-at-london-islamic-terrorist-group-rally "

See here - https://culturewarencyclopedia.substack.com/p/l-i-n-k-s
Source - posted on X, April 22, 2024 by Tommy Robinson @TRobinsonNewEra https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1782078363873444173

In case you've been living under a rock (believe mainstream "news" (propaganda)), this is not about legal immigration of families. It's about hostile jihadists invading the homes of infidels and waging jihad on the streets of civilized people.
My source: https://x.com/Xx17965797N/status/1790791929812156444
See more here - https://culturewarencyclopedia.substack.com/p/l-i-n-k-s

Source: Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra
) "Frenchman sick of Moroccan youths harassing passengers aboard a train takes matters into his own hands." https://twitter.com/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1790722593126768764

These 2 old ladies are reportedly from the group called Just Stop Oil. They are trying to crack open the glass that protects the Magna Carta. See more here - https://culturewarencyclopedia.substack.com/p/l-i-n-k-s


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

988 videos

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My videos are concerned with the principles of freedom and equality. I cover things like the anti-free-speech movement, Antifa, SJWs & more.
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