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Now you know why leftards are protesting Israel. The Jews must accept Trump as their King.
Netanyahu is openly and intentionally exposing the crimes of Israel.
Everything that has happened in the past 8 years is geared towards getting people to accept Trump as their King.

This is why Trump moved the Capitol/Embassy to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is going to be the HQ of the NWO. Israel used U.S. military weapons to kill 3rd world farmers. It was celebrated as an incredible achievement. That is the equivalent of the U.S. military going to war with the Amish. Hardly an incredible achievement. It still continues today.

(((They))) are using your moral compass to destroy American jobs.
(((They))) have been consolidating industries since the creation of NAFTA. It kicked into overdrive in 2001 when China joined the WTO.
There are always two government-subsidized/owned businesses to give you the illusion of capitalism. (Duet chain strategy)
Home Depot-Lowes
What companies did Trump deem essential, bring into the Whitehouse?
They are currently taking it a step further by eliminating brick & mortar stores via Amazon.
Do you really believe all of those $100 billion contracts were to create a cloud?
Were the windowless buildings already standing in every major city?
The $100 billion contracts were used to create Amazon for the sole purpose of driving you into poverty & destroying the U.S.
We went from an industrial nation to a service industry nation to Amazon.
In the 70's and 80's there were hardware stores, pharmacies, and a variety of dry goods stores on every corner. The duets were allegedly created to make the items you need affordable.
Hegelian Dialectic...
They created the problem via NAFTA & the WTO, and they provide a solution via the duet chain strategy at the expense of American small businesses.
It is not about Target, Bud Light, Harley Davidson, Levi, etc. it is about eliminating the income of the employees.

"Only at the precipice will people find the will to change."
Is it a coincidence that the "Q" plan is the same plan used many times in the past?
Currently in the Demoralization & Destabilization Phase. There is a crisis just around the corner. Is this the reason for the border invasion?


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

504 videos

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A dictionary of Jewish surnames: